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Aux Input recording level

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  • ChristinaS
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Apr 2004
    • 4097

    Re: Aux Input recording level

    I don't know. How about you mute the line-in for Playback?


    • Bajanboi

      • May 2005
      • 9

      Re: Aux Input recording level

      I'm getting info that maybe the output from the receiver is a fixed output that exceeds the input on the soundcard. I'll just use the mixer for the time being. Thanks for all of your help.


      • ChristinaS
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Apr 2004
        • 4097

        Re: Aux Input recording level

        Oops, I didn't realize you were talking about 2 different set-ups. Sorry about that.

        Usually turntables need a pre-amp of sorts before you can record properly from them. Going through the mixer must have provided that for you. I don't know why going through the receiver didn't act the same way, but then you said there's no volume adjustement there. I can't imagine what kind of device that is, the turntable I used to have, and the cassette player I still have, were plugged into a receiver/amplifier and that does have volume control and output control (monitored with the UV meter - from memory, as it's also broken right now and not likely to get fixed any time soon :o ).


        • DaMarcus

          • Dec 2004
          • 13

          Re: Aux Input recording level

          Hey ...

          does your record player have a ground cable? is ist connected to the reciver? Some mixers change the symetric to an asymetric singal or the other way around and filter the distortion brought by the magnetic sys of the record player. This might cause probs - simply connect the additional wire to the reciver.

          Last edited by DaMarcus; May 11, 2005, 03:17 PM.


          • Craze
            dBpoweramp Guru

            • Oct 2002
            • 308

            Re: Aux Input recording level

            Finding a suitable Line Out that does not overdrive the signal on some recording equipment can be a tricky proposition. I have a vintage reel to reel deck from the late '60's and a studio cassette deck from the mid 80's patched in series to my 'puters Line In.

            Both decks Line Outs are too hot for Auxiliary Input and Windows Line In.
            The cassette deck's headphone level out is also too hot. And all are fixed w/ no volume control tied to them.
            What has saved me headaches is that the reel to reel has three Line In's available whose levels can be controlled via recording level sliders from the headphone jack without having to have the recorder in a recording/standby/paused mode. Basically like having an external mixer.

            The bottom line is that not all equipment's Outputs can be controlled through a volume control. In which case, you're going to have to improvise.
            Best Wishes.

