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Asset Control Discussions

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  • Chip
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • Aug 2008
    • 98

    Re: Asset Control Discussions

    This is the image from Album Tracks.
    The artists list takes up all the space and I can not see the tracks names.

    Can this window be scrolled so I can see the track names?

    Can the artists be left off?

    Can the artists be listed after the track name?


    Thanks for the image tip, it seems to be working.



    • jldaureil

      • Dec 2010
      • 22

      Re: Asset Control Discussions

      Hey Mister spoon!

      If you add a little [COLOR="lightgreen"]green circle[/COLOR] around active button and a small bevel Asset control will really look like a Naim device !:supersmil


      • jldaureil

        • Dec 2010
        • 22

        Re: Asset Control Discussions

        Ok I see what happen.
        I've already seen this kind of things.
        I've solved this by editing tags on my wav files.
        I've keep only one name for the main artist in the "Artist" tag field and write others in the "album artist" tag.

        This is not absolutely well, but tis workaround this kind of problem

        I suppose you're using Dbpoweramp to rip you CD?
        What kind of file and tags are you using?

        I will try to reproduce this...
        Have you try to explore all option in Asset control configuration dialog ?



        • Chip
          dBpoweramp Enthusiast

          • Aug 2008
          • 98

          Re: Asset Control Discussions

          Hi JL,
          I have used dBpoweramp to rip all my CDs as flac with the tags added by dBpoweramp.
          I have taken the opposite approach to your suggestion.
          I have put the 'main' artist in the Album Artist field and all the artists in the Artist field. I did this so I could search on Album Artist and find all albums for the main artist. I have ripped almost 2000 CDs and I hope I do not have to change this.
          I have not tried changing many options in Asset UPnP server.
          To me it seems like the second option on the second screen shot below "[track nr] - [title] for album tracks" should do what I want - remove the artists but I still get the artists.
          I do not see another option that may change this behaviour.
          My General Settings are pretty much as they come with the software.

          Do you see anything I should change?

          Thanks for your help,
          Last edited by Chip; January 08, 2011, 05:53 PM. Reason: clarification


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44441

            Re: Asset Control Discussions

            The file is does not have the artist separated correctly. It should be:

            Artist1; Artist2


            Artist1, Artist2

            All the over posts on Asset Control - I do read them, just not able to go into active development on AC right now so they will remain as so for now.


            • Chip
              dBpoweramp Enthusiast

              • Aug 2008
              • 98

              Re: Asset Control Discussions

              Hi Spoon,
              I understand this is BETA software and you have other tasks on your list. I appreciate whatever advice you have time to provide.
              I changed the artists as you indicated and now only the first artist name appears with the Album Track List. At least now I can see the track names.

              If you have some time can you tell me how the Artist tag is used compared to the Album Artist tag when displaying information.

              What happens when both are tagged?
              Does Album Artist take precedence over Artist or the other way around?

              Again thanks for really good software, just need to figure out how to maximize the potential.



              • jldaureil

                • Dec 2010
                • 22

                Re: Asset Control Discussions

                Hi Chip, and Spoon

                Chip, I've seen your last screenshot.
                I cannot reproduce it here (I've don't find any search mode even in the adavnced search to give your display)
                May I've missed somthing.
                Especially I don't find the "information" item shown on the top of you list.

                How and where I can select a search mode to see album tracks with the artist(s) name(s) with my wav files?
                Is it something specific to flac files? (as the bitrate)

                "If you have some time can you tell me how the Artist tag is used compared to the Album Artist tag when displaying information.
                What happens when both are tagged?
                Does Album Artist take precedence over Artist or the other way around?"

                I'm also interrested by the responses...

                As you read the discussion I suppose we can continue to post bugs or glitches as archives for future devellopement... is it OK for you?

                Thanks for all you wonderfull softwares!



                • Chip
                  dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                  • Aug 2008
                  • 98

                  Re: Asset Control Discussions

                  Hi JL,
                  I only use FLAC files and do not have any experience with WAV tags.
                  I have put the main artist for an album in the ALBUMARTIST tag and then should put each artist in a separate ARTIST tag. If there is only one artist then the ARTIST and ALBUMARTIST tags are the same.

                  I have downloaded some albums and they usually come with other data such as covers and pdf liner notes. I usually set up a folder called INFORMATION to store all the non-music playback related information. I like to keep the folder with the tracks as clean as possible, only tracks and FOLDER.JPG.

                  My folder structure is:
                  \ALBUM ARTIST\ALBUM NAME\tracks, folder.jpg and additional folders
                  so for this example
                  \Arne Domnerus\Jazz at the Pawnshop\Information\liner notes, etc...
                  \Arne Domnerus\Jazz at the Pawnshop\tracks and folder.jpg

                  The INFORMATION folder or any folder can be seen when you set up a new group for 'Folders & Filename Browsing' in Asset UPnP.

                  The problem I was having was due to the artist names not being in separate ARTIST tags for the tracks. I have changed the tracks to separate the artists and now I only see the first of the five artists followed by the track name.

                  Now when I go through the 'Folders & Filename Browsing' group I see:

                  When I go through the 'Album Artist / Album' group I see:

                  Last edited by Chip; January 09, 2011, 05:31 PM. Reason: clarification


                  • jldaureil

                    • Dec 2010
                    • 22

                    Re: Asset Control Discussions

                    Thank you very much Chip for these aditional informations.
                    I now undeststand much better what I've seen on the previous screenshot.
                    Happy to see you've found a solution with tags. But do you have to do that for lot of files?

                    By the way what is your renderer? (just curious)


                    • Chip
                      dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                      • Aug 2008
                      • 98

                      Re: Asset Control Discussions

                      Hi JL,
                      I hope I do not have many files that need to be fixed. When it was pointed out to me I remembered this problem so I hope it is OK in most of my files. I think the problem may be with downloads rather than dBpoweramp rips. In that case the number of fixes would be much less.
                      I am using a Linn Akurate DS to play my flac files through my stereo system.
                      and thanks for the education - adding images to my posts.


                      • jldaureil

                        • Dec 2010
                        • 22

                        Re: Asset Control Discussions


                        • cafez

                          • Apr 2010
                          • 9

                          Re: Asset Control Discussions

                          Is Asset Control premium available yet?


                          • Spoon
                            • Apr 2002
                            • 44441

                            Re: Asset Control Discussions



                            • pseud0

                              • Jan 2011
                              • 6

                              Re: Asset Control Discussions

                              I've been experimenting with Asset Control using Asset UPnP & uplayer on several Win7 machines. I almost always experience a hang in Asset Control when I attempt to use the Play Album option. The "Adding Tracks to Playlist" dialogue appears and I've waited as long as 30 mins and then end up killing Asset Control from the task manager. Launching another control point I can see that the previously empty playlist is partially populated. Using either KinskyDesktop or PlugPlayer for iOS with the same DMS/DMR the same content loads to the playlist happily.

                              In case it is significant all the machines are ATOM based.


                              • jldaureil

                                • Dec 2010
                                • 22

                                Re: Asset Control Discussions

                                Originally posted by cafez
                                Is Asset Control premium available yet?
                                Cafez, Spoon,
                                What is this "premium" version? Is it the complet name for stable and commercial versions of Illustrate's products?


