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Creative Jukebox Sveta Driver Beta 2

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  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44845

    Creative Jukebox Sveta Driver Beta 2

    This beta adds Creative Jukeboxes (including III) to Sveta, for those who have previously installed a Creative Jukebox driver (WDM) remove your JukeBox from Sveta (run the Add Devices Program), then uninstall the Sveta Windows Device Media driver.



    You might also have to install:


    Notes - There will be an update to handle playlists later, for now there is a global 'Create All Tracks Playlist' command in sveta explorer.

    Please post here if you have tried this driver and if it works.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44845

    Oh yes, forgot to say - if you need the WDM driver for another deivce as well - pick the First 'Creative Jukebox' device listed in Sveta Add Devices. You will know if you have the right one (that is working with the new driver) as there will be a command 'Jukebox Properties' in the Extras button (Sveta Explorer)


    • Unregistered

      just tried it, didnt work still (jb3 USB)

      the dll version was

      and the installer was 361 KB (369,738 bytes) not 365 kb like you said, so i hope my isp hasnt got the file cached and isnt letting me download the new file.

      going to try these other drivers anyway and let you know.



      • Unregistered

        just tried those drivers you have there, no jb3 support.

        so the new(er) SDK you have probably doesnt support jb3 still.

        let me know if you need me to try anything.


        PS, the license agreement at the start of the driver install linked in this thread says July 2001.


        • auenf

          • Aug 2002
          • 17

          ok, i gave up and finally registered...


          the drv package you posted is for jukebox only, the file 'drv_jb3.exe' which is on supports all three btw..., and yes it has july 2001 license agreement too.

          in progra~\illustrate\dbpoweramp\sveta\devices the creative jukebox.dll is version and there are no devices detected (see attachment).

          im trying to get hold of the latest SDK for you too, will let you know what happens, but it seems definately the one you are using now doesnt support jb3?



          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44845

            I was under the impression it would, but then again it says nothing of the Jukebox 3 in the help - I got the SDK v3 from

            It might be worth while looking in the C:\Program Files\Illustrate\dbpoweramp\Sveta-log.txt

            it might have some clues if there is a failure.


            • auenf

              • Aug 2002
              • 17

              uhh, i tried to attach the sveta-log.txt to the previous post, but obviously didnt work

              Creating Callback Window: Sucess
              Creating JukeInstance: Sucess
              Initializing Jukebox: Fail
              Found 0 Jukeboxes
              Shutting Down Jukebox: Sucess
              Releasing Jukebox: Sucess
              Deleting Notify Window: Sucess
              Clearing Root Storage: Sucess


              • Spoon
                • Apr 2002
                • 44845

                That is exactly what I get when my Jukebox is not connected. Could I have the wrong SDK yet again?...


                • auenf

                  you possibly have the wrong SDK again, that drv_jb.exe came from the SDK? it doesnt contain jb3 drivers at all (drv_jb3.exe contains jb and jb3 drivers).

                  im going to try the sample app out of that SDK and see what happens.

                  it is working fine for jb1 users?



                  • Spoon
                    • Apr 2002
                    • 44845

                    Haven't heard :(


                    • auenf

                      • Aug 2002
                      • 17

                      ok, got it to actually detect now

                      worked out that your installer was installing an old file (cause it broke notmad explorer as well, but not playcentre or ct file manager), basically doing a forced jb3 driver install fixed it (most probably the ctnmjb2.dll, which is v in your driver, the jb3 driver installs

                      now that i can open the sveta window, all the files in the list are detected properly mp3 v wma, but they appear as '3 - K' which is 3 doors down - kryptonite.

                      there is no scroll bar?

                      didnt try transfer, but it seems to pick up file sizes and free space fine.



                      • Spoon
                        • Apr 2002
                        • 44845

                        Could you check that install once more please, it is bad news if the installer overwrites a version of a dll with an older one.

                        Also if you have their example program that comes with the SDK can you try that - see if it lists the filenames correctly.


                        • auenf

                          • Aug 2002
                          • 17

                          in the jukebox SDK2 sample (actually, installing the SDK breaks JB3 usability in sveta, the samples and notmad, but not creative file manager/playcentre) shows full track names in the list.

                          ill check later which files your installer puts in, but i dont think its overwriting a file, its putting in an older file into the system(32) directory that creative are putting in the creative shared directory now (download and instal dl_jb3.exe from nomadworld, it includes jb1 drivers too)

                          a suggestion for the 'viewing' part of svetta is to put DATA as a separate section (not sure if its handled the same with the jb1 though)



                          • auenf

                            • Aug 2002
                            • 17

                            ohh, and i dont think you are releasing the jukebox properly, i seem to have to reset mine after closing sveta, anyone else notice that?



                            • auenf

                              • Aug 2002
                              • 17

                              just looking at the jb3 driver install, and im pretty sure the only file thats commonly installed between your install and the jb3 driver is the ctnmjb2.dll, but you arent overwriting it...

