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Discussion of dMC R12 Alpha

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  • Vulcan

    • Aug 2006
    • 27

    Re: Discussion of dMC R12 Alpha

    Originally posted by Vulcan
    Spoon, I am having trouble with alpha 7 in secure mode.

    Upon trying to rip any track, I get an error lik the the following:

    Error ripping to Test Conversion, 'Track 3' to 'E:\My Music\FLAC\Kara's Flowers\Fourth World (1997)\03 Myself.IGNORE'
    Unable to read CD, check CD disc (frame LBA 33306) [clRipperSecure::Rip]

    I did uninstall the previous alpha and 11.5 before installing, and this is the first time I have encountered such a problem. Please feel free to email me if you need any more information.
    Spoon, any ideas on this? Again, burst mode works perfectly.


    • gaillard
      dBpoweramp Enthusiast

      • Aug 2006
      • 51

      Re: Discussion of dMC R12 Alpha

      that disk needs cleaning there bud. Most of the time that does it for me, sometimes needing severe brasso, and then turtle wax. Although it will probably go from that to insecure, takes some polishing to get deep scratches out...


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44840

        Re: Discussion of dMC R12 Alpha

        >Is there a reason encoding and ripping are not done at the same time - rip while encoding, instead of rip 1 track, encode, rip next track?

        It would do this if you had a dual core machine.

        >When placing a disc in a second drive the CRCs from the rip from the first drive do not show.

        Thanks will look at that.

        >Also, it would be nice not to have to do a test conversion and have the CPU work, just a test rip.

        Test coversion should no load the cpu.


        • bhoar
          dBpoweramp Guru

          • Sep 2006
          • 1173

          Re: Discussion of dMC R12 Alpha

          Originally posted by Spoon
          >Is there a reason encoding and ripping are not done at the same time - rip while encoding, instead of rip 1 track, encode, rip next track?

          It would do this if you had a dual core machine.
          Spoon - are you using this non-parallel approach on single CPU systems because your rip-analysis algorithms take up more CPU (justifiably) than other rippers out there, and you want to make sure the analysis does not get to far behind the audio data reading? Just curious...



          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44840

            Re: Discussion of dMC R12 Alpha

            No not at all, I am thinking of enabling the encoding whilst secure ripping the next track (for burst it makes no difference).


            • TrueAudio

              • Oct 2006
              • 2

              ATTN: Vulcan

              I have previously experienced your exact same problem with R12 Alpha 7. Let me guess? You are using an external drive with a USB 2.0 interface? If you are, THAT is what is causing the problem. R12 A7 (I don't know if it is the fault of USB 2.0 in and of itself, or if it is even in fact correctable within Spoons software) is incapable of properly interacting with the C2 command set(s) over USB 2.0.

              I had this problem with 2 different and brand new external Plextor PX-716UF drives, with different hardware revisions even, one TLA 0203, and one TLA 0304. One with latest firmware v 1.10, and one with 1.04. If you are using this same drive OR if your drive (*assuming* that you are using an external drive--if you are using an internal IDE/SCSI drive, then your problem is obviously different in scope) is of the external variety; either by design, or via separate USB enclosure. Use the Firewire (1394) interface, that is what I did, and in secure mode with C2 everything then worked perfectly. Spoon has stated in the HA forums that he will be looking into this issue.

              Here's the difference between the exact same drive and settings using USB 2.0 interface, and the latter Firewire (1394).

              USB 2.0
              dBpowerAMP Release 12 Alpha 7 Digital Audio Extraction Log from Thursday, October 19, 2006 4:08 PM

              Drive & Settings

              Ripping with drive 'I: [PLEXTOR - DVDR PX-716A ]', Drive offset: 30, Overread Lead-in/out: Yes
              AccurateRip: Active, Using C2: Yes, Cache: None, FUA Cache Invalidate: Yes
              Pass 1 Drive Speed: Max, Pass 2 Drive Speed: Max
              Ultra:: Vary Drive Speed: No, Min Passes: 1, Max Passes: 6, Finish After Clean Passes: 1
              Bad Sector Re-rip:: Drive Speed: Max, Maximum Re-reads: 700

              Encoder: Wave -compression="PCM"

              Extraction Log

              Track 1: ERROR Ripping LBA 0 to 24260 (5:23) in 0:00. Filename: K:\DBPWRAMP_EXT_AUDIO\Fiona Apple\Fiona Apple - When the Pawn Hits the Conflicts He Thinks Like a King... - 01 - On the Bound.wav
              Unable to read CD, check CD disc (frame LBA 0)

              Track 2: ERROR Ripping LBA 24260 to 40831 (3:40) in 0:00. Filename: K:\DBPWRAMP_EXT_AUDIO\Fiona Apple\Fiona Apple - When the Pawn Hits the Conflicts He Thinks Like a King... - 02 - To Your Love.wav
              Unable to read CD, check CD disc (frame LBA 24260)

              dBpowerAMP Release 12 Alpha 7 Digital Audio Extraction Log from Thursday, October 19, 2006 7:47 PM

