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Asset Control Discussions

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  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44441

    Re: Asset Control Discussions

    It is not decided yet on what the premium version would fully entail


    • balma01
      dBpoweramp Enthusiast

      • Oct 2010
      • 102

      Re: Asset Control Discussions

      Asset upnp version 3
      If I browse the tree with the controlpoint installed on my naim uniti, everything is OK I see all my albums, I see the playlists and so on...
      If I browse the playlists with asset control I see an old version of the library, without new albums, with an old version of the playlists and so on....
      It seems that assetcontrol use a sort of cache that was not refreshed.
      Rebooted the PC, same situation.


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44441

        Re: Asset Control Discussions

        Try restarting Asset UPnP


        • OzBrickie

          • Jun 2009
          • 7

          Playlist - Jukebox question. Also a Denon4308 observation

          Hello all,

          If I go to my library and browse Asset uPnP and I load the Jukebox selection in playlist, the list of songs appears on the left but how do I get all the songs over to the right so I can start playing. There is no "play album" button so at the mo you have to click every song. I must be missing something me thinks.

          Also, something strange. I just moved over to a Win7 machine and everything seems ok. Great in fact as I started to use Asset control to directly control my Denon AVR4308, Brill and happiness, however on a second attempt everything is the same except each song now has a red circle with a line and no go no further. The Denon supports flac natively as well as mp3 etc and 95% of my music is flac.

          Wierd, any thoughts or ideas

          Cheers and Beers


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44441

            Re: Playlist - Jukebox question. Also a Denon4308 observation

            Click the '>' arrow on the page before (on the Jukebox Selection line)

            The denon might not have been selected the 2nd time.


            • drgrittani

              • Jun 2004
              • 10

              Re: Asset Control Discussions

              I have been using Asset Control for awhile and generally like it, GUI is nice, etc. Works well with my Windows Home Server. I have one major issue that keeps reoccuring. When I shuffle tracks in my playlist, sometimes (unscientifically I will say 50% of the time) it deletes the entire playlist that was loaded.

              Just guessing, but I think it may be due to some bad entries or something like that in the Asset DB, because it seems to happen only when certain tracks load.

              Any suggestions? Is there logs I could send?


              • Spoon
                • Apr 2002
                • 44441

                Re: Asset Control Discussions

                What is your player?


                • DominicM

                  • Feb 2011
                  • 3

                  Re: Asset Control Discussions

                  Originally posted by pseud0
                  I've been experimenting with Asset Control using Asset UPnP & uplayer on several Win7 machines. I almost always experience a hang in Asset Control when I attempt to use the Play Album option. The "Adding Tracks to Playlist" dialogue appears and I've waited as long as 30 mins and then end up killing Asset Control from the task manager. Launching another control point I can see that the previously empty playlist is partially populated. Using either KinskyDesktop or PlugPlayer for iOS with the same DMS/DMR the same content loads to the playlist happily.

                  In case it is significant all the machines are ATOM based.

                  Dear all,

                  I too am getting very frequent hangs after clicking Play Album. I'm on Windows. Program freezes with message "adding tracks to playlist" and doesn't recover, needs to be forced to close.

                  Can I please also ask about album art? This is working well with new rips, but my (large) existing library of mp3s done under itunes is hardly showing any album art. In itunes I have quite a bit of art. How can I get asset/control to recognise existing art?

                  Thanks in advance for any help.



                  • Spoon
                    • Apr 2002
                    • 44441

                    Re: Asset Control Discussions

                    iTunes only keeps the art in its internal database, it does not embed the art in the files. So if you move the tracks to another computer, or use a different program there is no art.


                    • Steinbock

                      • Feb 2011
                      • 5

                      Some Bugs

                      Hi spoon,

                      I am using Asset Control since quiet a few month now. Not really sure whether development of the application is still ongoing, since to me it seems that since Sep 25 last year there was no new beta version released.

                      I like the approach of your program a lot, nevertheless it is obviously still in beta. Since I would be happy to become a paying customers of you (with Asset Control as well) as with dbpoweramp, let me summarize my experiences:

                      Every once in a while the application hangs, so the only way ist to shut it down using the task manager.

                      Also annoying is that playlists either just stop as they are played, normally around song number 5 or 6 from within the same album (even though the PC is not in energy save mode or similar) or the playlist starts to "shuffle", even though shuffle mode is definitively off.

                      When clicking on a song in the playlist (or using the "skip forward" knob), it almost always starts to play for a fraction of a second, then stops and starts all over again to play the song completely.

                      In the "Library" View there is a section above the playlist, that shows as soon as at least one tracks has been selected "(Unknown Artist)" and "(Unknown Title)". looks like a placeholder, but is never filled with any information.

                      When in "Library" view, for an album the album artist is shown correctly, when selecting the album or individual tracks to the playlist, there the same album is tagged as "(unknown artist)". (This occurs with Twonky 6, not with Asset UPnP 3).

                      In the "Playing" view the time running is not shown in an exact manner, some seconds are skipped. The total time remains on "0:00" all the time.

                      The information in the lower left under "Next:" is not updated properly after tracks were deleted from the playlist in "Library" view. After switching back from "Librabry" to "Playlist" it still shows the previously correct information, even though the trakc has been erased from the playlist in the meantime.

