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dBpoweramp Music Converter OS X Discussions

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  • bwv872

    • Dec 2010
    • 6

    Re: dBpoweramp Music Converter OS X Discussions

    Originally posted by PeterP
    Crashing and freezing of CD ripper, please get R1.2 beta; a bug known to cause these exact symptoms is now fixed-

    Thank you for the answer to my above post/question (from 3-25-2015). I finally got around to downloading and trying R1.2 beta 2 - this took care of the freezing/locking up problem - this version is working very nicely with many test rips and conversions. There are two more minor issues I cannot figure out:

    1. How do I get CD Ripper to automatically print to a text file the extraction log after a rip is complete to the same folder that my flac files are ripped to (as it does with the Windows version)?

    2. How do you edit ID Tags of music files - in Windows if I right click a flac or mp3 file there is an 'Edit ID Tag' selection to edit metadata of said file - is there a parallel way to do this with R1.2 beta 2 for Mac?

    Thank you.


    System: Yosemite OS 10.10.2; iMac with Retina 5K display with an Apple USB SuperDrive; QNAP TS-439 ProII+.


    • docmart

      • Jan 2012
      • 31

      Re: dBpoweramp Music Converter OS X Discussions

      Right click on music file, at bottom of list is SERVICES. Click on that, and all the Windows right click options are there. (Convert, edit ID tags etc)


      • docmart

        • Jan 2012
        • 31

        Re: dBpoweramp Music Converter OS X Discussions

        p.s Mr Spoon : perhaps that should be in the on-line manual (if it isn't already)?


        • wouldbeirish

          • Feb 2015
          • 12

          Re: dBpoweramp Music Converter OS X Discussions

          I'm having a problem when using the Multi-Encoder. I have it setup to do both Apple Lossless and m4a FDK AAC. It seems to error out on multiple tracks. The destination that the Lossless files are supposed to go shows only Folder.jpg and no-filename-specified.m4a. The destination that the AAC files are supposed to go to show the same 2 files.

          If I just rip the same CD with only Apple Lossless I have no issues.

          I have had this happen with both the released version and the 1.2 beta. I'm running 10.8.5 Mountain Lion if it's helpful.

          Error converting to [Multi Encoder], 'Track 4' to '/tmp/no-filename-specified.ignore'
          Apple Lossless: Error audio file failed verification '/Users/ron/Music/dBpoweramp/no-filename-specified.m4a.tmp.m4a'.
          Error converting to [Multi Encoder], 'Track 5' to '/tmp/no-filename-specified.ignore'
          Apple Lossless: Error audio file failed verification '/Users/ron/Music/dBpoweramp/no-filename-specified.m4a.tmp.m4a'.
          Error converting to [Multi Encoder], 'Track 9' to '/tmp/no-filename-specified.ignore'
          Apple Lossless: Error audio file failed verification '/Users/ron/Music/dBpoweramp/no-filename-specified.m4a.tmp.m4a'.
          Error converting to [Multi Encoder], 'Track 14' to '/tmp/no-filename-specified.ignore'
          Apple Lossless: Error audio file failed verification '/Users/ron/Music/dBpoweramp/no-filename-specified.m4a.tmp.m4a'.
          Error converting to [Multi Encoder], 'Track 15' to '/tmp/no-filename-specified.ignore'
          Apple Lossless: Error audio file failed verification '/Users/ron/Music/dBpoweramp/no-filename-specified.m4a.tmp.m4a'.



          • HRockefeller

            • Dec 2013
            • 16

            Re: dBpoweramp Music Converter OS X Discussions

            Originally posted by wouldbeirish
            I'm having a problem when using the Multi-Encoder. I have it setup to do both Apple Lossless and m4a FDK AAC. It seems to error out on multiple tracks. The destination that the Lossless files are supposed to go shows only Folder.jpg and no-filename-specified.m4a. The destination that the AAC files are supposed to go to show the same 2 files.

            If I just rip the same CD with only Apple Lossless I have no issues.

            I have had this happen with both the released version and the 1.2 beta. I'm running 10.8.5 Mountain Lion if it's helpful.

            Error converting to [Multi Encoder], 'Track 4' to '/tmp/no-filename-specified.ignore'
            Apple Lossless: Error audio file failed verification '/Users/ron/Music/dBpoweramp/no-filename-specified.m4a.tmp.m4a'.
            Error converting to [Multi Encoder], 'Track 5' to '/tmp/no-filename-specified.ignore'
            Apple Lossless: Error audio file failed verification '/Users/ron/Music/dBpoweramp/no-filename-specified.m4a.tmp.m4a'.
            Error converting to [Multi Encoder], 'Track 9' to '/tmp/no-filename-specified.ignore'
            Apple Lossless: Error audio file failed verification '/Users/ron/Music/dBpoweramp/no-filename-specified.m4a.tmp.m4a'.
            Error converting to [Multi Encoder], 'Track 14' to '/tmp/no-filename-specified.ignore'
            Apple Lossless: Error audio file failed verification '/Users/ron/Music/dBpoweramp/no-filename-specified.m4a.tmp.m4a'.
            Error converting to [Multi Encoder], 'Track 15' to '/tmp/no-filename-specified.ignore'
            Apple Lossless: Error audio file failed verification '/Users/ron/Music/dBpoweramp/no-filename-specified.m4a.tmp.m4a'.

