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New pricing ideas for R12

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  • Tigerman
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • Mar 2005
    • 157

    Re: New pricing ideas for R12

    I don't have any problems in paying for a subscription on AMG. Also paying for a major upgrade is not a problem.
    However I don't like the idea of paying yearly for a piece of software. I rather pay an initial higher price.
    If multiprocessor support includes dual core, core 2 duo, etc than I think this should not be in the same package as those professional codecs.
    In an age where dual core slowly but surely becomes the norm, support for it should be standard. (I don't know how dual core divides the workload, so maybe my concern is pointless)
    Also ultra secure ripping should not be in the same package as the codecs. As an amateur I like good rips, but I don't need those codecs.


    • dbPowerBOY
      dBpoweramp Enthusiast

      • Sep 2006
      • 61

      Re: New pricing ideas for R12

      Originally posted by LtData
      If you have already purchased the PowerPack, you do NOT need to pay again for it.

      Also, from what I can see, the $12 is in place of the $18 PowerPack fee and must be payed yearly. Multiprocessor is in dBpowerAMP Reference, as Spoon mentioned. The codecs he mentioned are normally, as Spoon said, professional-level codecs.

      I think what Spoon means by "technical info on pop-ups" is maybe a more-advanced pop-up than the current one, but I could be wrong.

      Remember, though, that freedB doesn't have album art while AMG does. Also, it appears to me that the $12 yearly fee is for AMG, the more advanced dBpowerAMP Reference, and access to the CD Writer and Sveta also.
      AMG meta's entail album art but dont ayyy, I would expect 6that as the best things you get in life come with a price, I have checked out (AMG) and they seem to have it opn lock.

      Any way the pricin' is fine, as long as Spoon him/herself can add 'manual album art' into the 'edit tag' of dmc r12, then I will be very HAppy, cause' I dont rip CD's, but have heaps of my old LP's for private listening with scanned album covers.

      I am just waiting for Spoon to add the album art option in 'edit tag' so that I can highlight my vbr mp3s and mass add the tags in that fashion, just like you can with the regular tags in this great program.

      PS. Thanks for the creation of DMc, sveta all of them, they are the best around and I use NO other.


      • Salem874
        dBpoweramp Enthusiast

        • Sep 2006
        • 70

        Re: New pricing ideas for R12

        Before i make a comment, i'd like to make sure i understand the proposed pricing model properly.

        Is my understanding of the pricing struction below correct?

        Powerpack & MP3 License:
        • Price increases by US$4 to US$18 (once off) compared to the current price of US$14 (once off)
        • Includes 1 year AMG service subscription for customers new to purchasing dB PowerAmp, otherwise US$4.90/year
        • Includes PowerPack & MP3 Encoding License Only
        • Does not include advanced features like Multiprocessor encoding & Advanced Codecs
        • Does not include Sveta or dB PowerAmp CD Writer (unless you've already purchased Sveta or dB PowerAmp CD Writer)

        Reference Edition:
        • Cost: US$12/year
        • Includes AMG service subscription
        • Includes PowerPack & MP3 Encoding License
        • Includes Multiprocessor encoding & Advanced Codecs
        • Includes Sveta or dB PowerAmp CD Writer
        • Upon expiration of annual Reference Edition expiration, all features not included as part of PowerPack will be deactivated (like Multiprocessor encoding, Advanced Codecs, AMG service, Sveta, dB PowerAmp CD Writer) until license is renewed for another year.

        Nothing has made me happier than paying one flat fee to get all the upgrades
        Agreed, that's partly why i decided to purchase dB PowerAmp, as it included lifetime access to upgrades.

        Originally posted by Tigerman
        ...I don't like the idea of paying yearly for a piece of software. I rather pay an initial higher price...
        I Agree, I don't like the idea of an Annual subscription fee for the Reference version. I understand you need to charge for the annual AMG subscription. I feel this can be done as a sort of an add-on.
        I suggest a once off fee for both PowerPack & Reference versions which both include 1 year AMG sub (for new purchases only). Then give the user the option to purchase additional annual AMG subscriptions.

