The next installment of this fantastic player (I am in a happy mood, so can use words like fantastic
). This beta adds many new features to My Music Collection - option to re-order columns and remove columns, faster track list drawing and a cool option to play an Album.
Added WM_APPCOMMAND which means those Play, Stop Pause buttons on your keyboard should work (Windows NT/2000/XP
MMC - Added a 'Selected Tracks' button at the top
MMC - New option (on track right click >> advanced) to 'Rewrite ID Tag, writes information held in dAP over the
ID tag in files)
MMC - New option (on track right click >> advanced) to open explorer at the track location
MMC - Remembers column sizes
MMC - When creating a playlist for selected tracks - mouse is changed to hour glass
MMC - New Forum 'Music Collection >> Preferences'
MMC - Preferences - Option to switch off popup info tips
MMC - When add new music, the music is included/excluded to active play control
MMC - Column sorts like Windows Explorer
MMC - added smart 2nd sorting (click on Album to see in action) also an option to sort 2ndary on your choice
MMC - Column order can be set and columns switched off in Collection >> Preferences
MMC - if right click on track and has an album name - gives the option to PLAY ALBUM
MMC - When selective play is active, shows how many tracks are included in selective play
Amp - made the random selector, more random (Thanks dsieber)
Right Click on Folder >> Play/Enque - will now recurse and search sub-folders too if option on MMC Pref page is
BUG Fix - If a skin is set to Top most and a sub skin wasn't, dAP will now display them
BUG Fix - If slide out the 'Mini On Screen Control' then close it, the slide out bit used to stay on the screen
BUG Fix - For MMC - right click 'Edit Tag' >> Details, now has a vertical scrollbar
BUG FIX - MMC - will now load after amp has exited (previously it would flicker on the screen and unload)
BUG FIX - MMC - Speeded up track list drawing, also fixed a drawing bug
Bug Fix - Stopped the 'New Track Lookup' whilst editing tags
Bug Fix - Popup InfoTip - for large playlists, only first 50 entries are looked at
Bug Fix - Playlist & Previously played, switched font to a multilingual one - also changed icons

Added WM_APPCOMMAND which means those Play, Stop Pause buttons on your keyboard should work (Windows NT/2000/XP
MMC - Added a 'Selected Tracks' button at the top
MMC - New option (on track right click >> advanced) to 'Rewrite ID Tag, writes information held in dAP over the
ID tag in files)
MMC - New option (on track right click >> advanced) to open explorer at the track location
MMC - Remembers column sizes
MMC - When creating a playlist for selected tracks - mouse is changed to hour glass
MMC - New Forum 'Music Collection >> Preferences'
MMC - Preferences - Option to switch off popup info tips
MMC - When add new music, the music is included/excluded to active play control
MMC - Column sorts like Windows Explorer
MMC - added smart 2nd sorting (click on Album to see in action) also an option to sort 2ndary on your choice
MMC - Column order can be set and columns switched off in Collection >> Preferences
MMC - if right click on track and has an album name - gives the option to PLAY ALBUM
MMC - When selective play is active, shows how many tracks are included in selective play
Amp - made the random selector, more random (Thanks dsieber)
Right Click on Folder >> Play/Enque - will now recurse and search sub-folders too if option on MMC Pref page is
BUG Fix - If a skin is set to Top most and a sub skin wasn't, dAP will now display them
BUG Fix - If slide out the 'Mini On Screen Control' then close it, the slide out bit used to stay on the screen
BUG Fix - For MMC - right click 'Edit Tag' >> Details, now has a vertical scrollbar
BUG FIX - MMC - will now load after amp has exited (previously it would flicker on the screen and unload)
BUG FIX - MMC - Speeded up track list drawing, also fixed a drawing bug
Bug Fix - Stopped the 'New Track Lookup' whilst editing tags
Bug Fix - Popup InfoTip - for large playlists, only first 50 entries are looked at
Bug Fix - Playlist & Previously played, switched font to a multilingual one - also changed icons