            Hi, I'm having the exact same problem. Can rip tracks effortlessly with many settings using a single encoder, but attempts at making any multi-encoder rips don't work: Get the same no-filename-specified message.



            • Eric Seaberg

              • Apr 2010
              • 31

              Re: dBpoweramp Music Converter OS X Discussions

              I think I mentioned this several months ago and have opted to use the Win version running Parallels for multi encodes. I still use the Mac version for everything else.


              • PeterP
                Super Moderator
                • Jul 2011
                • 1498

                Re: dBpoweramp Music Converter OS X Discussions

                Originally posted by docmart
                Bought the MacOS version last week. Still haven't deleted the Windows version from Bootcamp on my iMac (same computer as the Mac version!), but was going to do so today until I came across the following fault :

                Put the latest Classic Rock magazine CD (One Nation Under The Groove) in the mac's superdrive, and as expected, not yet in database, so set off to enter all the details manually. However, the 'Review Metadata' box was greyed out, so couldn't enter the various artists etc. Restarted in Bootcamp, and the Windows version is working fine. Review metadata NOT greyed out, so I entered all the details and ripped the CD.

                Tried a couple of old (previously ripped on Windows version) compilation CDs on the Mac version, and Review metadata was OK (i.e. not greyed out).

                Does the Mac version just 'not like' this particular CD?
                Thanks for your feedback.
                I would like to get a snapshot of your dBpoweramp configuration for analysis.
                Please go to dBpoweramp configuration ( "configure" button in the launcher window ), Music Converter tab, "Save configuration snapshot" button at the bottom; email the resulting file to


                • NaimGaim

                  • Apr 2015
                  • 23

                  Re: dBpoweramp Music Converter OS X Discussions

                  Originally posted by wouldbeirish
                  I'm having a problem when using the Multi-Encoder. I have it setup to do both Apple Lossless and m4a FDK AAC. It seems to error out on multiple tracks. The destination that the Lossless files are supposed to go shows only Folder.jpg and no-filename-specified.m4a. The destination that the AAC files are supposed to go to show the same 2 files.

                  If I just rip the same CD with only Apple Lossless I have no issues.

                  I have had this happen with both the released version and the 1.2 beta. I'm running 10.8.5 Mountain Lion if it's helpful.

                  Error converting to [Multi Encoder], 'Track 4' to '/tmp/no-filename-specified.ignore'
                  Apple Lossless: Error audio file failed verification '/Users/ron/Music/dBpoweramp/no-filename-specified.m4a.tmp.m4a'.

                  I have that problem, too! I use AIFF for my QNAP silent NAS (home stereo), and AAC for iTunes (portable use). Single encoder works for both formats, but multi-encoder does not. Although the ripping process seems to run through normally, only one "Folder.jpeg" and one empty "no-filename-specified.(audioformat)" file exist in the end in each target folders (MQ and LQ). Not even the folder structure /artistname/albumname gets created...

                  In the info after the single format rips, it show no errors. But in the multi-format rips, it shows quite some errors (from the same CD!) live e.g. those:

                  AIFF: Warning 'RiffSizeLeft != FileSizeLeft' must be extra data on end of file.  [ScanFile]
                     AIFF: Error calculated total AIFF chunk size differs from file.  [ScanFile]
                     Warning 'RiffSizeLeft != FileSizeLeft' must be extra data on end of file.  [ScanFile]
                  Silence detected, ReplayGain track tag not generated  [EndConversion]
                     AIFF: Silence detected, ReplayGain track tag not generated  [EndConversion]
                     m4a FDK (AAC): Silence detected, ReplayGain track tag not generated  [EndConversion]
                   AIFF: Warning 'RiffSizeLeft != FileSizeLeft' must be extra data on end of file.  [ScanFile]
                     AIFF: Error calculated total AIFF chunk size differs from file.  [ScanFile]
                     Warning Chunk is out of AIFF area (but still inside file).  [ScanFile]
                  Tested with dBp 1.1 final and 1.2 beta with same results. iMac 27" mid 2011 with integrated Superdrive, OS 10.10.3 with all current updates.

                  Any news when and in which version this bug will be fixed? I waited a long time for the OS X version and wanted to license it now - but this is some kind of show stopper... I have a lot of CDs to rip and don't like to unnecessarily double the effort and time. Thanks ;-)
                  Last edited by NaimGaim; April 11, 2015, 10:30 PM.


                  • NaimGaim

                    • Apr 2015
                    • 23

                    Re: dBpoweramp Music Converter OS X Discussions

                    Found another little bug...

                    Since I don't like to have a different genre for any other album, I group similar genres together as one:
                    e.g. Electro/Wave/Gothic, Blues/Classic Rock, Hardrock/Metal, Jazz/Swing, ect.

