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PerfectTUNES discussion

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  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44773

    Re: PerfectTUNES discussion

    If you remote desktop to the Ripnas you can use it as a normal computer.


    • thedigitalhobo

      • Feb 2013
      • 10

      Re: PerfectTUNES discussion

      Originally posted by Spoon
      It is not possible to send just now, you would have to wait until Album Art program freezes, then look in (type into explorer):


      The files might be 4GB in size...perhaps upload somewhere like dropbox, then PM (personal message) the link.
      Will do. Unfortunately I expect it t freeze up. I've got 5 hours left in the current scan (65000 songs) and then I'll be tackling some more album art.

      Thanks, btw, for a great program and all your efforts. Its tremendously impressive how responsive you are.


      • thedigitalhobo

        • Feb 2013
        • 10

        Re: PerfectTUNES discussion

        [QUOTE=thedigitalhobo;130935]Will do. Unfortunately I expect it t freeze up. I've got 5 hours left in the current scan (65000 songs) and then I'll be tackling some more album art.

        Well, it crashed as it finished listening. I dont even have the option to "wait for program to respond." Only "close" and "check online for solution and close."

        Please advise. I don't see any files anywhere close to that large in the folder.
        Last edited by thedigitalhobo; February 19, 2013, 08:53 PM.


        • Spoon
          • Apr 2002
          • 44773

          Re: PerfectTUNES discussion

          Which program was indicated as crashing? Album Art.exe or the Listener one? if you have closed the error message you should be able to find the crash event in Event Viewer in Windows.


          • thedigitalhobo

            • Feb 2013
            • 10

            Re: PerfectTUNES discussion

            Originally posted by Spoon
            Which program was indicated as crashing? Album Art.exe or the Listener one? if you have closed the error message you should be able to find the crash event in Event Viewer in Windows.
            Faulting application name: AlbumArt.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x50df56c9
            Faulting module name: KERNELBASE.dll, version: 6.1.7601.18015, time stamp: 0x50b83c8a
            Exception code: 0x80000003


            • Spoon
              • Apr 2002
              • 44773

              Re: PerfectTUNES discussion

              Ok we can work with this if you zip up your %appdata%\perfecttunes folder and make it available to us somewhere.


              • thedigitalhobo

                • Feb 2013
                • 10

                Re: PerfectTUNES discussion

                Originally posted by Spoon
                Ok we can work with this if you zip up your %appdata%\perfecttunes folder and make it available to us somewhere.
                PM'd you a link a zipped file.



                • thedigitalhobo

                  • Feb 2013
                  • 10

                  Re: PerfectTUNES discussion

                  sent you a 2nd set of zipped files.
                  program crashed after indexing.
                  I deleted, cleaned the registry, and reinstalled.
                  ran the Album Art program and it only found about 1200 albums of 5500 or so.
                  It made it up to "F" and then got very sporatic, finding only a handful of albums after F.

                  Thanks for your help!


                  • margolbe

                    • Nov 2006
                    • 15

                    Re: PerfectTUNES discussion

                    Regarding Album Art:

                    I rarely get a match when searching for artwork for multi cd sets. For example, if I search for the Karajan Beethoven Box by Karajan Beethoven, CD1, Karajan Beethoven CD2, etc. I will rarely get a match. However if I could search only for Karajan Beethoven Box, I bet I would get many matches.

                    Is there any way to modify the search by allowing an editable field -- I could search by Karajan Beethoven Box rather than Karajan Beethoven Box, CD1, etc.

                    Hope this is clear.


                    • Spoon
                      • Apr 2002
                      • 44773

                      Re: PerfectTUNES discussion

                      On the manual art search page you can edit the Artist Album name to any you wish.


                      • Porcus
                        dBpoweramp Guru

                        • Feb 2007
                        • 792

                        Re: PerfectTUNES discussion

                        Is there any updated version about to arrive? I am going to play around with PerfectTunes in the near future, and if there is any new version coming up, I might as well wait in order to test that one.


                        • Spoon
                          • Apr 2002
                          • 44773

                          Re: PerfectTUNES discussion

                          We push to release as soon as possible (with a bunch of modifications to existing 3 programs, tagging will have to wait until we get our FingerPrints more populated).


                          • henryc71

                            • Mar 2013
                            • 1

                            Re: PerfectTUNES discussion


                            New to the forum but have been a dBpowerAmp user for many years.
                            PerfectTUNES has scanned my library of over 70K files and is now trying to fix the Artwork on 4549 Albums.
                            These are all MP3 files probably ripped by iTunes back in 2005.
                            It is taking Album Art fixer several days and it is only on the 'G' alphabet.
                            It also seems to not find a lot of album art.
                            Is there a setting that I am missing?



                            • Spoon
                              • Apr 2002
                              • 44773

                              Re: PerfectTUNES discussion

                              No setting, the slowest part is the fingerprinting of the audio tracks, each one has to be decoded.


                              • Bacchus

                                • Dec 2006
                                • 29

                                Re: PerfectTUNES discussion

                                Just like the previous respondent, I am just now trying this out.

                                I have to say I get what he's complaining about. First I was surprised each utility was installed as separate apps, but so be it. However given that they are separate, why does the Album Art app have to fingerprint all the tracks? Why can't I just start that up and ONLY process the album art fix process? It's ridiculous for it to be a separate app and still have to fingerprint all the songs as if I'm about to run the Accurate Rip utility. When you have a LOT of albums that takes way too long if all you are trying to do is fix the album art.

                                Also, given that it's still in beta I tested it on a secondary machine, onto which I copied a subset of my library (only about 100 albums), deliberately choosing a mix of albums with and without album art. After (mostly) liking the results I tried it on my full library, by adding the location of my main folder. The problem here is it didn't see the missing album art in the albums that had been copied to the test folder and previously fixed there. The app saw them as already having been fixed and didn't pick up that those same missing/low res covers were still missing or low res in the new directory. It would b nice if it would offer to apply the same fix to the second location where that happens, or at least see that the second location should be part of the next fix.

                                Also, about half the time when I exit the app I get the following message in a dialog:

                                XDebugMemory: Memory leak detected, look at debug log window for details.
                                Select Cancel to break into program now.

                                With an ok or cancel. I've only ever chosen cancel, but if it will help the next time I see it I'll get the debug if ti will help. I checked the PerfectTunes folder and didn't see any generated log. I seem to always get the error if I try and "Fix" a single album from the main screen without first going to "Fix Albums".

                                Don't get me wrong, this is a great tool. I had a lot of missing or inconsistent and lower quality album art. A lot of that has now been corrected. And I can manually copy the fixes to the test albums up to the main dir. I do think it would be better if the Album Art app didn't process each song other than to catalog them. Save the full read/decode until I'm ready to use the Accurate Rip app. Frankly even if you do combine these into a single app (which I would prefer) I think the full processing and decoding should only happen when the users specifically requests it. Not automatically on startup the first time.

                                Thanks for listening.
                                Peter S

