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Batch (or singular) conversion appears to be working, but the files remain the same?

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  • Grabum

    • May 2020
    • 2

    Batch (or singular) conversion appears to be working, but the files remain the same?

    Hi, sorry if I appear stupid but I have only just got dbpoweramp and I am not a very techy guy. I got the software to batch convert all my wma files built up over years of Windows Media player use (180gb approx)as I want to use Roon and they aren't recognised by that system. Everything started out fine and I left my computer chugging away with an approximately 10 hour’s job converting the wma to flac level 5. However when I returned there were infinite error files and I think what happened was the system ran out of HD space. I stopped it, transferred big chunks of files to an external HD. Thought I had enough space and restarted. However, when it finished I randomly checked the files and many folders were empty, some were ok but were mstly wma, and some appeared to have files but it was titles only and they would not play. I had a backup of the original files, and so I refreshed some and did a small batch conversion. They seemed to be being converted, the software said it was, but when fished the files were still wma? HELP! I have also tried to convert single files, and they too don’t convert. I uninstalled dbpowereamp and re-installed to no, avail. Any clues anyone? Thanks.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44834

    Re: Batch (or singular) conversion appears to be working, but the files remain the sa

    They will be converting unless an error is shown, convert 1 wma file, then convert the same wma file, the overwrite page for flac will show where the files are saved.


    • Grabum

      • May 2020
      • 2

      Re: Batch (or singular) conversion appears to be working, but the files remain the sa

      Yes thanks, but does that now mean that I have to bach convert and then reconvert by singular files to get to FLAC files. Why will it no longer just convert? Surely there is a fault. This is eating into the time it is taking oachieve this and I bought this product to save time. If it's not going to work, then I would like a refund.


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44834

        Re: Batch (or singular) conversion appears to be working, but the files remain the sa

        The point of doing the conversion 2 times, was to show you where the files are written, they will be somewhere, you do not have to do 2 conversions once you know where the files are, only 1.

