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How do I edit ID tags?

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  • 5M63

    • Nov 2020
    • 14

    How do I edit ID tags?

    I can select all mp3 files for an album I just ripped, the right click and choose Edit ID Tags. Then I get this (below pic). It identified the artist and album and year. But when I hit ok, nothing changes. The file name stays the same.

    How do I make those changes stick?

  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44834

    Re: How do I edit ID tags?

    ID tags are embedded in the file, they are not the filenames, to edit the filenames you would use Windows File Explorer.


    • garym
      dBpoweramp Guru

      • Nov 2007
      • 5934

      Re: How do I edit ID tags?

      Originally posted by Spoon
      ID tags are embedded in the file, they are not the filenames, to edit the filenames you would use Windows File Explorer.

      or if you want to rename files based on tag info in a batch process, you can use the utility DSP "Arrange Audio" with the batch converter.


      • 5M63

        • Nov 2020
        • 14

        Re: How do I edit ID tags?

        I've found that the tags were indeed being edited, just not reflected in the file name.


        • schmidj
          dBpoweramp Guru

          • Nov 2013
          • 526

          Re: How do I edit ID tags?

          If your player uses tags, not file and directory names (like most) to select the tracks to play, you don't have to bother to change the file or directory names. It makes no difference what they are, as long as you can find them in Windows Explorer if you ever need to.

          If you find you want or need to change the file and/or directory names and yoy only have a few to change, you can just change them in Windows Explorer. If you have too many to manually change you can use the Arrange Audio DSP as Gary suggested or the free software, mp3tag, which has routines to convert filenames based on the tags (which you already changed) for large numbers of files with few clicks. BTW, don't be fooled, mp3tag works with almost any audio file format, not just mp3. I seem to recall that Foobar2000 also has routines for changing filenames based on the contents of tags. Just with any of these, if you have a lot of files to change, it is best to try on a few first to make sure you are doing what you want. And with such a thing, it is always a good idea to make a duplicate copy of the directory for safekeeping before doing any mass changing of filenames. S@!$ happens...


          • 5M63

            • Nov 2020
            • 14

            Re: How do I edit ID tags?

            Another question - what does an inaccurate rip status indicate? Does this imply a damaged CD, or that it needs cleaning? Tried ripping only those two tracks and they keep coming up inaccurate. They sound fine to me when listening.


            • 5M63

              • Nov 2020
              • 14

              Re: How do I edit ID tags?

              Another question:

              What does an inaccurate rip status mean? Damaged CD? CD needs cleaning? Tried ripping only those two tracks (in pic link below) and got the same thing.

              picture link


              • Spoon
                • Apr 2002
                • 44834

                Re: How do I edit ID tags?

                Yes, another CD drive might help. Some damage can be at the manufacturing stage, so the disc can look scratch free.


                • garym
                  dBpoweramp Guru

                  • Nov 2007
                  • 5934

                  Re: How do I edit ID tags?

                  Originally posted by 5M63
                  Another question:

                  What does an inaccurate rip status mean? Damaged CD? CD needs cleaning? Tried ripping only those two tracks (in pic link below) and got the same thing.

                  picture link
                  try cleaning CD, and as Spoon notes, even use a different optical drive. Even if inaccurate, it may be an error in only a few frames, so the "error" is not even audible, as you have noted.


                  • schmidj
                    dBpoweramp Guru

                    • Nov 2013
                    • 526

                    Re: How do I edit ID tags?

                    Have you looked at the rip log generated? That will tell you why it is inaccurate Also if you rip it more than once is the CRC after ripping red or green. If red, then it didn't get the same results with both rips, probably a disc reading error. If green, the same as the last rip, possibly a new pressing with a different pressing offset not yet in the database.