        Originally posted by Tigerman
        If multiprocessor support includes dual core, core 2 duo, etc than I think this should not be in the same package as those professional codecs. In an age where dual core slowly but surely becomes the norm, support for it should be standard...
        Yes, quite alot of computers sold now include a Dual Core (or multiprocessor) of some sort. I think this should be included in dB PowerAmp. Maybe not in the free version, but at least in the PowerPack one.

        Originally posted by Tigerman
        ...Also ultra secure ripping should not be in the same package as the codecs. As an amateur I like good rips, but I don't need those codecs.
        Yet again i agree with Tigerman

        Originally posted by dbPowerBOY
        ...I am just waiting for Spoon to add the album art option in 'edit tag' so that I can highlight my vbr mp3s and mass add the tags in that fashion, just like you can with the regular tags in this great program
        Yes, i've been wanting this in dB PowerAmp ever since i discovered it about 3 years ago. Quite a few of the CDs i rip are released by independant artists/labels which never have any information in databases like that of AMG & freedb, resulting in me having to manually enter the data (even freedb) so the Album Art advantage would not benefit me at all.
        I hope this alternative will be included in R12.
        Last edited by Salem874; January 03, 2007, 11:02 AM.


        • Teknojnky
          dBpoweramp Guru

          • Dec 2006
          • 323

          More concerns from a (potential) customer

          I agree 200% with Salem874 and the quoted comments.

          Originally posted by Salem874
          [*]Upon expiration of annual Reference Edition expiration, all features not included as part of PowerPack will be deactivated (like Multiprocessor encoding, Advanced Codecs, AMG service, Sveta, dB PowerAmp CD Writer) until license is renewed for another year.[/list]
          If this is to be true, this is nearly a deal breaker for me.

          Even Microsoft's 'software assurance' or Stardock's Object Desktop subscription model does not expire the existing products featuers if you chose not to renew.

          Quite a few of the CDs i rip are released by independant artists/labels which never have information in databases like that of AMG, so the Album Art advantage would not benefit me at all.
          I hope this alternative will be included in R12.
          Likewise, AMG is of not much use to myself, however Musicbrainz or even MusicDNS support (which has FREE data feeds up to a certain amount of hits) would be something I would consider valueable enough to consider paying an annual additional fee.

          One other thing that I feel (as a consumer) should be an intergral part of any 'subscription' product, is automatic updates. I know you've already commented that you feel manually updating is better, but as a consumer I disagree. Look at 'windows update', stardock's 'stardock central', or symantec's 'live update' for just a few examples of automatically updating services.

          I patiently wait for more details regarding the new pricing scheme to be announced.


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44846

            Re: More concerns from a (potential) customer

            New Pricing:

            A subscritpion system for Reference is not overly popular, hence we have dropped that idea. Pricing will be:

            Power Pack & mp3 $18 (includes 1 year AMG, power pack a one off for life updates)
            AMG 1 Year Subscription $4.90
            Reference $28 (includes Power Pack & mp3 & 1 Year AMG, and minor version updates - only AMG times out).

            Upgrades from existing packages (to Reference will be announced later).
            Last edited by Spoon; January 10, 2007, 09:49 PM.


            • Teknojnky
              dBpoweramp Guru

              • Dec 2006
              • 323

              Re: New pricing ideas for R12

              That's Very Reasonable!


              • kwanbis

                • Mar 2006
                • 45

                Re: More concerns from a (potential) customer

                Originally posted by Spoon
                New Pricing:
                A subscritpion system for Reference is not overly popular, hence we have dropped that idea.
                Great decision.

                Originally posted by Spoon
                Pricing will be:

                Power Pack & mp3 $18 (includes 1 year AMG, power pack a one off for life updates)
                AMG 1 Year Subscription $4.90
                Reference $28 (includes Power Pack & mp3 & 1 Year AMG, price is a per major version with upgrades - only AMG times out).
                Would it include secure ripping, right? What about encoders like FLAC, Vorbis, TAK, CLI?

