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Error while compressing

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  • Unregistered

    Error while compressing

    Hi all, I have recently installed the wmp 9 codec to encode and decode files but each time I choose to rip it always reports an error saying

    "The CODEC required to compress **FILENAME***could not be opened.''

    I have installed the dBpowerAMP-codec-wmav9 as well, and rebooted.

    I have also seen this note in the website, but what codecs are these ?
    Can you please help ?

    " If your system is missing the WMA v9 system codecs, when trying to convert to or from WMA it will fail with an error 'Unable to locate entry point...', to correct visit Codec Central and download the additional WMA system codecs.''

    NERO 6 (ABOVE)
  • ChristinaS
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Apr 2004
    • 4097

    Re: Error while compressing

    Well, it seems there are problems that occur in dMC after installing WMP 10. You may try to uninstall all of dMC and all its codecs, re-download them and reinstall them.

    Also you may get some ideas from or
    dbpowerAMP is one great program and I have enjoyed using it. Recently I upgraded to WMP10 and I am now having problems that I have never seen before. I use multiple computers and mainly use dbpowerAMP from one desktop and one laptop. The desktop had the beta of WMP10 installed for a long time and caused no problems with


    • xoas
      dBpoweramp Guru

      • Apr 2002
      • 2662

      Re: Error while compressing

      You may want top try the new WMA 9.1 codec (which is used in WMP 10) now available in beta here:

      Best wishes,
      Bill Mikkelsen

