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How do I set up Windows 10 to automatically rip and eject cds?

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  • his047

    • Feb 2014
    • 4

    How do I set up Windows 10 to automatically rip and eject cds?

    The title says it all, really: How do I set up Windows 10 to automatically rip and eject cds?

    I have a pc which I want to use as a 'ripnas': Insert CD, Rip CD, Eject CD. I want the PC to do this without me doing anything apart from inserting the CD and removing it when the PC has finished ripping. I have tried on and off for years to get this to work, but I cannot seem to do it.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44834

    Re: How do I set up Windows 10 to automatically rip and eject cds?

    It is not possible sorry, our metadata licenses prohibit this functionality.