                EDIT: just installed latest beta. If i'm understand correct, the $28 would pay for advanced features, and there would be a free basic dbpoweramp.

                If so, reference is a little confusing, i would call it:

                dbpoweramp basic
                dbpoweramp advanced

                EDIT 2: looks really good. I still don't like some "non standard" configuration options (i have to think them, and i usually don't), but the CD ripper looks really neat. Excelent work.
                Last edited by kwanbis; January 04, 2007, 09:04 PM.


                • LtData
                  dBpoweramp Guru

                  • May 2004
                  • 8288

                  Re: More concerns from a (potential) customer

                  A definitive list of what is in "dBpowerAMP Reference", basic dMC, and the PowerPack should be forthcoming.


                  • MaDxCrEaM

                    • Oct 2006
                    • 19

                    Re: More concerns from a (potential) customer

                    I'm interested in this:

                    Reference $28 (includes Power Pack & mp3 & 1 Year AMG, price is a per major version with upgrades - only AMG times out).

                    What does "price is a per major version with upgrades" exactly mean? After a year, I would have to pay for AMG 4.90, but are all future upgrades free? Or until the next Major upgrade, call it R13 maybe, then I would have to pay for that new major release? Thanks for any info!


                    • kwanbis

                      • Mar 2006
                      • 45

                      Re: More concerns from a (potential) customer

                      Originally posted by LtData
                      A definitive list of what is in "dBpowerAMP Reference", basic dMC, and the PowerPack should be forthcoming.

                      (don't you think that basic, advanced and powerpack are more descriptive?)


                      • kwanbis

                        • Mar 2006
                        • 45

                        Re: New pricing ideas for R12

                        i just bought a license. But it sent me the full 11.5, and not the full R12 beta. How comes?


                        • LtData
                          dBpoweramp Guru

                          • May 2004
                          • 8288

                          Re: More concerns from a (potential) customer

                          dMC r12 has not been released yet.

                          I think major versions are like dMC r10, r11, r12, r13. Non-major versions are r10 to r10.1, r11 to r11.5.


                          • Razgo
                            • Apr 2002
                            • 2532

                            Re: More concerns from a (potential) customer

                            Originally posted by Spoon
                            New Pricing:

                            A subscritpion system for Reference is not overly popular, hence we have dropped that idea. Pricing will be:

                            Power Pack & mp3 $18 (includes 1 year AMG, power pack a one off for life updates)
                            AMG 1 Year Subscription $4.90
                            Reference $28 (includes Power Pack & mp3 & 1 Year AMG, price is a per major version with upgrades - only AMG times out).

                            Upgrades from existing packages (to Reference will be announced later).
                            you lost me a little here. Reference $28.00? thats for the stock lock and barrel? powerpack, cd writer, sveta? the $18.00 one you have one off for life time updates. is it the other way around?


                            • Salem874
                              dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                              • Sep 2006
                              • 70

                              Re: More concerns from a (potential) customer

                              Originally posted by kwanbis
                              ...If i'm understand correct, the $28 would pay for advanced features, and there would be a free basic dbpoweramp.

                              If so, reference is a little confusing, i would call it:

                              dbpoweramp basic
                              dbpoweramp advanced
                              Yes i think the reference version needs a new name.


                              dB PowerAmp Music Converter (Unregistered) = dB PowerAmp Music Converter
                              dB PowerAmp Music Converter PowerPack = dB PowerAmp Music Converter Plus
                              dB PowerAmp Music Converter Reference = dB PowerAmp Music Converter Professional


                              • Teknojnky
                                dBpoweramp Guru

                                • Dec 2006
                                • 323

                                Re: New pricing ideas for R12

                                I think powerpack was just for the base dbamp ripper/converter/mp3 license, I believe reference was to include 'everything'.

                                So the powerpack would include lifetime updates for the base ripper/converter/mp3, however the reference includes only minor updates for the included apps. Not as good a deal as lifetime updates, but at least you have choice to upgrade or not and your existing app features wouldn't expire (aside from amg).

                                No doubt the final feature sets/pricing will be released with in 20something days of beta 3 release (unless a beta 4 is planned).

