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PerfectMeta Discussion

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  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44847

    Re: PerfectMeta Discussion

    We are implementing our own version of CUETools DB which is not limited to whole disc rips, rather to be track based.


    • EliC
      dBpoweramp Guru

      • May 2004
      • 1175

      Re: PerfectMeta Discussion

      Spoon, any reason you are not working with the CueTools DB developer on this? He said he would do track based if it got you on board...
      Any ETA for alpha or beta release?


      • Porcus
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Feb 2007
        • 792

        Re: PerfectMeta Discussion

        Originally posted by EliC
        Spoon, any reason you are not working with the CueTools DB developer on this? He said he would do track based if it got you on board...
        Yep, .

        I think that supporting CUEToolsDB lookups would be a good idea -- the fact that it is disc-based makes it more of a complement and less than a competitor. If Spoon has no entry which can be used to repair the rip, then looking up CUEToolsDB will
        - give access to more entries (the EAC plugin will presumably give CUEToolsDB a lot of submissions not in the SpoonDB),
        - only if you have the entire disc with at most a very few errors.

        Tracks-based repair has its obvious advantages (if, say, one track has minor issues and another is completely unreadable, then CUEToolsDB is of no help), so Spoon's solution will anyway show up as the primary choice with CUEToolsDB as a second shot.


        • EliC
          dBpoweramp Guru

          • May 2004
          • 1175

          Re: PerfectMeta Discussion

          Back on topic for the thread:

          I had my first SonataDB match that I have noticed. It popped up for AC/DC Iron Man 2. Anyway, there where 3 fields that dBpoweramp choose from SonataDB that AMG, MB, & FreeDB all matched on and disagreed with SonataDB. Something in the code is making Sonata trump everything else.

          Also, I am still seeing behavior where AMG provides wrong metadata for everything. The metadata that is matched in PerfectMeta review is fixed, but other info, like style, artist sort, ect is NOT thrown out.


          • Porcus
            dBpoweramp Guru

            • Feb 2007
            • 792

            Re: PerfectMeta Discussion

            Yeah, it is a bit annoying to get AMG metadata that is clearly for a different release. If user or PerfectMeta chooses something that indicates that the outvoted provider, say AMG, is a different album, then I don't want (say) Composer from AMG just because it is missing from the others.


            • EliC
              dBpoweramp Guru

              • May 2004
              • 1175

              Re: PerfectMeta Discussion

              Originally posted by Porcus
              Yeah, it is a bit annoying to get AMG metadata that is clearly for a different release. If user or PerfectMeta chooses something that indicates that the outvoted provider, say AMG, is a different album, then I don't want (say) Composer from AMG just because it is missing from the others.
              Often its not even the same artist and/or album. So its not a matter of a different release, everything is wrong.


              • Porcus
                dBpoweramp Guru

                • Feb 2007
                • 792

                Re: PerfectMeta Discussion

                Yeah ... I was so sure this was obvious that I didn't even bother to read whether it was clear :-/


                • EliC
                  dBpoweramp Guru

                  • May 2004
                  • 1175

                  Re: PerfectMeta Discussion

                  sure wish we could get Discogs as it tends to provide much of the info AMG does and it could be cross checked as well


                  • EliC
                    dBpoweramp Guru

                    • May 2004
                    • 1175

                    Re: PerfectMeta Discussion

                    For some reason, when there are multiple artists, AMG often reports the same name multiple time - bug or bad AMG data?

                    Should be able to be checked for.


                    • EliC
                      dBpoweramp Guru

                      • May 2004
                      • 1175

                      Re: PerfectMeta Discussion

                      I can confirm on at least 5 other discs now that SonataDB is trumping everything, even when its wrong (and it usually seems to be) and the other three agree on the right data


                      • EliC
                        dBpoweramp Guru

                        • May 2004
                        • 1175

                        Re: PerfectMeta Discussion

                        More issues with SonataDB. I don't rip many classical discs, but since this is supposed to be the focus of Sonata, I'm really disappointed. I only have an N of 1, but Sonata seems to drop out special characters


                        Der Mller und der Bach

                        Der Müller und der Bach

                        Der Jger

                        Der Jäger



                        I found this on every track with special characters in a five disc set!!


