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DSP Effects R8

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  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    DSP Effects R8

    <now released>
    Last edited by Spoon; July 03, 2012, 11:27 AM.
  • smisk
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • Jan 2009
    • 61

    Re: DSP Effects R8

    I am trying to use the "run external" DSP from the CD ripper and it seems nothing is happening.

    Is the "run external" dsp option only supported for conversion not for ripping?

    In my case I want to run the GENPUID application from MusicIP with the -archive option for each ripped track.

    I have tried both specifying the executable directly and also tried running it via cmd.exe /c genpuid.cmd which is a command file that executes the above then contains a pause command; this does not seem to execute either. For both variations i specified to run "after conversion" which i take to mean after each track (as opposed to running once for the whole album, which might make sense for utilities like ReplayGain)

    To complicate matters it seems I must use the "encode local" utility (which seems to work just fine) because the GENPUID application uses 8.3 filenames only and there seems to be some glitch with my NAS with the 8.3 filenaming (glimpsed by running Wininternals PRocessmon on their application in standalone, so i suppose i should use the [outfile] parameter instead of the [outfilelong] (i also tried the [infile] and [infilelong] but it does not seem to get run anyway.

    I am using dbPowerAmp 14.1 reference registered

    Should i use the CLI encoder (i will probably need to run a .cmd file to accomplish multiple steps) or Multi encoder (genpuid needs to run after mp3 creation, not in parallell) to accomplish this.
    Is this at all possible or is there any way to make the "run external" dsp run also for cd ripping and not only for audio conversion (if this is the case)

    Thank you
    Last edited by smisk; May 16, 2011, 01:21 PM.


    • Spoon
      • Apr 2002
      • 44844

      Re: DSP Effects R8

      Try enabling the debug option (dBpoweramp Configuration >> Music Converter), it should show the command line being used.


      • smisk
        dBpoweramp Enthusiast

        • Jan 2009
        • 61

        Re: DSP Effects R8

        OK, I noticed that it the ripper does not warn about overwriting files at the final destination when using the encode local dsp.

        My external prog (genpuid) seems to run ok when destination is a local drive (MusicMagic/PUID tags are added) but when destination is my NAS either by UNC \\birger\mp3 or by drive letter M:\ it does not work - genpuid can't run (reports "mis-execution" if i run it standalone) i very much suspect this has something to do with the 8.3 artifical filename generation on my NAS ( a QNAP TS-509 with the latest firmware). Connection by normal Windows-style CIFS/samba protocol; NAS runs a proprietary Linux/Busybox with EXT4 filesystem.

        I was hoping that the puid-tagging would work if i used the "encode local" dsp but maybe the external command is run on the final destination filename and not on the local (temporary) filename... Will try to investigate via ProcessMon

        Something is very fishy about these 8.3 filenames.


        • smisk
          dBpoweramp Enthusiast

          • Jan 2009
          • 61

          Re: DSP Effects R8

          Very curious. The MusicMagic/PUID tags are added correctly both if i run via "encode local" or with the the normal-way-invoked mp3/lame encoder as long as the destination is a local drive (c or d) but when i specify that the target be on a networked drive (UNC or mapped drive letter does not matter) it does not work any more.

          Played around a little with the mangle and case preservation options in smb.conf on my NAS but this didn't help.

          I am also trying to invoke genpuid from the cmd prompt.

          The original (final destination) filename for the track that i've been trying to rip all day (sic!) is
          M:\VA\Absolute Synth Anthems\Disc 1\01 - Human League - Don't you want me.mp3
          this translates to M:\VA\AAS4N5~I\DPACEG~Z\0TN0VO~J.MP3 (8.3 format)

          The funny thing is that I can dir M:\VA\AAS4N5~I\DPACEG~Z\ and get a file listing (with long filenames) but i can't dir M:\VA\AAS4N5~I\DPACEG~Z\0TN0VO~J.MP3 (file not found)

          (note: no mixup between zero and letter o in filename; checked this already)

          It is almost as if it enforces the 8.3 filename on the directory but does not accept it for the file.

          Extremely annoying this.

          It gets even more curious.... now i try to dir part of the 8.3 filename with the path; like this - and it works - as long as i have a wildcard character at the end of the filename but once i specify the exact 8.3 filename the file is not found...

