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How do I convert FLAC to MP3 WITH Id3 tags?

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  • guitarzan

    • Nov 2018
    • 1

    How do I convert FLAC to MP3 WITH Id3 tags?

    I have a HUGE music collection that keeps growing. FLAC files take up WAY too much storage space for my limited budget, so I keep MP3s. Sometimes I can only find what I want in FLAC, and convert to MP3, but then I have no tags. Adding them all by hand takes up WAY more time than I have free, and sometimes I can't find a source for the info anyway. I was told that FLAC files contain the information, and even DLed a program that said it could extract it, but couldn't figure out how to do it. Can anyone help me with this?
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44834

    Re: How do I convert FLAC to MP3 WITH Id3 tags?

    dBpoweramp will convert FLAC to mp3 and copy the tags across.


    • mville
      dBpoweramp Guru

      • Dec 2008
      • 4023

      Re: How do I convert FLAC to MP3 WITH Id3 tags?

      Originally posted by guitarzan
      I was told that FLAC files contain the information...
      Flac files only contain tags, if the tags have been added to the file. It is possible to have a flac with no tags.

      Converting a flac with no tags to an mp3 with dBpoweramp, will give you an mp3 with no tags.


      • mville
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Dec 2008
        • 4023

        Re: How do I convert FLAC to MP3 WITH Id3 tags?

        Originally posted by guitarzan
        Sometimes I can only find what I want in FLAC, and convert to MP3, but then I have no tags. Adding them all by hand takes up WAY more time than I have free, and sometimes I can't find a source for the info anyway.
        If your flac files are organised in structured manner, dBpoweramp does have a tool that creates ID tags from filename and folder names.

