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dBpowerAMP Audio Player R2 Beta 7

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  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44845

    dBpowerAMP Audio Player R2 Beta 7

    The new major add-on I was blabbing about is 'dAP Keyboard Control', it allows all the functions of dAP to be controlled locally (when dAP has focus), or globally from any other application. See Start >> Programs >> dBpowerAMP >> Configuration >> Keyboard Control

    If you have a keyboard with play etc, the Media button now shows dAPs select music files dialog, I think I will make it an option to either show this, or MMC.

    There is a little surprise in PLaylist editor, or Previously Played.



    PS. If your keyboard button controls from the previous beta stop working, reinstall it (I think there is a slight problem with Spoon Installer and dll files in use)

    Complete Changes:

    Fully cusomizable key control (including control from other applications) of dAP - Start >> Programs >> dBpowerAMP >> Configuration >> Keyboard Control

    Amp - Increased Popup info time for Amp Playing labels to 2 seconds
    Amp - Open button sorts the list of files adding so they are played in order
    Amp - can now pass filenames on command line to amp.exe and they will play

    Added WM_APPCOMMAND which means those Play, Stop Pause buttons on your keyboard should work (Windows NT/2000/XP only)
    MMC - Added a 'Selected Tracks' button at the top
    MMC - New option (on track right click >> advanced) to 'Rewrite ID Tag, writes information held in dAP over the ID tag in files)
    MMC - New option (on track right click >> advanced) to open explorer at the track location
    MMC - Remembers column sizes
    MMC - When creating a playlist for selected tracks - mouse is changed to hour glass
    MMC - New Forum 'Music Collection >> Preferences'
    MMC - Preferences - Option to switch off popup info tips
    MMC - When add new music, the music is included/excluded to active play control
    MMC - Column sorts like Windows Explorer
    MMC - added smart 2nd sorting (click on Album to see in action) also an option to sort 2ndary on your choice
    MMC - Column order can be set and columns switched off in Collection >> Preferences
    MMC - if right click on track and has an album name - gives the option to PLAY ALBUM
    MMC - When selective play is active, shows how many tracks are included in selective play
    Amp - made the random selector, more random (Thanks dsieber)
    MMC - If right click on a single track then shows 'View MusicMoz web page'
    MMC - 'Refresh from Tag' also refreshs file info such as bitrate, size
    MMC - if is already shown and click mmc on amp then switches to existing
    MMC - when is clicked on AMP or Menu then does not remember the minimise setting
    MMC - Displays selective play name at the top

    Right Click on Folder >> Play/Enque - will now recurse and search sub-folders too if option on MMC Pref page is set
    Playlist Editor - if drop a playlist on to the editor it is now edited
    Playlist Editor - Displays artist in bold
    Playlist Editor - Shows Hourglass when adding lots of tracks
    Playlist Editor - Auto track number position routine improved

    Previously Played - Artist now shown in bold

    BUG Fix - If a skin is set to Top most and a sub skin wasn't, dAP will now display them
    BUG Fix - If slide out the 'Mini On Screen Control' then close it, the slide out bit used to stay on the screen
    BUG Fix - For MMC - right click 'Edit Tag' >> Details, now has a vertical scrollbar
    BUG FIX - MMC - will now load after amp has exited (previously it would flicker on the screen and unload)
    BUG FIX - MMC - Speeded up track list drawing, also fixed a drawing bug
    Bug Fix - Stopped the 'New Track Lookup' whilst editing tags
    Bug Fix - Popup InfoTip - for large playlists, only first 50 entries are looked at
    Bug Fix - Playlist & Previously played, switched font to a multilingual one - also changed icons
    bug fix - m3u Playlists in Unix style can now be edited
    bug fix - hidden skin objects (Font, Image and Eq Positions) stopped the main window from dragging if clicked in them
    Bug Fix - Tooltips no longer get in the way when a button is right at the top of the screen
  • Razgo
    • Apr 2002
    • 2532

    thanks Spoon, this ones will take a while to test.

    nice surprise in the "play list editor" too :D

    there was one other thing maybe for the next ver? "loop" :p


    • totalXSive
      dBpoweramp Enthusiast

      • Apr 2002
      • 222

      Don't know how long this bug (or feature?) has been around, but try this:

      1. Play a song in dAP.
      2. Close dAP during the song.
      3. Re-open dAP.
      4. Open Previously Played.

      The song will have 2 entries. Keep on repeating it, and the song will have more entries.


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44845

        It has always done that - after 5 seconds of playback it adds it to previous list - I guess for a resume play it should know not to.


        • nregitz

          Keyboard Controls

          After installing the lastest beta (Audio Player R2 Beta 7), The keyboard controls on my logitech wireless keyboard worked find. However, when I reboot it defaults back to controlling Musicmatch. I know that the keyboard controls for the logitech are built to support Musicmatch, but my question is, is there a way to reprogram these keys? I have searched through the options and can't find it, or at least, I do not see it. If anyone has any easy fix I would greatly appreciate it.


          • totalXSive
            dBpoweramp Enthusiast

            • Apr 2002
            • 222

            In theory, the keys should control dBpowerAMP if it is running and MusicMatch isn't. But there should be a way to reconfigure them.

            Have a look in Control Panel for some Logitech software that could reconfigure the keys, or if you have Windows XP, use Microsoft's TweakUI from .


            • nregitz

              I have check the control panel and the logitech program file. The only place I see to reconfigure the buttons is the .ini file in the folder. However, I'm not a programmer and do not know how to add a line for the Audio Player.

              This is the format:
              #{btn|key|msg|emg|cmd|wac},exeName,wndClass,wndCap tion,xxx,play_delayplay,pause,stop,prev,next,remov e_flags,ShowOSD,menu_item

              There is an entry for all the supported players (i.e. Musicmatch, MSPlain, MSDeluxe, Sonic, Winamp, etc.)

              Any suggestions are welcome.


              • Spoon
                • Apr 2002
                • 44845

                If you can install 'Freak Controls' addon for dBpowerAMP - then you have programs that can be run for an action.


                You would need to specify exeName, not sure which btn|key|msg|emg|cmd|wac to use? possibly cmd.


                • Unregistered

                  Try this, use the Keyboard Control config program to set these keys:

                  play X
                  pause C
                  stop V
                  prev Z
                  next B

                  Then add this line to the iTouch Config (C:\Program Files\LogiTech\ITouch\players.ini):

                  Put this in the [Players] section dBpowerAMP=key,amp.exe,dBpowerAMP Audio Player,xxx,xxx,X,C,V,Z,B,0,1,dBpowerAMP

                  Save the file and restart iTouch.

                  Also if you want dAP to start when pressing a key add:

                  [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Logitech\iTouch\Current Version]
                  "MediaPlayer"="C:\Program Files\illustrate\dBpowerAMP\amp.exe"

                  to the registry.


                  • nregitz

                    • Aug 2002
                    • 4

                    This works great. Thanks for the solution, I really appreciate it.


                    • totalXSive
                      dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                      • Apr 2002
                      • 222

                      Oh, another Neil. This'll get interesting


                      • Spoon
                        • Apr 2002
                        • 44845

                        Replaced with Beta 8

