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.rm file to Wave or MP3

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  • CRaB

    • Nov 2005
    • 1

    .rm file to Wave or MP3

    I have downloaded and installed dBpowerAMP Music Converter and ( I hope )
    all the necessary "codec's"

    I can open, load, choose my conversion type "wave" for the .mm.rm file and click "convert".
    The next box says: Converting file 1 of 1 to wave
    Action: Converting
    "0" percent completed, however, the timer keeps increasing.

    I also can't close the program without hitting ctrl/alt/detete.

    What am I doing wrong?

  • ChristinaS
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Apr 2004
    • 4097

    Re: .rm file to Wave or MP3

    What is .mm.rm ?

    Are you using the older Real Audio decoding codec which requires Real Player or the DirectShow codec and filters which require Real Alternative?

    The older codec works in real time only. It will take as long to decode the file as it takes to play it.

    Try to do a test conversion instead of an actual conversion. Select Test Conversion (No write) from your codec selector box when using dMC. If it works, at least the file is ok as far as decoding goes.

    Can you play your .rm file in Real Player or Real Alternative? If not there's something wrong with the file.

