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Use a Stable Sort for MMC columns

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  • dsieber

    • Apr 2002
    • 23

    Use a Stable Sort for MMC columns

    It's a drag when I click on "Album" and I get the album column sorted, but the tracks are not in the right order! If you implemented a stable sort, I could achieve what I want, and many other things with the added flexibility.

    For instance, I click on the "Track Number" heading, and I get my tracks in order. Then I click on the "Album" heading, and viola! the albums are sorted, and sorted by track number within album as well! I could also click on "Track" (the title column) and then "Album", and get my albums with the tracks sorted by track title. Very flexible!

    Just another idea....
  • Unregistered

    That would be a great feature. It would be even better for me if it could read the track number from windows media files as all my tracks have the but the program/codec can't read them.


    • Unregistered

      Re: Use a Stable Sort for MMC columns

      Originally posted by dsieber
      It's a drag when I click on "Album" and I get the album column sorted, but the tracks are not in the right order! If you implemented a stable sort, I could achieve what I want, and many other things with the added flexibility.

      For instance, I click on the "Track Number" heading, and I get my tracks in order. Then I click on the "Album" heading, and viola! the albums are sorted, and sorted by track number within album as well! I could also click on "Track" (the title column) and then "Album", and get my albums with the tracks sorted by track title. Very flexible!

      Just another idea....
      Agreed. A better sorting function is needed. I just downloaded the player and have been using it for the past hour, and that was the first thing I noticed.



      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44844

        NB the current beta version of dAP (in beta) solves this problem.

