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Discussion of dMC R13

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  • tilmaen

    • Apr 2008
    • 3

    Re: Discussion of dMC R13

    I'm a complete noob to this forum. just wanted to tell you guys: great work! can't wait for the first alpha with cue support. from what i read cue-sheet support is planned for R13, right?


    • Spoon
      • Apr 2002
      • 44772

      Re: Discussion of dMC R13

      Cue sheet writing will appear shortly after R13 release (DSP effects should be able to handle them).


      • AndersHu

        • Apr 2008
        • 28

        Re: Discussion of dMC R13

        In the Manual Meta Review ALT+M, if I manually change the name of one track and then press the looked up data of another track, my manual changes are undone.
        Is this by design or a bug?

        Is there any way the make the Manual Meta Review case aware?


        • Spoon
          • Apr 2002
          • 44772

          Re: Discussion of dMC R13

          By desin, those buttons are to move the whole data set from a provider across. It is case aware but within its confidence system.


          • AndersHu

            • Apr 2008
            • 28

            Re: Discussion of dMC R13

            I'm not talking about the buttons, but the spelling for each track.
            If I manually change the spelling on track 1, and then click on the spelling from MusicBrainz for track 2, track 2 is updated and track 1 is reverted back to default spelling.


            • Spoon
              • Apr 2002
              • 44772

              Re: Discussion of dMC R13

              To change just track 2, click the text for track 2 on Musicbrainz, not the button.


              • AndersHu

                • Apr 2008
                • 28

                Re: Discussion of dMC R13

                My problem is not the button.
                I do click the text for track 2 on MusicBrainz, but then my manual changes for track 1 are reverted.


                • Spoon
                  • Apr 2002
                  • 44772

                  Re: Discussion of dMC R13

                  Confirmed bug.


                  • modusmortis

                    • May 2008
                    • 1

                    Re: Discussion of dMC R13

                    Is it possible to add support in R13 for displaying album art in windows explorer for flac files that have the art embedded in the file?

                    I just tried R13 and it picks up the ID3 tag data just fine. If I right click on a flac file and do properties, then click on the "ID-Tag" tab, I can click on the view button to see the ablum art. So R13 is seeing it. However, when I view the flac files in windows explorer I just get the generic flac icon and not the album art. (I can see the art for all my mp3 files properly though.) Also, if I view by details, I don't see the columns filled in with the ID3 tag info, although the info is there if I right click/properties or mouse over the flac file.

                    My OS is 64 bit vista. I'm willing to test out any new builds that add in this feature.



                    • LtData
                      dBpoweramp Guru

                      • May 2004
                      • 8288

                      Re: Discussion of dMC R13

                      Windows Explorer cannot read the meta-data in FLAC files, and as far as I know, there is no way to add this. It is a Microsoft issue and they would have to be the ones to fix it (not likely).


                      • Teknojnky
                        dBpoweramp Guru

                        • Dec 2006
                        • 323

                        Re: Discussion of dMC R13

                        cdgrab > options > metadata > write album art to path > does not utilize [album].jpg mask to save the album art to the [name of the album].jpg.

                        I would expect it to use the same masks as the other tokens.


                        • Porcus
                          dBpoweramp Guru

                          • Feb 2007
                          • 792

                          Re: Discussion of dMC R13

                          The below quoted bug is still there with today's version. No big issue though, rather a nuissance. With my naming pattern, all tracks get wrong titles, the last track gets an unknown artist, and for these particular CDs it is hard to tag from freedb. Solution: find, delete, re-rip with PerfectMeta turned off.

                          Originally posted by Porcus
                          PerfectMeta does not handle HTOA correctly. Even though each of the metadata sources do, PerfectMeta will write it as (example with 8 tracks)

                          0 <Name of track 1>
                          1 <Name of track 2>
                          2 <Name of track 3>
                          3 <Name of track 4>
                          4 <Name of track 5>
                          5 <Name of track 6>
                          6 <Name of track 7>
                          6 <Name of track 8>
                          8 Track 8.

                          Error is consistent when I press Alt-m, and also when it tags and names the ripped files (the last track will be tagged and named as an Unknown artist).

                          Tried two discs and two drives, same result.


                          • Porcus
                            dBpoweramp Guru

                            • Feb 2007
                            • 792

                            Re: Discussion of dMC R13

                            Another PerfectMeta issue:

                            I just found a CD where AMG disagrees with GD and MusicBrainz, who mutually agree -- except for spacing in some (not all) fields. Then since AMG has highest priority, it was chosen for these fields and not for the others. AMG was clearly pointing to a different release too, so I got metadata mixed from two different CDs.

                            A more "intelligent" (right ...) algorithm could be
                            -> for the purposes of deciding which ones are wrong, first perform a comparison with spaces and dots and special characters stripped.
                            -> If two sources agree at that point, then AMG is outvoted
                            -> If this is the case for sufficiently many fields in one disc, then weight these two sources heavier for the rest.

                            Example -- disregard freedb here, assume we only use AMG, GD, MusicBrainz:
                            If GD and MusicBrainz agree that this is Performer 'Foo' Album 'Bar' and AMG says it is Performer 'Someone' Album 'Else', then GD and MusicBrainz have the upper hand. Now if GD writes a song title as 'What If ...' and MusicBrainz as 'What If...', then PerfectMeta would choose AMG's song title. A wiser choice would be to disregard the space and conclude that GD and MusicBrainz agree, and pick one of them.

                            If GD has 'Foo' and 'Bar!' while MusicBrainz has 'Foo?' and 'Bar' then likewise they should be considered in agreement, I think.

                            And, finally: Suppose that GD and MusicBrainz are considered to be in agreement on all tracks except the last one, which according to GD is 'Untitled' and MusicBrainz is 'Bonus Track'. Clearly, AMG's information is about a different album than the two others, so AMG should be scored down and either GD or MusicBrainz should be chosen.

                            Alternatively: If the differences are so significant that it is clear that AMG mentions a different album, then disregard it being outvoted and stick to it -- since AMG metadata can only be inserted upon ripping (while MusicBrainz can later, right?)
                            Last edited by Porcus; May 12, 2008, 08:04 PM.


                            • EliC
                              dBpoweramp Guru

                              • May 2004
                              • 1175

                              Re: Discussion of dMC R13

                              I have started a perfectmeta thread for discussing perfectmeta issues. I agree. I have seen many cases where there is evidence that AMG is weighted to heavily in the algorithm. Simple spacing differences or [ vs ( are often the only difference between GD3 and MB. MB, IMHO seems to have the best data. AMG does not include alot of track subtitles. AMG does offer a lot of additional fields that the other providers do not.


                              • EliC
                                dBpoweramp Guru

                                • May 2004
                                • 1175

                                Re: Discussion of dMC R13

                                Here is the thread for PerfectMeta formatting suggestions:

                                I would like to make this a thread for suggestions / options that would improve PerfectMeta. -Treat GD3 &quot;[***]&quot; as &quot;(***)&quot; when comparing meta-data. So &quot; [Solo] &quot; from GD3 should be treated the same as &quot; (Solo) &quot; from MusicBrainz or freeDB when comparing to see if there is a match.

