would you be so kind and have a look into this:
Asset 2, latest beta in conjunction with a Sneaky DS (plays flac natively!).
Loading a flac-track with Linn Kinsky Desktop into my Sneaky, playing it and saving this "playlist" as a socalled "local Playlist" in Kinsky.
Now, please take a look at the code in this playlist. It seems to me, that this code - because of referring to .wav a few times - is telling sneaky to get itself a transcoded .wav for playing. I may be completely wrong (in this case I apologize in advance for this), but please have a look at this, in case this might be a bug.
Needless to point out, that of course I have disabled ALL transcoding options for all file formats in Asset config, just to be sure....
Now, to give you further information, here is, what happens, if I load one track (the first one) from Asset, and the second track is added to the playlist from Twonky (ver. 4.4.17). Please note, that in the second half of the code (the part coming from twonky), no wav whatsoever is present in the code
Also, in this case, ALL transcoding options of Asset were disabled!
I came across this by pure chance, since I wanted to stream m music from "Spotify" to my DS using a little plugin called "dsbridge". It transcodes the Spotify-output to mp3 and streams it over http to the DS - it is called by a simple m3u playlist (see Linn Forum, if interested). I could not get it to work with Asset. With Twonky, all was fine. After some tests, the only possibility for it to fail with Asset was, that there might be some server-side on-the-fly transcoding going on, which most likely is the fact....
Thanks for having a look into this and please accept my apologies, should I mistakedly have created a "false alarm"!!!
would you be so kind and have a look into this:
Asset 2, latest beta in conjunction with a Sneaky DS (plays flac natively!).
Loading a flac-track with Linn Kinsky Desktop into my Sneaky, playing it and saving this "playlist" as a socalled "local Playlist" in Kinsky.
Now, please take a look at the code in this playlist. It seems to me, that this code - because of referring to .wav a few times - is telling sneaky to get itself a transcoded .wav for playing. I may be completely wrong (in this case I apologize in advance for this), but please have a look at this, in case this might be a bug.
Needless to point out, that of course I have disabled ALL transcoding options for all file formats in Asset config, just to be sure....
<linn:Playlist version="3" xmlns:linn="urn:linn-co-uk/playlist"> <linn:Track> <DIDL-Lite xmlns="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/DIDL-Lite/"> <item id="30617-au446.flac" parentID="\\Twonky\Audio\Playlist\flac.dpl" restricted="False"> <dc:title xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> 1 Come On, Come Out</dc:title> <upnp:class xmlns:upnp="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/upnp/">object.item.audioItem.musicTrack</upnp:class> <res size="27091387" duration="00:03:35.000" bitrate="125578" sampleFrequency="44100" bitsPerSample="16" nrAudioChannels="2" protocolInfo="http-get:*:audio/x-flac:DLNA.ORG_OP=01"></res> <res size="38055344" duration="00:03:35.000" bitrate="176400" sampleFrequency="44100" bitsPerSample="16" nrAudioChannels="2" protocolInfo="http-get:*:audio/wav:DLNA.ORG_PN=WAV;DLNA.ORG_OP=01"></res> <res size="38055300" duration="00:03:35.000" bitrate="176400" sampleFrequency="44100" bitsPerSample="16" nrAudioChannels="2" protocolInfo="http-get:*:audio/L16;rate=44100;channels=2:DLNA.ORG_PN=LPCM;DLNA.ORG_OP=01"></res> <res size="27091387" duration="00:03:35.000" bitrate="125578" sampleFrequency="44100" bitsPerSample="16" nrAudioChannels="2" protocolInfo="http-get:*:audio/x-flac:DLNA.ORG_OP=01"></res> <upnp:genre xmlns:upnp="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/upnp/">Pop</upnp:genre> <upnp:artist role="Performer" xmlns:upnp="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/upnp/">A Fine Frenzy</upnp:artist> <upnp:artist role="Conductor" xmlns:upnp="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/upnp/">(Unknown Conductor)</upnp:artist> <upnp:artist role="AlbumArtist" xmlns:upnp="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/upnp/">A Fine Frenzy</upnp:artist> <upnp:album xmlns:upnp="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/upnp/">One Cell in the Sea</upnp:album> <upnp:originalTrackNumber xmlns:upnp="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/upnp/">1</upnp:originalTrackNumber> <dc:date xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/">2007-01-01</dc:date> <upnp:albumArtURI xmlns:upnp="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/upnp/"></upnp:albumArtURI> </item> </DIDL-Lite> </linn:Track> </linn:Playlist>
