Re: Asset Control Discussions
Spoon, thank you very much for the tipps. I did that (found it out by my own :smile2: ) and it worked like charm.
What did you thing about the quality display feature?
Asset Control Discussions
Re: Asset Control Discussions
>I have a lot of soundtrack albums. Same album name different artists.
Your files need tagging better (atleast for these items), now you might say that server XYZ has no problems with combining them, because it puts all together, ie if you had 4 Greatest Hits Albums they would all be combined, not in Asset, they would be separate as they should be. For these multi-artist albums, select a albums worth of files (if you have dbpoweramp installed), right click >> Edit Tag, click Add and change the tag name to 'compilation' and set it to 1. Now these albums will be combined as one.
> would prefer the album covers would be sorted by album artists
Advanced Search >> Album by ArtistLeave a comment:
Re: Asset Control Discussions
Spoon, I am an asset premium user (currently V3 beta) and I like to thank you for asset-control. The best UI for UPNP I saw till now.
Regarding the album view (with covers, which is the killer app for my wife!!!) I have some comments hoping for further improvement:- I have a lot of soundtrack albums. Same album name different artists. The album cover appears n-times, one time per artist. So the album can not be selected in tolal for playback. It would be better so see the album only once. Maybee I did something wrong in the album tree configuration?
- I would prefer the album covers would be sorted by album artists instead of album names. Can this be achieved by configuring the tree?
- I have MP3s and FLACs in my music direcotory. It would be very nice to see their type (lossy, lossless) and what Bitrate (44.1,96,192) the album has.
On my renderer The "skip to next track" button did not work. If I "stop" and manually klick the next song it works fine. Also automatically playing the next track if the current one has ended works well. I wonder why?
CharlyLeave a comment:
Re: Asset Control Discussions
Hello again Spoon
Asset UPnP is working fine,
Version 2.1
Library contains xxxx files, yyyy albums (numbers are dead right)
Mode is Local
Edit - Library is E:\Music,
in which \ Genre (e.g. 04-Jazz, etc.) \ Artist \ Year Album \ Trackno. Title.
Asset Control, however, still finds only "Orange Livebox media server".
My dbpa folders, I have noticed, seem to be in a bit of a mess.
Might this be the problem ?
Rather than "C:\Program Files\ I llustrate\ dBpoweramp"
they are in "C:\Program Files \ dBpoweramp\ dBpoweramp".
Can't remember how that happened !
At the moment I use a Squeezebox Classic (which is not supported)
but I shall be installing a Soundbridge 1001 in a few days.
Any suggestions ?
Best regards from RayLeave a comment:
Re: Asset Control Discussions
Try restarting Asset UPnP (then restart Asset Control).Leave a comment:
Re: Asset Control Discussions
Hello all
The Asset library has found albums and tracks
but Asset Control can't find the library.
All it seems to find is my Orange media server.
(I do not have a workable client installed yet;
I have a Squeezebox - but gather this will not work with Asset).
Start - Programs - Startup
lists <Asset UPnP> and <Asset UPnP uMedia library>
but with the neutral folder icon, i.e. not the pyramid icon.
My firewall lists Asset as "trusted".
Any suggestions ?
Best regards from RayLeave a comment:
Re: Mobile Platforms
Not at this time (a small possibility of Android).Leave a comment:
Mobile Platforms
Looks very nice.
Any plans to support Win Phone 7 (Win Mobile 6.5...) and Android?Leave a comment:
Re: Asset Control Discussions
Yes please.
>Allow other DLNS devices to control Media Center" is checked. If this option is not checked, Asset control works fine with JRMC
This seems to be the wrong way around..?
A log file where you use asset control to browse the albums would be good.Leave a comment:
Re: Asset Control Discussions
I've tested around with the new "debug" version and also different JRMC configurations last hour.
I've found out, that Asset Control can not handle albums or tracks, when the JRMC DLNA Server configuration item "Allow other DLNS devices to control Media Center" is checked. If this option is not checked, Asset control works fine with JRMC DLNA :smile2:
@Spoon: Sorry for inconvenience with my posting today morning :o Shall I send the debug log of the "non working" case to "dbamp at dbpoweramp dot com" ?
One minor issue: Albums are not shown as big thumbnails but are shown as small thumbs and the album name in a long list
EbeLeave a comment:
Re: Asset Control Discussions
Also anyone with an Oppo BDP-83 please run the new asset control with -debug, this is more for Asset upnp and 24 bit LPCM streaming.Leave a comment:
Re: Asset Control Discussions
Please try the new release today with the -debug option.Leave a comment:
Re: Asset Control Discussions
Update 13th May 2010
Minor update, which allows Asset control to work where previously it would have a red circle through the track, on certain devices (ie the track could not be added to the playlist).
Thanks for the update, but sorry, still does not work with JRiver Media Center UPnP Server, the red circle is still there (but KinskyDesktop with Akurate DS works with JRMC)
PS: But may be with the final version of AssetUPnP v3 I wouldn't touch any other UPnP servers with a ten foot poleLeave a comment:
Re: Asset Control Discussions
@CharlyD - Please email we can debug why it is not playing
@OzBrickie - an update was done to dBpoweramp Renaissance which should fix the uplayer not appearing when multiple instances are run
@fbee - Off control is planned yes.Leave a comment:
Re: Asset Control Discussions
Dear Spoon,
I have been struggling for weeks to get KinskyDesktop working without much success, and Brian on the Linn Forums pointed me to your beta. Fantasic piece of work - even for a beta - looks really good and very quick.
Can be a bit unstable i.e. locks up when clicking on the 'breadcrumb' (directory) links at the bottom LHS of screen.
Only works in full screen, but work in progress, and at least I have something now that passes for a controller.
Keep up the good work.
Kind regards,
NeilLeave a comment:
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