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dBpoweramp Batch Ripper

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  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    dBpoweramp Batch Ripper

    Illustrate has made a decision to enter the automated / commercial CD Ripping business in a big way, we are to offer automated (batch ripping) free for all Reference users. Normally automated ripping programs can cost $$$$, Illustrates aggressive pricing will ensure market domination.

    Final Functionality

    The program will cater enthusiasts with 2 CD drives and manual loading, to firewire 8 cd drive towers, to full blown automated robotic systems, let us reiterate the price once more: FREE for Reference users.

    Uniquely, the design to access CD loaders will be open as possible, ensuring maximum compatibility with even the most obscure loader.

    An end-to-end solution will be offered, from automated uploading of ripped audio tracks to iPods and other digital players, to HTML and printed catalogues, album cover art, quad core CPU systems are fully utilized, encode to multi-formats at the same time. Meta data will be supplied from an intelligent system of 4 of the top providers.

    For the first time in this field a secure ripper is available for use (full C2 error support), also making use of the popular AccurateRip rip verification system, final users will see from the report if a file was ripped verified 100% without error.


    1: Download and install the latest Music Converter R13:

    If you have a Power Pack or Reference license, install this over the top without uninstalling and will remain registered. This alpha will cease to function after 08 2008 (will be in full release by then). Download: <now released> CD Ripper: PerfectMeta data added - uses commercial AMG and GD3 as well as MusicBrainz

    2: Download Batch Ripper:

    3: Install Any Required Batch Ripper Loaders:

    Auto Eject - Manual Load (included in standard install)
    Recommended Settings: Main Page 'End After': Discs Ripped or Manual Stop. Configuration: Offer Spindle Change After (never)

    Amtren & Discmakers Elite Micro:

    MFDigital Baxter, Datatronics Minicubis, Stordigital 25, Diskmakers Pico, Acronova DupliQ:
    Recommended Settings: Main Page 'End After': Manual Stop. Configuration: Offer Spindle Change After 2 failed Load Attempts

    Media Changers (such as Sony XL1Bx):
    Recommended Settings: Main Page 'End After': Manual Stop. Configuration: Offer Spindle Change After (never)

    Primera Composer:

    Microboards MicroOrbit:

    Kodak Kiosk:

    Mediatechnics, MF-Digital, Kintronics, Composer MAX please Contact Illustrate:

    Installing a newer Version

    Uninstall R13 Music Converter,
    Uninstall Batch Ripper,
    Install Latest version of above,
    Rerun Batch Ripper Configuration and reconfigure all drives.

    State of Development

    This release canditate is 100% completed (help files to be written). Meta data (see our later statement on providers): currently implemented AMG (non-commercial 400 lookup limit / commercial $0.07), GD3 (commercial), MusicBrainz, freedb.

    Currently the following loaders are supported:

    Auto Eject - Manual Load (for CD Towers)
    MFDigital Baxter
    Datatronics Minicubis
    Stordigital 25
    Diskmakers Pico
    Acronova DupliQ
    MediaTechnics Fusion X
    Amtren & Discmakers Elite Micro
    Mediatechnics Fusion & Kintronics Big Ripper
    MF-Digital BaxterRip
    Microboards MicroOrbit & Kodak Kiosk
    Primera Composer & Composer Max
    RImage DTP

    Using Batch Name or Batch ID in file naming

    Include either:




    in the filenaming.

    Illustrates credentials:

    Having spent over 10 years in the audio business, Illustrate have a strong working knowledge of: Audio Formats: Standards, Rippers, Encoders. dBpoweramp's CD Ripper has an installed user base of over 10 Million and falls in the top 5 of used CD Rippers world wide.
    Last edited by LtData; July 05, 2008, 04:02 AM. Reason: Edit per bhoar's request
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: dBpoweramp Batch Ripper

    Discussions of Batch Ripper:

    Discussions relating to automated CD loaders to this thread:

    (for implemetation into dBpoweramp Batch Ripper). Here is the place to mention the automated loader you have, and any known technical details on driving the loader.


    • Spoon
      • Apr 2002
      • 44844

      Re: dBpoweramp Batch Ripper

      Update 19 Sept

      Right Click on drive to skip disc or track
      Results section (just not saving results to HD)
      Opt to reject if no meta
      Double click a result to view error / info log / filenames


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44844

        Re: dBpoweramp Batch Ripper

        Update Alpha 3

        Saving batch results to hard disk

        if skip then gets labeled as an error & log contains 'user skipped'

        Rightclick on results or reject - view files

        Added a With Batch Button


        • Spoon
          • Apr 2002
          • 44844

          Re: dBpoweramp Batch Ripper

          Update Alpha 4

          Added Batch Notes, these can be entered at the top pre-rip, and during ripping on the notes section.

          Batch COnfiguration sets which items appear automatically in the notes.


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44844

            Re: dBpoweramp Batch Ripper

            Request for Specific Testers

            If you have one of these drives:

            Amtren or discmakers duplicator with a single >= 50 disc stack?
            (not including the pico)

            Any MF-Digital system (excluding baxter), or Any Mediatechnics or ADR system

            Please email:

            (include in the email, exact system model, number of drives present)
            Last edited by Spoon; October 22, 2007, 09:57 PM.


            • Spoon
              • Apr 2002
              • 44844

              Re: dBpoweramp Batch Ripper

              Update to Alpha 5

              On the drive configuration page now a test button

              On the configuration page shows loading methods next to drives

              Added a configuration debug switch

              A 3rd line in defaulcmds.txt that is passed to the load.exe, etc, but is not seen by the user.