                        • EliC
                          dBpoweramp Guru

                          • May 2004
                          • 1175

                          Re: PerfectMeta Discussion

                          I now have a high degree of confidence that GD3 is pulling meta-data from AMG, much as they have a significant amount of freedb data. It is becoming less helpful to compare AMG with GD3, in the same way that a match with GD3 and freedb has less meaning.


                          Fall Out Boy
                          Track *5
                          I'm Like a Lawyer with the Way I'm Always Trying to Get You Off (Me & Y
                          I'm Like a Lawyer with the Way I'm Always Trying to Get You Off (Me & Y
                          I'm Like A Lawyer With The Way I'm Always Trying To Get You Off (Me & You)


                          • EliC
                            dBpoweramp Guru

                            • May 2004
                            • 1175

                            Re: PerfectMeta Discussion

                            When viewing the meta-data page, if there is disagreement between sources regarding the artist(s), the page should automatically expand to show the artist field


                            • kittykitty

                              • May 2016
                              • 4

                              Re: PerfectMeta Discussion

                              Originally posted by EliC
                              A couple more PerfectMeta improvements that would be very slick:

                              PerfectMeta DB
                              -When users hand edit metadata have dB collect the data. Especially useful when PerfectMeta data is hand edited. This could either be considered another source or used in the PerfectMeta Quality estimate below.

                              PerfectMeta Quality Meter
                              -use spell checker, grammer, artist lists, previous manual edits in PMdb, agreement between sources, etc to come up with some sort of measurement of the meta data quality. Prompt users to manually examine the metadata if the quality measurement is below a certain value [size=7](and of course upload any manual edits to the PMdb)[/size]

                              PerfectMeta Album Art
                              -when users have the ability to select the preferred album art from multiple sources save which one was selected to the db
                              -if no album art is found (or users don't like what is found) allow users to scan their album art and upload it to the PMdb

                              dB Album Art Scanner
                              -help users select the correct aspect ratio
                              -I don't know if any tools could be licensed at a reasonable cost from Adobe for some simple clean up of scan, etc

                              I know the above ideas may come into some conflict with the current metadata providers that dBpoweramp uses. However, the only data uploaded to illustrate would be user generated data. I don't know if users manually selecting a field from a provider other then one selected by PerfectMeta would count as user generated, but if possible, those types of edits should be saved as well.
                              I googled around trying to find an answer for this (correct id tags dbpoweramp, correct perfectmeta dbpoweramp, send update OR upload perfectmetastart), but can't find any threads at all, hope this hasn't been answered before but I honestly can't find anything anywhere:

                              My question iiiiis:

                              When the title of a track is incorrect (e.g. spelling mistake or someone put the wrong track in the wrong order), or the artist (I've seen one where one of an CD's tracks had the Artist set to "Various Artists-<random track name from a different CD in the same album>" - I've also seen a sound effects CD set to genre "Stage & Screen" instead of Sound Effect) etc etc, is there any way to upload a correction? Maybe these databases should be turned into a wiki or something

                              ( p.s. on the front page it doesn't really advertise the perfectmeta because the average person browsing probably doesn't know what metadata is, if you dumbed it down a bit it for the itunes generation it might help as a selling point, the bit where it says "PerfectMeta blends 5 metadata providers," could be something like "PerfectMeta blends 5 metadata providers to automatically fill in the track and album names, genres, years and more" or something like that <3 considering it's the best thing compared to competing programs you should big it up more )
                              Last edited by kittykitty; May 08, 2016, 07:00 AM.


                              • Spoon
                                • Apr 2002
                                • 44847

                                Re: PerfectMeta Discussion

                                The only one you can submit to now is freedb, see the metadata drop menu.

