Thanks for the proggy, Donny :-) Nice job!!
I got beta4 now - from your website. One question: How do I get to refresh the updated queue list in MMC immediately after I shift things around in Quemaster? Right now I can move songs in the queue (in Quemaster), but that does not update the MMC queue window visually until the currently-playing song is finished. This can be confusing a bit, especially if one made more than one simple change to the queue. Thanks! :-D
I got beta4 now - from your website. One question: How do I get to refresh the updated queue list in MMC immediately after I shift things around in Quemaster? Right now I can move songs in the queue (in Quemaster), but that does not update the MMC queue window visually until the currently-playing song is finished. This can be confusing a bit, especially if one made more than one simple change to the queue. Thanks! :-D