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Disabling automatic ID tags

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  • RussellRay
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • Aug 2004
    • 56

    Disabling automatic ID tags

    Hello all

    Whenever I rip a CD I get the names from the Internet feedback
    and then I like to number and name the tracks
    according to my own ID system - not the automatic ID tags.
    I rename tracks in Windows Explorer
    before adding them to my dBpA Music Collection.

    I have two questions.

    1) How can I ensure that dBpA Music Collection adds tracks using my names
    and not the automatic ones ?

    2) How can I ensure that the function dBpA Music Collection - Arrange files
    does not change everything back to the aotomatic ID tags ?

    In other words - is there a way I can use the automatic ID tags just once only when ripping from a CD - but from then on have Music Collection use my nĂ¡mes only ?

    Best regards from Ray
  • ChristinaS
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Apr 2004
    • 4097

    Re: Disabling automatic ID tags

    You can have the naming convention in dMC Audio CD Inout defined in such a way as to name the files exactly the way you want. Options > File Creation > Set .

    You can select different fields to build your file names, adding extra text as well.

    Also in dMC Audio CD Input you can change the fields that appear on the screen like Artist, ALbum, Genre, Comment, Year to reflect your own preferences.

    The ID Tags generated automatically will be based on those fields.

    You can globally or selectively change ID tags for a group of files with Edit Tag. You can also us dMC for them to either get ID Tag from file name or vice versa, rename from ID Tag. (both are pseudo-codecs apeparing in the drop down list, requiring the Poawrpack).

    Whatever end up being your ID tags is what's going to be used by other programs like Music Collection.


    • RussellRay
      dBpoweramp Enthusiast

      • Aug 2004
      • 56

      Re: Disabling automatic ID tags

      Thanks for the help !

      >>>You can have the naming convention in dMC Audio CD Input defined in >>>such a way as to name the files exactly the way you want.
      >>>Options > File Creation > Set .

      That I've already set to match what I want.

      >>>The ID Tags generated automatically will be based on those fields.

      What I want is for dMC to use the folder name and file name I assign as the ID tag.

      >>>You can also use dMC for them to either get ID Tag from file name or vice versa, rename from ID Tag. (both are pseudo-codecs apeparing in the drop down list, requiring the Poawrpack).

      This is where I need a little more help.
      Presumably this is in the Powerpack DSP effects,
      and something to do with adding or removing tags ???
      But how exactly do I enter and use these settings ?
      What effect does this have ?

      Best regards from Ray

      Whatever end up being your ID tags is what's going to be used by other programs like Music Collection.


      • ChristinaS
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Apr 2004
        • 4097

        Re: Disabling automatic ID tags

        No, they are not DSP effects. They are available at Codec central, look at the bottom of the page. You downlaod them and install them and use them as if they were codecs, meaning from dMC, selected like any other codec for a conversion.

        They requires having the PowerPack - or you can say from dMC R11 on, this means the registered version of dMC which also includes the PowerPack.


        • RussellRay
          dBpoweramp Enthusiast

          • Aug 2004
          • 56

          Re: Disabling automatic ID tags

          Thanks again
          Slowly but surely I'm getting there.

          From the bottom of the CodecCentral page
          I downloaded Tagfromfilename, UpdateIDtag, and Arrangefiles,
          as you suggested, and installed them.
          I think installation was OK
          because I can call up their respective help files.

          (I have also updated to Converter 11.
          I already had PowerPack installed.)

          The problem now is that
          although the list produced by right-clicking
          on a music folder or on individual tracks
          in WindowsExplorer or in FileSelector
          inludes options such as Play in DAP, Add to playlist etc.
          it does not include the options for the three above "codecs".

          Something is still not quite right.

          Any further suggestions ?
          Best regards and thanks in advance from Ray


          • Wayne
            dBpoweramp Guru

            • Aug 2002
            • 1254

            Re: Disabling automatic ID tags

            To use the Tagfromfilename, UpdateIDtag, and Arrangefiles codec you need to select the "Convert To" option that appears on the popup menu.