                              ***  Installation Started 08/14/2002 19:23  ***
                              Title: NOMAD Jukebox 3 Driver
                              Source: E:\downloads\Drv_Jb3.EXE
                              File Copy: D:\Program Files\Creative\Jukebox 3 Drivers\UNWISE.EXE
                              RegDB Key: Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\NOMAD Jukebox 3 Driver
                              RegDB Val: NOMAD Jukebox 3 Driver
                              RegDB Name: DisplayName
                              RegDB Root: 2
                              RegDB Key: Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\NOMAD Jukebox 3 Driver
                              RegDB Val: D:\PROGRA~1\Creative\JUKEBO~2\UNWISE.EXE D:\PROGRA~1\Creative\JUKEBO~2\JB3DRV.LOG
                              RegDB Name: UninstallString
                              RegDB Root: 2
                              File Copy: D:\Program Files\Creative\Jukebox 3 Drivers\DrvUnins.ini
                              File Overwrite: D:\Program Files\Creative\Jukebox 3 Drivers\DrvUnins.EXE
                              File Copy: D:\Program Files\Creative\Jukebox 3 Drivers\UNWISE.INI
                              File Copy: D:\Program Files\Creative\Jukebox 3 Drivers\
                              File Copy: D:\Program Files\Creative\Jukebox 3 Drivers\
                              File Copy: D:\Program Files\Creative\Jukebox 3 Drivers\CtDrvIns.exe
                              File Copy: D:\Program Files\Creative\Jukebox 3 Drivers\CtDrvStp.crl
                              File Copy: D:\Program Files\Creative\Jukebox 3 Drivers\ctpd1394.inf
                              File Copy: D:\Program Files\Creative\Jukebox 3 Drivers\ctpd1394.sys
                              File Copy: D:\Program Files\Creative\Jukebox 3 Drivers\ctpd1394.uns
                              File Copy: D:\Program Files\Creative\Jukebox 3 Drivers\CtDrvStp.exe
                              File Copy: D:\Program Files\Creative\Jukebox 3 Drivers\CtDrvStp.ini
                              File Copy: D:\Program Files\Creative\Jukebox 3 Drivers\ctjb2sp.dll
                              File Copy: D:\Program Files\Creative\Jukebox 3 Drivers\ctpdusb.inf
                              File Copy: D:\Program Files\Creative\Jukebox 3 Drivers\ctpdusb.sys
                              File Copy: D:\Program Files\Creative\Jukebox 3 Drivers\ctpdusb.uns
                              File Copy: D:\Program Files\Creative\Jukebox 3 Drivers\Jb2Inst.crl
                              File Copy: D:\Program Files\Creative\Jukebox 3 Drivers\Jb2Inst.dll
                              File Copy: D:\Program Files\Creative\ShareDLL\ctnmjb2.dll
                              File Copy: D:\WINDOWS\System32\CTPDE.DLL
                              File Copy: D:\WINDOWS\System32\CTPmsMan.dll
                              File Copy: D:\WINDOWS\System32\CTPmsWma.dll
                              File Copy: D:\WINDOWS\System32\CTPdeSrv.exe
                              File Copy: D:\WINDOWS\System32\CTPdeSrvps.dll
                              File Copy: D:\WINDOWS\System32\CtNmBnd.exe
                              File Copy: D:\WINDOWS\System32\CtNmBRes.dll
                              File Copy: D:\WINDOWS\System32\PdePgHlp.dll
                              INI File: D:\Program Files\Creative\Jukebox 3 Drivers\DrvUnins.ini
                              INI Sect: Settings
                              INI Item: ProductName
                              INI Val: NOMAD Jukebox 3 Driver
                              RegDB Key: Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\NOMAD Jukebox 3 Driver
                              RegDB Val: D:\Program Files\Creative\Jukebox 3 Drivers\DrvUnins.exe /s
                              RegDB Name: UninstallString
                              RegDB Root: 2
                              RegDB Old: D:\PROGRA~1\Creative\JUKEBO~2\UNWISE.EXE D:\PROGRA~1\Creative\JUKEBO~2\JB3DRV.LOG
                              RegDB Key: Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\NOMAD Jukebox 3 Driver
                              RegDB Val: D:\PROGRA~1\Creative\JUKEBO~2\UNWISE.EXE D:\PROGRA~1\Creative\JUKEBO~2\JB3DRV.LOG
                              RegDB Name: UnwiseLog
                              RegDB Root: 2
                              Execute Program: D:\Program Files\Creative\Jukebox 3 Drivers\CtDrvIns.exe -uninstall usb\vid_041e&pid_4101 -plugin Jb2Inst.dll -pluginres Jb2inst.crl -SILENT
                              Execute Program: D:\Program Files\Creative\Jukebox 3 Drivers\CtDrvIns.exe -uninstall 1394\CREATIVE_TECHNOLOGY_LTD.&JUKEBOX_3 -plugin Jb2Inst.dll -pluginres Jb2Inst.crl -SILENT
                              SpoonUninstall-dMC Creative Jukebox Driver.dat
                              [Project Name]
                              dMC Creative Jukebox Driver
                              [Install To]
                              D:\Program Files\Illustrate\dBpowerAMP\
                              <Start Programs>\dBpowerAMP Music Converter\dBpowerAMP Music Converter.lnk
                              Installing dMC Creative Jukebox Driver
                              13702092 - Creative Jukebox.bmp
                              <Destination>\Sveta\Icons\Creative Jukebox.bmp
                              13702202 - Creative Jukebox.ico
                              <Destination>\Sveta\Icons\Creative Jukebox.ico
                              13702332 - Creative Jukebox (Silver).bmp
                              <Destination>\Sveta\Icons\Creative Jukebox (Silver).bmp
                              13702453 - Creative Jukebox (Silver).ico
                              <Destination>\Sveta\Icons\Creative Jukebox (Silver).ico
                              13702573 - Creative Jukebox III.bmp
                              <Destination>\Sveta\Icons\Creative Jukebox III.bmp
                              13702683 - Creative Jukebox III.ico
                              <Destination>\Sveta\Icons\Creative Jukebox III.ico
                              13702823 - Creative Jukebox.dll
                              <Destination>\Sveta\Devices\Creative Jukebox.dll
                              13702933 - CTNomad2.dll
                              13703254 - ctnmjb2.dll
                              13703534 - svetlana.dll
                              Running 'svetaconfig.exe'


