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Asset R6.2 for Mac / Linux

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  • PeterP
    Super Moderator
    • Jul 2011
    • 1498

    Asset R6.2 for Mac / Linux

    Current version: R6.2 beta 15


    <now released>

    (Synology link until it is published)

    Changes since R6.1
    • Fixed AAC decoding on QNAP with 64-bit ARM processors.
    • Warning on corrupted database file, shown when accessing web config.
    • Standalone builds for ARM64 and ARMv7 are now available.
    • Compiler and toolchain updates.

    Changes in beta 2
    • Fixed QPKG regression causing failure to install correctly on QNAP devices with ARM processors
    • Fixed QNAP TS-231P black images bug

    Changes in beta 3
    • Introduced Synology package.

    Changes in beta 4
    • Synology bug fixes.
    • Changed the location of configuration data on Synology - out of space warnings/errors should be gone.

    Changes in beta 5
    • Reverted ARM 32bit (Raspberry Pi) and x86 builds to older toolchains for better compatibility with old Linux versions.
    • Back to single 32-bit ARM build as the performance differences between the two versions served before were insignificant.
    • Synology DS214 should be now supported properly.

    Changes in beta 6
    • Unchecking "Detect & Catalog New Tracks" now properly prevents startup rescan

    Changes in beta 7
    • Fixed incorrect values in updateID field returned to UPnP browser
    • Fixed incorrect behaviors when Asset gets restarted in mid-browsing-session
    • Fixed blank browsing output sent to all clients after a client sends a malformed search query
    • Search speed optimisations

    Changes in beta 8
    • Fixed internal caches not being cleared with 'rescan all', causing wrong browse results until next Asset restart
    • Fixed unexpected shutdown of entire Asset application in certain circumstances.

    Changes in beta 9
    • Attempted fix for incomplete scan on QNAP TS-231P2.
    • Updated Synology app manifest.

    Changes in beta 10
    • More attempted fix for incomplete scan on QNAP TS-231P2.

    Changes in beta 11
    • Refined fix for incomplete scan on QNAP TS-231P2.
    • Changed app data location on Synology to hide it from the File Station
      no user action needed, old data will be moved to the new location
    • Suppressed dc:creator values of Unkonwn, matching Windows version of Asset

    Changes in beta 12
    • Fixed missing option to set transcoded MP3 bitrate in the web interface

    Changes in beta 13
    • Fixed album art not showing with some control points.
    • Fixed [ForceToSINGLE] not working in control point overrides.

    Changes in beta 14
    • Made LG TV hammering workaround present in default control point overrides.
    • Fixed control point overrides [SimpleBrowse] produciong blank output instead of a flat track list.
    • Fixed non working control point blacklist/whitelist.

    Changes in beta 15
    • Made multiple artists sent as artist1;artist2;...
    • Added upstream art to 'top artists' entry.
    • Fixed not giving out correctly object.container.person.musicArtist for artist listing.

    Registered users
    Installing a beta/trial version on top of a registered install retains the registered status.

    QNAP TS-231P black images bug info
    To make the bug go away, do a "rescan all" cycle to purge image cache.

    Synology configuration data location
    Due to an error on my end, upgrading beta 3 to newer eats the configuration. You can copy it to the new location prior to update manually - the proper location is now /volume1/AssetUPnP-Data ( contains usual .dBpoweramp folder ), old location was symlinked from /var/packages/Asset/etc . Replace /volume1 with another volume if installed in a non default location.
    This is a one-time bug. Beta 3 deletes configuration prior to upgrade thinking that it's being uninstalled. This will not occur again with future updates.

    LG TV workarounds
    If you use non default control point overrides, your settings will not be altered with beta 14 LG fixes.
    In order to add LG TV fix, add these lines to your control point overrides:
    Last edited by Spoon; January 18, 2019, 03:27 PM. Reason: Beta 15
  • psweetie
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • Feb 2016
    • 75

    Re: Asset R6.2 for Mac / Linux

    The new ARMv7 version is faster when rescanning the complete library. Nice work Peter!
    Last edited by psweetie; July 12, 2018, 11:27 AM. Reason: correcting facts


    • simes_pep
      dBpoweramp Enthusiast

      • Dec 2013
      • 297

      Re: Asset R6.2 for Mac / Linux

      Also no errors to report of the ARMv7 version on a RPi2.
      However, have not undertaken a complete rescan for a while, so can't comment on the feedback from @psweetie.


      • Ricardo22

        • Sep 2016
        • 1

        Re: Asset R6.2 for Mac / Linux

        Also no Problems here.




        • PeterP
          Super Moderator
          • Jul 2011
          • 1498

          Re: Asset R6.2 for Mac / Linux

          Beta 3, now with more Synology.


          • ac16161
            dBpoweramp Enthusiast

            • Mar 2012
            • 116

            Re: Asset R6.2 for Mac / Linux

            Originally posted by PeterP
            Beta 3, now with more Synology.
            Nice development to see official Synology support. Couple of questions:
            1) is this just for intel Synology boxes? Just installed the .spk file on my 416play (intel, runs fine) and my 214 (Marvell Armada, installed, but does not open). The Pi version of Asset does work on the 214. If there are restrictions could this be clarified.
            2) will it be possible for customers who have purchased a registered linux-x64 version for installation via a terminal window to get a licensed .spk version without further charge? My .spk version reports itself as unregistered, though I have previously installed the registered linux-x64 for version 6. Possibly updating DSM to 6.2 wiped that out, have not been running Asset for a while.