<linn:Playlist version="3" xmlns:linn="urn:linn-co-uk/playlist"> <linn:Track> <DIDL-Lite xmlns="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/DIDL-Lite/"> <item id="30617-au446.flac" parentID="\\Twonky\Audio\Playlist\Mischung.dpl" restricted="False"> <dc:title xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> 1 Come On, Come Out</dc:title> <upnp:class xmlns:upnp="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/upnp/">object.item.audioItem.musicTrack</upnp:class> <res size="27091387" duration="00:03:35.000" bitrate="125578" sampleFrequency="44100" bitsPerSample="16" nrAudioChannels="2" protocolInfo="http-get:*:audio/x-flac:DLNA.ORG_OP=01"></res> <res size="38055344" duration="00:03:35.000" bitrate="176400" sampleFrequency="44100" bitsPerSample="16" nrAudioChannels="2" protocolInfo="http-get:*:audio/wav:DLNA.ORG_PN=WAV;DLNA.ORG_OP=01"></res> <res size="38055300" duration="00:03:35.000" bitrate="176400" sampleFrequency="44100" bitsPerSample="16" nrAudioChannels="2" protocolInfo="http-get:*:audio/L16;rate=44100;channels=2:DLNA.ORG_PN=LPCM;DLNA.ORG_OP=01"></res> <res size="27091387" duration="00:03:35.000" bitrate="125578" sampleFrequency="44100" bitsPerSample="16" nrAudioChannels="2" protocolInfo="http-get:*:audio/x-flac:DLNA.ORG_OP=01"></res> <upnp:genre xmlns:upnp="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/upnp/">Pop</upnp:genre> <upnp:artist role="Performer" xmlns:upnp="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/upnp/">A Fine Frenzy</upnp:artist> <upnp:artist role="Conductor" xmlns:upnp="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/upnp/">(Unknown Conductor)</upnp:artist> <upnp:artist role="AlbumArtist" xmlns:upnp="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/upnp/">A Fine Frenzy</upnp:artist> <upnp:album xmlns:upnp="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/upnp/">One Cell in the Sea</upnp:album> <upnp:originalTrackNumber xmlns:upnp="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/upnp/">1</upnp:originalTrackNumber> <dc:date xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/">2007-01-01</dc:date> <upnp:albumArtURI xmlns:upnp="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/upnp/"></upnp:albumArtURI> </item> </DIDL-Lite> </linn:Track> <linn:Track> <DIDL-Lite xmlns="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/DIDL-Lite/"> <item id="1$13$744776805$3026478627" parentID="\\Twonky\Audio\Playlist\Mischung.dpl" restricted="False" refID="1$268435466$2013266793"> <dc:title xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/">The Minnow & the Trout</dc:title> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/">Unknown</dc:creator> <upnp:class xmlns:upnp="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/upnp/">object.item.audioItem.musicTrack</upnp:class> <res size="28893863" protocolInfo="http-get:*:audio/x-flac:*">$13$744776805$3026478627.flac</res> <upnp:genre xmlns:upnp="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/upnp/">Pop</upnp:genre> <upnp:artist xmlns:upnp="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/upnp/">A Fine Frenzy</upnp:artist> <upnp:album xmlns:upnp="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/upnp/">One Cell In The Sea</upnp:album> <upnp:originalTrackNumber xmlns:upnp="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/upnp/">2</upnp:originalTrackNumber> <dc:date xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/">2007-01-01</dc:date> <upnp:albumArtURI xmlns:upnp="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/upnp/">$13$744776805$3026478627/W160/H160/S1/L1/Xjpeg-jpeg.desc.jpg</upnp:albumArtURI> </item> </DIDL-Lite> </linn:Track> </linn:Playlist>
I came across this by pure chance, since I wanted to stream m music from "Spotify" to my DS using a little plugin called "dsbridge". It transcodes the Spotify-output to mp3 and streams it over http to the DS - it is called by a simple m3u playlist (see Linn Forum, if interested). I could not get it to work with Asset. With Twonky, all was fine. After some tests, the only possibility for it to fail with Asset was, that there might be some server-side on-the-fly transcoding going on, which most likely is the fact....
Thanks for having a look into this and please accept my apologies, should I mistakedly have created a "false alarm"!!!