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How do I change the time on ID Tag?

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  • MisterChaz

    How do I change the time on ID Tag?

    I know how to access the Edit Tag window, but it comes up cutting off parts of it to the right and bottom of the window...I cannot see if 'time' is an editable field or not. I have at least two mp3's in MMC showing ridiculously impossible times (7746294 or 299825). In Windows it shows the correct time as do other places. Only MMC has these numbers, and I've only noticed it recently.

    Anyway, the Edit window does not expand by clicking the upper right hand box nor by dragging. Any ideas? Thanks!
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44834

    Re: How do I change the time on ID Tag?

    For funny track lengths - try the newest dMC R11 beta (install over dAP) - it has better length detection.

    Editing tag, there should be a down scroll bar on the right?


    • MisterChaz

      Re: How do I change the time on ID Tag?

      Originally posted by Spoon
      For funny track lengths - try the newest dMC R11 beta (install over dAP) - it has better length detection.

      Editing tag, there should be a down scroll bar on the right?
      No, that's the problem. The window only opens to a degree (for instance, the Genre button is the only one showing tho I see another out of the window). It has no right hand corner box to click and enlarge, and it won't drag open bigger.


      • Unregistered

        Re: How do I change the time on ID Tag?

        Originally posted by MisterChaz
        I know how to access the Edit Tag window, but it comes up cutting off parts of it to the right and bottom of the window...I cannot see if 'time' is an editable field or not. I have at least two mp3's in MMC showing ridiculously impossible times (7746294 or 299825). In Windows it shows the correct time as do other places. Only MMC has these numbers, and I've only noticed it recently.

        Anyway, the Edit window does not expand by clicking the upper right hand box nor by dragging. Any ideas? Thanks!
        I SHOULD mention that I am on release 2, not the new beta. Thanks


        • xoas
          dBpoweramp Guru

          • Apr 2002
          • 2662

          Re: How do I change the time on ID Tag?

          With respect to the issue with your tag edit screen not being fully accessible you might want to try to new beta version as referenced in this thread:

          It may help you with your original problem as well.

          Best wishes,
          Bill Mikkelsen
          Last edited by xoas; June 15, 2004, 07:15 AM. Reason: typo


          • Unregistered

            Re: How do I change the time on ID Tag?

            Thanks, interesting reading.

            From what I see I guess I will have to install the most recent beta. That makes me slightly nervous because I hate to get rid of my system now, I have put a lot of work into the MMC.

            Since I would have to uninstall it I get tremulous about losing anything...formatting, songs, edited tag changes, etc. I assume this would not take place, just thinking of Murphy's law here.

            Well thanks again for pointing me in a direction to look at.


            • Spoon
              • Apr 2002
              • 44834

              Re: How do I change the time on ID Tag?

              It should be very stable, but it is a good idea to backup your music collection database.


              • MisterChaz

                Re: How do I change the time on ID Tag?


                I assume I can move the mmc and related file from documents to a neutral folder? And then restore it after reinstalling?

                Or do you mean my actual hard drive full of music?

                Either way I use this program religiously and am very happy with it, and very appreciative that it is available for free.


                • Spoon
                  • Apr 2002
                  • 44834

                  Re: How do I change the time on ID Tag?

                  Just the database - it will be in \program files\illustrate\dbpoweramp\

                  a bunch of files with the same name (one ends .mmc)


                  • MisterChaz

                    Re: How do I change the time on ID Tag?

                    Thanks very much, I will try it and let you know if I have any problems.

                    So then you should hope never to hear from me again.


                    • MisterChaz

                      Re: How do I change the time on ID Tag?

                      OK, I uninstalled the original dbamp and reinstalled the latest release beta. Everything looks pretty much the same, and I was able to restore my MMC database, and it's playing quite nicely.

                      The *only* thing I wonder about is on the MMC the background is now white rather than black. I tried but could not find a place to change it.

                      It's a litle thing, and probably more normal as white, but I quite had gotten used to the black.

                      Otherwise.....I do get the entire edit tag field now, so thanks very much for that!


                      • Spoon
                        • Apr 2002
                        • 44834

                        Re: How do I change the time on ID Tag?

                        There is a section in 'Skins' where you can change the color of MMC - about 100 variations!


                        • Unregistered

                          Re: How do I change the time on ID Tag?


                          I'm a ridiculously happy user once again!


                          • Mister Chaz


                            Originally posted by Spoon
                            There is a section in 'Skins' where you can change the color of MMC - about 100 variations!

                            Uh...could you be more specific? I went to the c:>programfiles>illustrate>dbamp>skins and I see nothing there I can change, no .ini or anything.

                            Before that of course I went to the optionsmenu>skins but all I have there is default. I suppose I could reinstal everything again but I'm really loathe to have to as it takes a long time to get everything back where I want it (for instance, file associations and the pop up tips).

                            Surely I have drain bamage of some


                            • xoas
                              dBpoweramp Guru

                              • Apr 2002
                              • 2662

                              Re: Arg!

                              The spot you need is the forum entitled "Skin Download" (which on the right hand side reads "closing soon") rather than the forum which read "Download New and Exciting Skins Here". In this area you will find two threads of interest-one by Spoon entitled MMC Color changes which tells what you do to change the color scheme of the MMC window along with two samples. The other is the thread from Razgo which is 3 (or more) pages long and is entitled something like Razgo's MMC color changes. Each of these various color schemes is actually a text file that you have to use to replace a specific file in dBpowerAMP (again the Spoon thread will tell you the specifics of how to find and replace that file).
                              Another option is to rewrite this file yourself. This is not a difficult task, especially if all you want to do is change from black text on a white background to a white text on a black background. The Spoon thread will tell you how to get to that file and there is a FAQ forum in the Skins section which has the coding sequence for the text file.
                              A third option is to try the dB Audio Player. I believe you will find that the default skin has a white on black display. Many skins have their own MMC color schemes and you may well find one to your liking there.
                              Hope this helps.
                              Best wishes,
                              Bill Mikkelsen