                      I can't reproduce all of those bugs exactly, some of them were reported by others before, but are still there.

                      Not sure if you receive problem reports from Microsoft after the software freezes and has to be shut down (my XP asks me everytime and I agree regularily). Please advice if i can provide any additional information by sending log files or what else might be of help for you.


                      P.S. Think it would be helpful to have a version number somewhere in the software (not only way down in the windows file manager, right click, properties ....) and also an "Look for Updates button"
                      Last edited by Steinbock; February 14, 2011, 10:24 PM. Reason: Info on Twonky added


                      • Steinbock

                        • Feb 2011
                        • 5

                        Wish List

                        Hi Spoon,

                        here come some more things that came to my mind when playing with your software. They fall rather under wish list than under bug report, but wanted to bring it forward anyway:

                        For navigating though bigger amounts of titles, albums etc. in the Library view it would be very helpful to have an option like in the Windows Explorer or the Mac Finder: just enter the first character(s) and you will arrive at the line initiating with the same letters.

                        The dark grey on black is cool but not always best to read / see symbols (see the discussion from one of your customers who did not see the ">". Could you either lighten the grey or make it configurable?

                        In "Library" view, after selecting a title (or an album), the (first) title in the playlist is highlighted in WHITE. When a Song in the playlist is playing (active) it is WHITE. So there is no visual difference between an song only moved to the playlist versus one already playing. From my perspective it would be very helpful to make that difference between "last added" and "now playing" by using two different colours 8or just not highlight any song in the playlist as long it is not playing)

                        And yes, I would also like to have the vertical separator line to be moveable to be able to adjust for amount of information in library and playlist.

                        It would be great if you could add more information to the songs in the "playing now" view, maybe also in the Library and Playlist view: Type of file (FLAC, WAV, MP3 ...) and sample and bit rate.

                        My renderer does support the mute function, but no volume changes. Would be great if Asset Control would recognize that and then grey out the volume slider / knops or have them disappear completely. Currently Asset Control shows some volume settings (like 12, 13 or 14%) and goes back to values in that range, after I changed them.

                        Similar with the fast forward / rewind function. Not suppported by my renderer => away with it (if not recognizable, maybe to make it configuarable could be an alternative?)

                        Hope to help to further improve your software and looking forward to seeing the next release of Asset Control.

                        Last edited by Steinbock; February 14, 2011, 10:40 PM.


                        • OzBrickie

                          • Jun 2009
                          • 7

                          Re: Playlist - Jukebox question. Also a Denon4308 observation

                          Originally posted by Spoon
                          Click the '>' arrow on the page before (on the Jukebox Selection line)

                          The denon might not have been selected the 2nd time.
                          Thanks Spoon. I love the Jukebox feature.
                          Ever noticed how Jukebox selection is alphabetical by artist?

                          Still fiddling with the Denon but I know I have it selected every time I try to use it. I can get the Amp itself to directly play from Asset UPnP so maybe I was doing that and Asset control took over. Who Knows?

                          Thanks for the great software mate.


                          • chatdafak

                            • Feb 2011
                            • 1

                            Re: Asset Control Discussions

                            Hi all,

                            i've started to use Asset control with Asset Upnp and i'm very impressed.

                            When i add a few songs to the playlist and i try to change the track it stills playing the first song and the only way to listen another song is clearing the playlist and then select another one.

                            I'm using it with an Onky NR3007



                            • drgrittani

                              • Jun 2004
                              • 10

                              Re: Asset Control Discussions

                              Originally posted by Spoon
                              What is your player?
                              Sorry for the slow response, haven't looked at this for awhile.

                              I'm using Asset uPnP on WHS on my home network, then I have a WinXP PC upstairs attached to a living room stereo aux-in. I'm running renaissance and Asset Control on the WinXP PC. Is that the right way to do it?


                              • drgrittani

                                • Jun 2004
                                • 10

                                Re: Asset Control Discussions

                                Another newbie type question, as I still struggle with the terminology here (control point, renderer, server, player (renaissance right?)).

                                I purchased (air miles actually) a new clock radio and decided to get the Aluratek Internet Clock radio ( http://www.amazon.com/Aluratek-AIRMM...9350035&sr=8-1 .

                                Slightly klunky interface but seems to work well. Just plugged in an ethernet cable that I had run to my bedroom and it sees the Asset uPnP server running on my WHS everything works great. So terminology question, does this mean it has a "renderer" and "control point" software built in to the radio?

                                Second part. Now on the situation I describe in the previous post (Asset uPnP on WHS, Renaisssance and Asset Control on WinXP in living room), on the Asset Control zone tab, lo and behold I see the clock radio show up. So if I check the box beside it does that mean I can control the playback on the clock radio? Can I check both zones at once and play the same music through both (the clock radio and the WinXP)? I ask because at one point I was trying to play the clock radio and it gave me a message saying something else was controlling it. I think I checked the zone without realizing what I was doing.

                                Now that I'm spewing newbie questions at an alarming rate, here's another. It seems the Asset Control shows a default name in the zones tab for Renaissance (Main - dbpoweramp reference), can I change that somehow via command line or batch file?


