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dBpowerAMP Audio Player R2 Beta 12 [Final]

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  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44845

    dBpowerAMP Audio Player R2 Beta 12 [Final]

    Here it is the last one before release (about 1-2 weeks), we have been through many betas the first one starting way back in February 2002!, an emphesis is on quality, so much has changed in Release 2. I only have to do one final bug fix and update the help, but in the mean time here is pretty much Release 2:


    This new beta gets a new option to Always display Playing track in MMC, useful as I just added about 100 tracks of different artists and it autoselects them so I can rate them. I have improved the gapless playback too.

    Changes in this beta:

    Waveout - now possible to set output device
    New Options after install to Create 'Play Audio CD' icon and dAP icon in Quick launch
    MMC - right click 'Select Album'
    MMC - right click track >> Advanced - always display playing track (until click on another track)
    Playlist Editor - On Shutdown if it is shown then its position is remembered for next start of dAP
    Previously Played - On Shutdown if it is shown then its position is remembered for next start of dAP
    Bug fix: when restarting dAP the track is not added to previous list
    bug fix: better saving of resume play on close down
    bug fix: playlist+prev played no longer stay on top!!
    bug fix: enqued items are now sorted

    • Jan 2003
    • 14

    Then let us try your new beta..



    • dbample
      dBpoweramp Enthusiast

      • Oct 2002
      • 69


      Wonderful! We get the 'always show track playing' option!! Thanks!

      Two questions (not complaining, just asking :D ):
      - what is this bug fix about sorting enqueued songs - aren't queued songs supposed to be played in the order I want them to be, i.e. in the order I queued them? Has this changed now?
      - in this thread there was a mention of exporting the database from MMC (for printing, etc.) coming very soon, possibly this beta. Is this going to make the official release 2?

      Thanks again, Spoon.. Wonderful programs!

      Last edited by dbample; March 06, 2003, 06:29 AM.


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44845

        The enqueue fix was when enqueing from explorer.

        Oh yes, the exporting will be in as well.


        • Spoon
          • Apr 2002
          • 44845

          Just working on exporting right now, here is my music collection exported to the web:

          Ideas on formatting? (I will post the new MMC at the weekend).


          • dbample
            dBpoweramp Enthusiast

            • Oct 2002
            • 69

            Some thoughts on exporting from MMC and the formatting of it:

            I was thinking that export from MMC could (should?) try to match the versatility of MMC sorting.

            Right now your exported listing above is essentially a MMC listing sorted by artist, then by album, but with all other fields missing, and also the formatting is not the same as in MMC. You can still leave this as an option - "export simple listing" or something like that.

            I was picturing in my mind something that looked more like the way songs are listed in MMC, almost like a "clone" of it - including the layout and the columns the way they show in MMC.

            You can sort songs in MMC any way you like (and different ways of sorting are VERY useful to get printed out - like sorted by song name; or sorted by song length; or sorted by genre, etc.). So, when I hit the "export" button/option, I would like to have the output match my current sorting - like doing a "dump" of MMC's current state (the upper window).

            Also, output all columns that are displayed in MMC, and only them - if I don't have e.g. "Volume Boost" and "Date added" displayed, then don't print them in the output list. But print ALL displayed columns unless one hits "export simple listing".
            [Added Mar 07,2003] : This way the user has maximum flexibility on what to export/print out - if I don't want to print out a certain column, I just temporarily put a zero for it in the columns menu so as to not display that column, and it won't get exported. [Added Mar 07, 2003]

            If length of a line is a potential problem, you could just print the columns the way they are in MMC up to the maximum line length (? if there's any) and cut out the rest with a warning message.

            I know the above could look like a tall order, but in a way it should be fairly straight forward - you don't do any additional sorting when the export button is pressed, just take all parameters from MMC and do a faithful "dump" of the current listing, the way it is sorted in MMC and the way it looks. Unless one chooses "export simple listing", then do it the way your exporting works now - a listing sorted by artist, then by album, but with all other fields missing.

            In terms of html versus ascii text, I guess you could have both options.. maybe html is enough if it looks exactly like in MMC - then from a browser one could save it a an ascii file (?)

            Anyway, just some ideas/wishlist/dreams :D
            I hope this makes sense and is doable. Having an export feature that matches the flexibility of MMC sorting will be fantastic!

            Last edited by dbample; March 07, 2003, 08:19 PM.


            • Taz

              • Mar 2003
              • 9

              I would like to see this as a tab delimited text file...then you can pull it into Excel, Word or Access and do with it what you will.




              • Erunama

                • Feb 2003
                • 13

                How about looking at the formatting of Winamp's playlists? I've seen them posted online, after being generated by the program.

                Just found an example here:

                I like the way it looks.


                • Razgo
                  • Apr 2002
                  • 2532

                  if you compare winamps list to what spoon did, it looks like spoons output has more info in the list and better orginised.


                  • Spoon
                    • Apr 2002
                    • 44845

                    This beta is closed, now released.