              Drive & Settings

              Ripping with drive 'I: [PLEXTOR - DVDR PX-716A ]', Drive offset: 30, Overread Lead-in/out: Yes
              AccurateRip: Active, Using C2: Yes, Cache: None, FUA Cache Invalidate: Yes
              Pass 1 Drive Speed: Max, Pass 2 Drive Speed: Max
              Ultra:: Vary Drive Speed: No, Min Passes: 1, Max Passes: 6, Finish After Clean Passes: 1
              Bad Sector Re-rip:: Drive Speed: Max, Maximum Re-reads: 700

              Encoder: Wave -compression="PCM"

              Extraction Log

              Track 1: Ripped LBA 0 to 24260 (5:23) in 0:16. Filename: K:\DBPWRAMP_EXT_AUDIO\Fiona Apple\Fiona Apple - When the Pawn Hits the Conflicts He Thinks Like a King... - 01 - On the Bound.wav
              AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 24) [Pass 1]
              CRC32: 932173EE

              Track 2: Ripped LBA 24260 to 40831 (3:40) in 0:10. Filename: K:\DBPWRAMP_EXT_AUDIO\Fiona Apple\Fiona Apple - When the Pawn Hits the Conflicts He Thinks Like a King... - 02 - To Your Love.wav
              AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 23) [Pass 1]
              CRC32: 157B81BF


              • TrueAudio

                • Oct 2006
                • 2

                Re: Discussion of dMC R12 Alpha

                One thing I wanted to add, I have not noticed whether or not anyone at all has in fact gotten secure mode with C2 to work with an external USB 2.0 drive (whether enclosed internal drive or manufactured AS an external drive). Therefore, in the interest of completeness to help out development with potential troubleshooting, I will list the controllers/hardware of my system in case it was in fact chipset specific responsible for the problem.

                Motherboard: ASUS P4C800-E Deluxe, latest BIOS
                Proc P4 2.6Ghz Hyperthreading enabled
                RAM 1GB OCZ PC 4200
                USB Controllers: Intel 82801EB USB2 Enhanced Host Controller (didn't work withc2, secure mode)
                All latest MB/chipset drivers

                Firewire Controller: VIA OHCI Compliant IEEE 1394 Host Controller (works perfectly with C2, secure mode

                Hope this is helpful

                Thanks again Spoon for a truly legendary program


                • Vulcan

                  • Aug 2006
                  • 27

                  Re: ATTN: Vulcan

                  Originally posted by TrueAudio
                  I have previously experienced your exact same problem with R12 Alpha 7. Let me guess? You are using an external drive with a USB 2.0 interface? If you are, THAT is what is causing the problem. R12 A7 (I don't know if it is the fault of USB 2.0 in and of itself, or if it is even in fact correctable within Spoons software) is incapable of properly interacting with the C2 command set(s) over USB 2.0
                  Actually it is a traditional internal drive. It's always worked flawlesly up until now, so I'm not sure what is up.

                  EDIT: FIXED! Turns out the 'communication' setting was that was doing it. Changed it to ASPI and everything works great again.

                  Actually, I take that back... The drive I usually use for ripping is still refusing to work it seems.
                  Last edited by Vulcan; October 21, 2006, 01:12 AM.


                  • Vulcan

                    • Aug 2006
                    • 27

                    Re: Discussion of dMC R12 Alpha

                    I've narrowed the problem I'm having down to the C2 error detection being on. Everything starts working fine as soon as I disable it. So, whatever changes were made between alpha-7 and alpha-6 caused issues with my drive apparently. Again, feel free to contact me if you need some more info.


                    • Spoon
                      • Apr 2002
                      • 44840

                      Re: Discussion of dMC R12 Alpha

                      Unable to read CD, check CD disc (frame LBA 33306) [clRipperSecure::Rip]
                      That is the problem you are having vulcan, on one cd or all?


                      • Vulcan

                        • Aug 2006
                        • 27

                        Re: Discussion of dMC R12 Alpha

                        Originally posted by Spoon
                        That is the problem you are having vulcan, on one cd or all?
                        On all discs, but only when C2 is turned on. C2 worked fine prior to alpha 7.


                        • Spoon
                          • Apr 2002
                          • 44840

                          Re: Discussion of dMC R12 Alpha

                          Vulcan check out Alpha 8 when it is out (a few weeks), it should correct this.


                          • gaillard
                            dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                            • Aug 2006
                            • 51

                            Re: Discussion of dMC R12 Alpha

                            is that just a 716 issue?


                            • Vulcan

                              • Aug 2006
                              • 27

                              Re: Discussion of dMC R12 Alpha

                              Originally posted by Spoon
                              Vulcan check out Alpha 8 when it is out (a few weeks), it should correct this.
                              Thanks Spoon, I will make sure to do that.


                              • EliC
                                dBpoweramp Guru

                                • May 2004
                                • 1175

                                Re: Discussion of dMC R12 Alpha

                                first pass with secure mode vs burst mode, what is the difference. I have a track that get AR verified 21 every time with burst mode but cannot rip accurately with secure mode. I thought the first rip was pretty much burst with accurate rip checking...?