          M:\VA\Absolute Synth Anthems\Disc 1>[B]dir 0TN0VO~j.*[/B]
           Volume in drive M is mp3
           Volume Serial Number is 0A50-0041
           Directory of M:\VA\Absolute Synth Anthems\Disc 1
          2011-05-16  22:12         8.686.644 01 - Human League - Don't you want me.mp3
                         1 File(s)      8.686.644 bytes
                         0 Dir(s)  5.643.594.665.984 bytes free
          M:\VA\Absolute Synth Anthems\Disc 1>[B]dir 0TN0VO~j.mp3[/B]
           Volume in drive M is mp3
           Volume Serial Number is 0A50-0041
           Directory of M:\VA\Absolute Synth Anthems\Disc 1
          File Not Found
          M:\VA\Absolute Synth Anthems\Disc 1>[B]dir 0TN0VO~j.MP3[/B]
           Volume in drive M is mp3
           Volume Serial Number is 0A50-0041
           Directory of M:\VA\Absolute Synth Anthems\Disc 1
          File Not Found
          M:\VA\Absolute Synth Anthems\Disc 1>[B]dir 0TN0VO~J*[/B]
           Volume in drive M is mp3
           Volume Serial Number is 0A50-0041
           Directory of M:\VA\Absolute Synth Anthems\Disc 1
          2011-05-16  22:12         8.686.644 01 - Human League - Don't you want me.mp3
                         1 File(s)      8.686.644 bytes
                         0 Dir(s)  5.643.594.665.984 bytes free
          M:\VA\Absolute Synth Anthems\Disc 1>[B]dir 0TN0VO~J*.*[/B]
           Volume in drive M is mp3
           Volume Serial Number is 0A50-0041
           Directory of M:\VA\Absolute Synth Anthems\Disc 1
          2011-05-16  22:12         8.686.644 01 - Human League - Don't you want me.mp3
                         1 File(s)      8.686.644 bytes
                         0 Dir(s)  5.643.594.665.984 bytes free
          M:\VA\Absolute Synth Anthems\Disc 1>[B]dir 0TN0VO~J*.MP3[/B]
           Volume in drive M is mp3
           Volume Serial Number is 0A50-0041
           Directory of M:\VA\Absolute Synth Anthems\Disc 1
          2011-05-16  22:12         8.686.644 01 - Human League - Don't you want me.mp3
                         1 File(s)      8.686.644 bytes
                         0 Dir(s)  5.643.594.665.984 bytes free
          M:\VA\Absolute Synth Anthems\Disc 1>[B]dir 0TN0VO~J.MP3[/B]
           Volume in drive M is mp3
           Volume Serial Number is 0A50-0041
           Directory of M:\VA\Absolute Synth Anthems\Disc 1
          File Not Found


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44844

            Re: DSP Effects R8

            It looks like long filenames are the only way of addressing items on the NAS.


            • smisk
              dBpoweramp Enthusiast

              • Jan 2009
              • 61

              Re: DSP Effects R8

              I think what I have described above is a bug in the implementation of Samba on the NAS (Samba v3.5.2;not user upgradable). The NAS is a QNAP TS-509 with firmware v3.4.2.0331

              However I have completely solved my problem by abruptly turning off the 8.3 filename mangling for the samba share in question. I just put "mangled names = no" in the smb.conf and restarted the samba daemon/service and GENPUID was immediately working for me both from within the windows MusicIP application and from the command line.

              Still, you might want to check whether the "execute external" dsp does its' stuff before or after the file is moved to the final destination when invoking via "encode local". In my eyes it should be executed with the local file as [outfile] because if you have some utility that is shuffling around the ID3 tags you would probably want it to do its shuffling locally (i.e. the same as your main reason to use "encode local" at all)

              Btw the logging option you suggested seems a bit iffy. It worked once and then never came up the next time i ran a rip. Next time i started the program it didn't show at all; then it popped up out of nowhere with the output from the ripping that I had just done when i exited the ripper. Maybe some configuration issue with the .txt file association on my behalf (will try it on another machine) but still a bit odd.

