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convert .FLAC to mp3 w/command line

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  • lacitpo

    • Sep 2004
    • 1

    convert .FLAC to mp3 w/command line

    I've been looking for some topic related to command line commands but I can't seem to find them. Can anyone give me the command to give DB poweramp that will convert from FLAC to MP3. I want to use it with the ipod plugin for winamp so I can transcode on the fly while I transfer files to my iPod.
  • Unregistered

    Re: convert .FLAC to mp3 w/command line

    Originally posted by lacitpo
    I've been looking for some topic related to command line commands but I can't seem to find them. Can anyone give me the command to give DB poweramp that will convert from FLAC to MP3. I want to use it with the ipod plugin for winamp so I can transcode on the fly while I transfer files to my iPod.


    • Spoon
      • Apr 2002
      • 44835

      Re: convert .FLAC to mp3 w/command line

      Create a .vbs script file.