            • PeterP
              Super Moderator
              • Jul 2011
              • 1498

              Re: Asset R6.2 for Mac / Linux

              Registered users -
              If you locate the .dBpoweramp folder containing configuration data of your old install and transfer it to where the Synology package stores its config, the registered status will transfer along with the rest of the data.
              On my unit, the new location of Asset data is: /usr/syno/etc/packages/Asset
              If it's not there, try this:
              readlink /var/packages/Asset/etc

              CPU architectures -
              Interestingly, my own unit - DS128j - is an ARM device and it works there. There are binaries for Intel 32bit / 64bit, ARM v6, v7 and 64-bit. The correct binary is installed automatically depending on detected CPU type.
              I'd like to know the output of uname -m on the problematic machine.
              Last edited by PeterP; July 26, 2018, 07:40 PM.


              • ac16161
                dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                • Mar 2012
                • 116

                Re: Asset R6.2 for Mac / Linux

                I was able to transfer the registration on my 416, thanks for that. However, at the top of the Asset page, there is a box with the following, which I've never seen before:

                Internal error, details below:
                WARNING: Profile folder has only 915083264 bytes of free space, which may not be sufficient for album art cache. Music indexing may fail.

                Couple more observations:
                1) both my Synology boxes are on DSM 6.2. In the Package Center, at the overview level showing all packages, a generic icon is shown for Asset. When I click on the icon to view the package details, then I get the proper Asset icon. Other third-party packages have their proper icon in the overview page as well.
                2) on the 214, everything in fact indicates that Asset is running, except that the url for the config page will not load, and my control point (iOS Kazoo) can't see a media server running on the 214 but it can on the 416. the uname -m output is armv71


                • ac16161
                  dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                  • Mar 2012
                  • 116

                  Re: Asset R6.2 for Mac / Linux

                  one more potentially relevant observation: in Package Center on the 416, when I click on the drop-down arrow next to "Open", the options are Stop or Uninstall. On the 214 the only option I have is Uninstall, suggesting something is not right?

                  Sorry, please disregard, it's late and I'd already stopped it. Doh! Still does not work on the 214 even when status is Running.
                  Last edited by ac16161; July 26, 2018, 09:33 PM.


                  • ac16161
                    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                    • Mar 2012
                    • 116

                    Re: Asset R6.2 for Mac / Linux

                    Regarding this

                    Originally posted by ac16161
                    at the top of the Asset page, there is a box with the following, which I've never seen before:

                    Internal error, details below:
                    WARNING: Profile folder has only 915083264 bytes of free space, which may not be sufficient for album art cache. Music indexing may fail.
                    I deleted the uMediaLibrary file re-started Asset and the warning was gone, I let it do a full re-scan, then stopped/started Asset, and the warning came back.


                    • psweetie
                      dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                      • Feb 2016
                      • 75

                      Re: Asset R6.2 for Mac / Linux

                      HI Peter
                      Just been trying the Synology (RPi) build and it works v nicely. Much easier with the package install and once one has worked out where all the working directories are! I do have a problem though. I copied over the .dBpoweramp directory contents as you suggested and it does now show registered. However, I know seem to have a clash in my control point with an instance on the Rpi replacing an instance on the Synology rather than showing up as a separate instance. If I disable the instance on the Rpi the Synology version appears again. I have tried calling the instances separate things but that doesn't work. I also have a second Rpi configured as a backup and with that and the first RPi they show all instances correctly. I wonder is it the Asset-ID at fault as it was copied over from the first RPi to the Synology?



                      • PeterP
                        Super Moderator
                        • Jul 2011
                        • 1498

                        Re: Asset R6.2 for Mac / Linux

                        Re DS 214,
                        The CPU is certainly not the issue, we detect armv7l (in fact it's the same as in my test unit) and run the exact same Asset binary in the Raspberry Pi package. The problem is being investigated.

                        Re reported disk space issues,
                        Noted. I'm probably not storing potentially-large Asset album art cache data where I'm supposed to.

                        Re imported config and two Assets seen as one
                        You are right, you need to delete the Asset-ID file; it will be re-created on the next run with a fresh unique ID.


                        • PeterP
                          Super Moderator
                          • Jul 2011
                          • 1498

                          Re: Asset R6.2 for Mac / Linux

                          Re DS 214-
                          Please post the output of: ls -lah /var/packages/Asset


                          • PeterP
                            Super Moderator
                            • Jul 2011
                            • 1498

                            Re: Asset R6.2 for Mac / Linux

                            Beta 4 posted.

                            See the notice about configuration data in the first post before installing.
                            The out-of-space problem has been addressed.


                            • ac16161
                              dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                              • Mar 2012
                              • 116

                              Re: Asset R6.2 for Mac / Linux

                              Managed to install beta 4 on the 416 though at first got a port conflict message blocking the install, this was cleared on a re-boot. The out-of-space warnings should be resolved now.

                              Installed beta 4 on my 214 and while installation appears to complete, Package Center permanently shows the status as stopped. Here is the output requested:

                              drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4.0K Jul 27 15:52 .
                              drwxr-xr-x 13 root root 4.0K Jul 27 15:45 ..
                              drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4.0K Jul 27 15:52 conf
                              lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 28 Jul 27 15:45 etc -> /usr/syno/etc/packages/Asset
                              -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 63K Jul 27 15:45 INFO
                              drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4.0K Jul 27 11:57 scripts
                              lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 24 Jul 27 15:45 target -> /volume1/@appstore/Asset