              Return of debug and error info from loaders (see the test for the filenamaes sent, written text in files has to be unicode)

              3 new loader switches (see documentation for loaders)

              After a load batch ripper will wait upto 30 seconds for the CD to initialize in the drive (before issuing a reject if --rejectifnodisc, or another load attempt)


              • Spoon
                • Apr 2002
                • 44844

                Re: dBpoweramp Batch Ripper

                Loader CLI Switches:

                (for those who wish to create their own loaders)

                Loaders are contained in the folder \dBpoweramp\BatchRipper\Loaders\[Loader Name]\

                Pre-Batch\Pre-Batch.exe Called once at beginning of batch rip
                Load\Load.exe Called for each load
                Reject\Reject.exe Called if CD needs to be rejected (cannot read, is data cd...), NB Unload would not be called
                UnLoad\UnLoad.exe Called to unload a cd normally
                Post-Batch\Post-Batch.exe Called once at the end of the batch

                Addition files in Loaders\[Loader Name]\[Method] folder:

                DefaultCmdLine.txt (saved as ascii)

                Line 1: first run default command line
                Line 2: help line displayed under command line
                Line 3: hidden command line (not show to user) which is always added to CLI

                NB if DefaultCmdLine.txt is not present, then user is not able to change or add command line

                Passed to loaders (all lower case):

                --drive="X" cd drive letter passed
                --logfile="X:\filename.tmp" requests any debugging details be written by loader to this temp file, should be saved as Unicode plain text
                --passerrorsback="x:\filename1.tmp" requests any errors from loader to this temp file, should be saved as Unicode plain text, if contains [cancel batch] (all lower case) then batch rip is ended

                --watchdog="120000" (for batch ripper: will end task the loader command if not finished after X milisecond time)
                --rejectifnodisc (for batch ripper: used on a load.exe if the load fails tells batch ripper to issue a reject, incase an unreadable cd was loaded)

                [and additional user typed, default or hidden command line]
                Last edited by Spoon; October 26, 2007, 08:22 PM.


                • Spoon
                  • Apr 2002
                  • 44844

                  Re: dBpoweramp Batch Ripper

                  Update to Alpha 6

                  Split the loaders out into seperate installs.

                  The drive configuration screen still assumes the escape key should be processed as an unconfigure drive command

                  for debug, shows the process ID from loaders

                  option to offer to change spindle is now drive specific!

                  batch notes no longer limiting at 32KB

                  Minicubis (and varieties) Pioneer DVR-111D usb unmounting fixed


                  • Spoon
                    • Apr 2002
                    • 44844

                    Re: dBpoweramp Batch Ripper


                    I have just spoken to MFDigital, they have said:

                    "We wish to only partner with single company, MFDigital do not want dBpoweramp to support MF Digital loaders"

                    Now I am not their customer, but if I was I would complain, either that or purchase different robotic loaders.


                    • Spoon
                      • Apr 2002
                      • 44844

                      Re: dBpoweramp Batch Ripper

                      As a test of the program I hooked up 6 cd drives, over x100 combined ripping speed:

                      Now all the drives except the AOpen were limiting on the USB bus (the asus was firewire).


                      • Spoon
                        • Apr 2002
                        • 44844

                        Re: dBpoweramp Batch Ripper

                        Update to Alpha 7

                        if ripper disapears during batch, was not detected when new cd inserted

                        shows the individual drive rip speed for each line (drive)

                        quicker at quitting the loader thread (on end batch rip)

                        hscroll on notes window

                        bug fix: starting ripping on multi drives at same time could crash AMG

                        PID on log, on same line as running

                        works with latest R13 Music Converter and Multi-Encoder, can now recieve the multi filesnames used

                        AMG Access limited to 400 lookups with existing dBpoweramp AMG License (for non-commercial)


                        • Spoon
                          • Apr 2002
                          • 44844

                          Re: dBpoweramp Batch Ripper

                          Drivers for Media Changers Added, such as Sony XL1B, please direct all discussions to:

                          For discussions of Media Changers, such as Sony XL1B(1/2/3), PowerFile Loaders and any other Media Changer recognised as such in Windows XP/Vista.


                          • Spoon
                            • Apr 2002
                            • 44844

                            Re: dBpoweramp Batch Ripper

                            Updated to Beta 1

                            Now into Beta 1!
                            right click on ripping track and option to show the cd ripper ** needs new R13 dmc

                            hold mouse over ripping drive to show meta data in tool tip

                            meta button with many options (still a work in progress, anything disabled on the meta button has yet to be added).


                            • Spoon
                              • Apr 2002
                              • 44844

                              Re: dBpoweramp Batch Ripper

                              Tag Mapping:

                              Examples using Tag Mapping (Batch Ripper >> Meta >> Tag Mapping), do not type anything after //

                              IF Genre=[anyvalue] // Set if Genre if contains a value
                              SET Genre=Rock

                              IF Genre= // set genre if contains nothing
                              SET Genre=Unknown

                              IF Genre=Alt Rock // all genres
                              SET Genre=Rock

                              IF Album=Christmas // example showing setting a different tag
                              SET Genre=Christmas

                              IF Artist=The Beatles // fixed changes
                              SET Artist=Beatles, the

                              IF Album Artist=The Beatles
                              SET Album Artist=Beatles, the

                              IFCONTAINS Album=Best of // for generic albums, add the artist name
                              SET Album=[album], [artist]

                              IF Album Artist= // set album artist if empty (from artist)
                              SET Album Artist=[artist]

                              IF Artist= // if no artist then set to unknown
                              SET Artist=Unknown Artist

