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r14 Stdin Pipe error

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  • AshenSugar
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • Sep 2006
    • 67

    r14 Stdin Pipe error

    Error converting to ogg vorbis (aoTuV SSE3), 'C:\Users\Bain2k9\Desktop\Halo - Evolutions\Halo Evolutions - Part1.mp3' to 'C:\Users\Bain2k9\Desktop\Halo - Evolutions\Halo Evolutions - Part1.ogg'
    Error writing audio data to StdIn Pipe [clEncoder::EncodeBlock]
    I get this same error when I try and use any command line based ogg encoder 32 or 64bit, as well as musepack, speex and others.

    helix works, and your native ogg encoder works(but is quite alot slower then native x64 ogg or lancer ogg)

    example file below.

    Halo Evolutions - Part1.mp3 - 219.08MB

    your latist version of the vorbis sse/autov encoder

    Error converting to ogg vorbis (aoTuV SSE), 'C:\Users\Bain2k9\Desktop\Halo - Evolutions\Halo Evolutions - Part1.mp3' to 'C:\Users\Bain2k9\Desktop\Halo - Evolutions\Halo Evolutions - Part1.ogg'
    Error writing audio data to StdIn Pipe [clEncoder::EncodeBlock]

    Error converting to ogg vorbis (aoTuV SSE), 'C:\Users\Bain2k9\Desktop\Halo - Evolutions\Halo Evolutions - Part2.mp3' to 'C:\Users\Bain2k9\Desktop\Halo - Evolutions\Halo Evolutions - Part2.ogg'
    Error writing audio data to StdIn Pipe [clEncoder::EncodeBlock]
    same issue :(
    Last edited by AshenSugar; July 02, 2010, 05:03 AM.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44845

    Re: r14 Stdin Pipe error

    Try mp3 (Lame) in R14, that uses STDIO also.

    Try R13, but I think something is blocking the application from running (oggenc).


    • AshenSugar
      dBpoweramp Enthusiast

      • Sep 2006
      • 67

      Re: r14 Stdin Pipe error

      Originally posted by Spoon
      Try mp3 (Lame) in R14, that uses STDIO also.

      Try R13, but I think something is blocking the application from running (oggenc).
      it gets most of the way done with the encode before it errors with both vorbis and mpc(sv8 or sv7)

      Laim works and r13 has the same issue for me with ogg and mpc(musepack)


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44845

        Re: r14 Stdin Pipe error

        If there anything unique about your audio files, such as bit depth, frequency, or overly long?


        • AshenSugar
          dBpoweramp Enthusiast

          • Sep 2006
          • 67

          Re: r14 Stdin Pipe error

          i uploaded one as an example above so you could test it yourself(you can remove the link after you test if you like)

          they are audio books that in this case are 6+hours per file, they tend to be lower frequency and low bitdepth.

          in the case of this one its 80kbps 22khz 16bit, 6hours 22minutes.

          the only solution i have found so far is to either use the (SLOW) native ogg encoder, or to convert the files to flac, then use lancer oggdropxp to convert them to vorbis(at over 200x) the 2nd way is more work but alot faster(due to the native vorbis encoder being quite slow, im guessing you dont compile it with any sse optimizations so that it will run even on ancient systems?)

          I have also tested using the trunk oggenc2 and aotuv's venc and oggenc2, as well as various others, they all seem to have the same issue, they just keel over and die when trying to convert these long files.


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44845

            Re: r14 Stdin Pipe error

            It will be the audio length, once you go over a 4GB uncompressed size many encoders will fail (not ours but 3rd party encoders). BTW Wave will not support > 4GB audio.


            • AshenSugar
              dBpoweramp Enthusiast

              • Sep 2006
              • 67

              Re: r14 Stdin Pipe error

              would a possible fix be that dbp when not using any special effects(no dsp's other then rename or delete source file for example) flac files could be passed directly to the oggenc if the ones you supply have built-in flac support(most do now) ?

              I think thats why oggdropxp sse3MT from lancer worked for me, i went directly from flac to ogg, since i cant do direct mp3 to ogg(no mp3 decode support built into oggdrop or oggenc after all)


              • Spoon
                • Apr 2002
                • 44845

                Re: r14 Stdin Pipe error

                IF not using any effects the file is encoded without a temporary file.


                • AshenSugar
                  dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                  • Sep 2006
                  • 67

                  Re: r14 Stdin Pipe error

                  the only effect i use is delete orignal when converting audio books


                  • AshenSugar
                    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                    • Sep 2006
                    • 67

                    Re: r14 Stdin Pipe error

                    spoon, I was told to ask if dbpoweramp invokes "--ignorelength" when using vorbis encoders?

                    john33 over at hydrogen audio asked


                    • Spoon
                      • Apr 2002
                      • 44845

                      Re: r14 Stdin Pipe error

                      No, you could add it to the encoder.txt file (in ogg vorbis (autuv ...) folder):

                      --ignorelength -p 1 - -o "[outfile]"


                      • AshenSugar
                        dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                        • Sep 2006
                        • 67

                        Re: r14 Stdin Pipe error

                        where in the file would I add that?

                        found it never mind

