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Worlds First Windows iPod mp4 Uploader!

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  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44847

    Worlds First Windows iPod mp4 Uploader!

    The full release of the Apple iPod driver for Sveta Portable Audio is now available:

    Last edited by Spoon; July 26, 2003, 10:23 PM.
  • fconsiglio

    use of ipod with mp3

    Can i update my ipod that contain mp3 files with this beta software version ?


    • Spoon
      • Apr 2002
      • 44847

      Mp3 files are handled no problems.


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44847

        Now Updated to Beta 2, see modified first message for details.

        Much has changed, before it becomes final release I have to add Audible Support, Smart Playlist Creation, Playlist editing and a few other nick-naks.


        • fconsiglio

          sveta problem

          Problems with sveta:

          - When i try to delete mp3 files from ipod window they remain
          dislpayed in the list

          - " convert to " ipod remain at 0 % with normal priority setted

          - there is no possibility to view the files by album. it is very usefull



          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44847

            Does it show an error when you try to del the mp3 files? are you looking in a playlist or [All Tracks]? if you use Sveta to upload the mp3 can it be deleted?

            Your convert to: what are you converting? are you converting it to mp4 on the ipod? does it show 0% right at the beginning or after it has encoded the audio file and is sending to the iPod?


            • fconsiglio

              When i see "all tracks". The files are already present in the ipod.
              I delete ,selecting with " shift button" all files and i see the status bar indicating the the progress but at the end are already displayed but the ipod is empty.

              when all the files are deleted , i select all files in music collection and i do "convert to" ipod . the progress bar remain at 0 % forever.


              • Akegata

                • May 2003
                • 7

                I just downloaded everything following the instructions posted here, and I get a rather strange error.
                The first time I opened up Sveta Explorer (via the iPod icon, trying to run svetaexplorer.exe doesn't work. Maybe it should be that way.), it loaded the track listning perfectly.
                Then I restarted my computer and tried to open it again. This time though, it gets stuck on 'Retrieving Track Listing...' and takes 99 CPU power...and it just sits there.

                Did I do something wrong?


                • Spoon
                  • Apr 2002
                  • 44847

                  Make sure that 'iPod Updater, or watcher' is not running, as it gets in the way - you can either end task it, or set Music MatchJukebox to 'firewire disc mode' on the iPod Tab.

                  >i select all files in music collection and i do "convert to" ipod . the progress bar remain at 0 % forever.

                  How many files do you have?


                  • Akegata

                    • May 2003
                    • 7

                    Well, I get sveta to read all files on my ipod now (not doing much more than reinstalling stuff), but it seems like it has problems with the ipod database. When I shut down sveta and try to play songs on my ipod, only one song is shown.
                    I can get the rest back by using the restore database-option in xplay though. Do I need to shutdown sveta in som special way, or is it not possible to use sveta and xplay at once (not that it seems to make any difference to me)? What's going on?


                    • Spoon
                      • Apr 2002
                      • 44847

                      Sveta lists all the tracks on your iPod, when you close the Sveta Explorer the iPod only shows 1 track? if you run Sveta again does it show all the tracks?


                      • Akegata

                        • May 2003
                        • 7

                        I bet I have more problems with this than anyone else. :P
                        I booted up sveta again, it showed all songs like I assumed it would. Then I powered it down, and by habit I right-clicked on the xplay systray icon and choose 'stop my ipod', which first gave me an error message and then a BSOD. -_-;

                        Anyways, since my pod had already been disconnected by sveta, I checked it, and it only shows one song.
                        Now, and I hadn't realised this before, sveta starts up, tries to load the track list and gets stuck there, taking 99% cpu power, like it did before.

                        So I guess the database gets screwed up somehow, and sveta tries to read it, but since it fails, it just locks?

                        Is it something really simple like the ipod has to be a windows ipod (even though I think I tried that before)?


                        • Akegata

                          • May 2003
                          • 7

                          Yup..there we go. WinniePod did the trick.
                          That should probably be looked into though, since I am sure more people than I have their ipods formatted for apple (not that I can say one good reason for this, but still).

                          On another matter, I had to upload a file with ephpod for sveta to see my ipod, i.e. it couldn't be found when it was completely empty.


                          • Akegata

                            • May 2003
                            • 7

                            Just to semi-spam the forum, now that I got it working (even encoding mp4's after some klicking around) I have to say WOW. I certainly see why people say this is a great program.
                            I don't want to know how many hours I have spent the last days trying my ipod to read aac files, and trying to tag them and whatnot.
                            Now I feel kinda stupid when all I really needed was sveta all along. Thanks a bunch. ^_^


                            • Spoon
                              • Apr 2002
                              • 44847

                              Thanks for the pointer about not picking up the ipod when it is formatted.

                              I don't think you had a Mac iPod otherwise the PC wouldn't have picked it up...