                    With the ripped and tagged .AIFF files, it worked as expected.
                    But with the .AAC files, all slashes got replaced by backslashes!

                    Had to retag the genre with another utility to make them appear at the right place in iTunes...
                    I guess, this was an old DOS habit got stuck in the programmer?


                    • eejit

                      • Apr 2015
                      • 4

                      Re: dBpoweramp Music Converter OS X Discussions

                      Hi guys, long time lurcher, first time poster. I'm a big fan of dbPoweramp, having used the Windows version for a couple of years before replacing my PC with a Macbook Pro about a year ago. As I haven't been able to find another piece of secure ripping software that I like as much as this one, I was pretty excited when I found out about the OSX version last month. After trying it out, however, I'm not sure I want to fork up the money for a new license as it presently stands.

                      When I first downloaded the 1.1 trial, I had the problem of being unable to configure Accuraterip, but this was resolved by swapping the stable release for the 1.2 beta, which has been working pretty well for the past few weeks, apart from never finding more than two album art alternatives. When trying to rip a cd tonight, however, I got error messages for all tracks, which I assume has to do with the three week trial period having expired. I therefore decided to go back to version 1.1 to see if the Accuraterip problem persisted. I'm happy to say that it doesn't, but I noticed another couple of annoyances in its place. No album art is found for any cd and, as someone else pointed out, I'm unable to open the metadata sheet because the "review metadata" button is greyed out.

                      I suppose these and similar bugs could well be rooted out in future updates, but at present they are annoying enough that I'm considering firing up my old (and now horrendously slow) Windows PC instead of making OSX the permanent home for all my ripping needs. Paying for a new license would be a no-brainer if the OSX version worked as well as the Windows one, but in its current state it doesn't, at least not for me. Am I missing a fix for the aforementioned niggles?

                      Edit: 13' Macbook Pro Retina, OSX 10.10.3
                      Last edited by eejit; April 13, 2015, 09:32 PM.


                      • eejit

                        • Apr 2015
                        • 4

                        Re: dBpoweramp Music Converter OS X Discussions


                        I have resolved the album art problem, it seems that Avast wasn't allowing dBpoweramp to search the web for images. Disabling the shields made album art search work as intended. I suspect the unability to contact Accuraterip servers may have been a similar issue. It's not the first time that Avast has impaired the functionality of other software, so I think I'll just get rid of it. The greyed out "review metadata" button bug remains, but I can live with that until a fix is in place. dBpoweramp for Mac now works well enough that I'm happy to shell out for a new license. One question: Will I be able to go back to using the 1.2 beta instead of 1.1 once I've purchased the license?


                        • mville
                          dBpoweramp Guru

                          • Dec 2008
                          • 4023

                          Re: dBpoweramp Music Converter OS X Discussions

                          Originally posted by eejit
                          I have resolved the album art problem, it seems that Avast wasn't allowing dBpoweramp to search the web for images.
                          My Avast for Windows 8.1, includes the browser add-on Avast! Online Security. I have disabled this add-on in both the Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox browsers. Maybe Avast for OS X has a similar add-on, that you can disable in your OS X browser, rather than completely removing Avast.


                          • eejit

                            • Apr 2015
                            • 4

                            Re: dBpoweramp Music Converter OS X Discussions

                            Originally posted by mville
                            My Avast for Windows 8.1, includes the browser add-on Avast! Online Security. I have disabled this add-on in both the Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox browsers. Maybe Avast for OS X has a similar add-on, that you can disable in your OS X browser, rather than completely removing Avast.
                            Good shout, thanks for the tip. I already uninstalled Avast because, like I mentioned, I was becoming fed up with it randomly breaking functionality in different apps. My general impression is that Avast doesn't work as well with OSX as with Windows, and running a complete AV suite is arguably less necessary on the former platform. I'm not completely sure (and having uninstalled the whole thing I have no way of finding out), but I think the browser extension was already disabled, and I only got album art search to work by disabling the whole web shield. Also, exclusions only seemed to work on a domain-by-domain basis, so I couldn't find an easy way to make it allow dBpoweramp and other apps to just do their thing without interference. Other users experiencing similar problems and wishing to keep Avast on their systems should definitely start by checking if disabling the browser extension helps, though.


                            • eejit

                              • Apr 2015
                              • 4

                              Re: dBpoweramp Music Converter OS X Discussions

                              So I went ahead and purchased the reference version at the discounted price this evening and, lo and behold, everything works! Accuraterip configuration is fine, the "view metadata" button is no longer greyed out, and album art is being fetched like it should (albeit with quite a few irrelevant results, but that's no real problem). So my advice to anyone experiencing problems similar to those I have previously described, is to begin your troubleshooting by checking if your AV (if you have one installed) is the culprit. Conclusion in my case: Two thumbs up for dBpoweramp and a foot up the arse for Avast.


                              • NaimGaim

                                • Apr 2015
                                • 23

                                Re: dBpoweramp Music Converter OS X Discussions

                                In the AAC settings: Why can't I choose VBR as an option?
                                In iTunes I always used VBR for my rips...