              About the statement that the external command line to be used would be displayed in this debug file, this is only half true. It displays what is in the configuration for the "run external" command but it does not display the actual final command (with [outfile] replaced by the actual filename etc.)

              Also it is not super-clear at which point in the execution-sequence it is invoked.
              Would probably be good to capture the piped output of the external command (if any) or allow the dbpoweramp user to specify the name of a logfile (that would be incorporated into the debug output from dbpoweramp)

              And perhaps to include an option in the dsp to run a .cmd file instead of .exe


              • Spoon
                • Apr 2002
                • 44844

                Re: DSP Effects R8

                >It worked once and then never came up the next time i ran a rip

                The option self disables after one run.


                • dvdr
                  dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                  • Sep 2008
                  • 235

                  Re: DSP Effects R8

                  As for the Registered 14.2 download available today: when I install it, DSP Effects go back to R7.
                  Will that reintroduce bugs, that you corrected with R8beta, so: should I go ahead and reinstall DSP Effects R8 beta from this thread, again?


                  • Spoon
                    • Apr 2002
                    • 44844

                    Re: DSP Effects R8

                    Yes you would reinstall R8 Beta


                    • Spoon
                      • Apr 2002
                      • 44844

                      Re: DSP Effects R8


                      New DSP Effect Read Metadata File which imports the metadata for a file from an xml file
                      Bug Fixes: Write Metadata File - Illegal characters are now removed from the XML tag names and a “name” attribute has been added to make sure that the full ID tag name gets exported


                      • Spoon
                        • Apr 2002
                        • 44844

                        Re: DSP Effects R8

                        Update 16th October

                        EBUR128 Loudness Normalization

                        (still todo allow the option of writing to replaygain tags, or into special locations in wave)


                        • jangk

                          • Aug 2010
                          • 20

                          Re: DSP Effects R8

                          Originally posted by Spoon
                          Update 16th October
                          (still todo allow the option of writing to replaygain tags, or into special locations in wave)

                          I just have implemented EBUR128 Normalize and tested on one FLAC file.
                          (I will do a more thorough testing later on).
                          Testing means that I have compared the result to a professional EBU R128 standard compliant software from Nugen Audio (VisLM):
                          the result is very accurate. The algorithm works fine.

                          One question concerning the algorithm: does EBUR128 Normalize take into consideration the latest evolution of the R128 Standard ? EBU R128 was updated in September 2011, adopting the G10 gate of ITU-R BS. 1770-2.

                          Now I am looking forward to use the option of writing to ReplayGain tags.
                          I suppose that they will be the usual standard RG tags (this is the minimum):

                          I suggest to include some more data fields into the tags, for logging purposes:
                          "REPLAYGAIN_TRACK_LOUDNESS" = measured integrated track loudness in LUFS
                          "REPLAYGAIN_TRACK_PEAKDB" = same as REPLAYGAIN_TRACK_PEAK but in deciBel
                          "REPLAYGAIN_ALBUM_LOUDNESS" = measured integrated album loudness in LUFS
                          "REPLAYGAIN_ALBUM_PEAKDB" = same as REPLAYGAIN_ALBUM_PEAK but in deciBel
                          "REPLAYGAIN_REFERENCE_LOUDNESS" e.g. -23.00 LUFS
                          "REPLAYGAIN_ALGORITHM" e.g. "EBU R128 v.2011"
                          "MAXIMUM_TRACK_TRUE_PEAKDB" = Track True Peak in dB if oversampling is used
                          "MAXIMUM_ALBUM_TRUE_PEAKDB" = Album True Peak in dB if oversampling is used
                          "LOUDNESS_RANGE" = EBU R128 Loudness Range
                          "REPLAYGAIN_TAGS_WRITTEN_BY" eg. dBPoweramp (Text field)
                          (maybe MaxMomentary, MaxShortTerm)
                          so that all the loudness relevant information would reside inside the file.

                          I hope this doesn't shock you ;-)



                          • jangk

                            • Aug 2010
                            • 20

                            Re: DSP Effects R8

                            just to know if anything is coming closer.



                            • Spoon
                              • Apr 2002
                              • 44844

                              Re: DSP Effects R8

                              Now released (EBUR128 additions will have to wait for a later release)

