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Metatag - Track Configuration

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  • Lancia200

    • Nov 2015
    • 17

    Metatag - Track Configuration

    Dear All,

    First of all nice to meet you all. I'm new to this forum and my knowledge of audio is very limited. So I apologize in advance for possible mistakes or bad terminology from my part and for the fact that this topic might been discussed on this forum before. My aim is to rip my entire CD collection in Flac format to my hard disk drive. I started using EAC till I discovered dBpoweramp. After installing dBpoweramp I found a very useful guide to configure the majority of features within this very great application. However one thing isn't really clear to me and I'll hope a more experienced user can help me out. I want to tag my ripped CD's in a particular way. For example : 1. Dirty Boots Goo Sonic Youth 5:24 Pop/Rock 1990 (not necessarily in this order but still with this data). After ripping this track from the CD this is how I want to save each track from each album. In EAC there was a feature where you could configure such tagging but for some reason I can't find this in dBpoweramp? Maybe I overlooked something or maybe I just need to adjust the parameters of the folder? Can someone please help me out? I would really appreciate any help.

    Thanks in advance.
    Last edited by Lancia200; November 25, 2015, 01:29 AM.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44835

    Re: Metatag - Track Configuration

    Click the Naming 'Set' button in CD Ripper, here is the help for naming:



    • Lancia200

      • Nov 2015
      • 17

      Re: Metatag - Track Configuration

      Hi Spoon,

      Thanks for your reply. I'm pretty much computer illiterate and I feel very stupid now because it was all the time right there in front of me without noticing it. :( Probably by default the naming is at present set to : [IFCOMP][IFVALUE]album artist,[album artist],Various Artists[]\[year] &*8211; [album]\[IFMULTI] Disc [disc] &*8211; [][track] &*8211; [artist] &*8211; [title][][IF!COMP][IFVALUE]album artist,[album artist],[artist][]\[year] &*8211; [album]\[IFMULTI] Disc [disc] &*8211; [][track] &*8211; [title][] Although you have sent me a link to the naming tutorial it seems rather like Chinese to me. :( On my D drive (external HDD) I created a folder called Music. This is what I'll hope to achieve :

      Let's take the CD Lloyd Cole - Rattlesnakes released in 1984 as an example :

      - D:\Music\Lloyd Cole\1984 Rattlesnakes\1 Perfect Skin 3:16 Pop/Rock
      - D:\Music\Lloyd Cole\1984 Rattlesnakes\2 Speedboat 4:37 Pop/Rock

      For multiple disc CD's I'll hope to achieve the following :

      As example I'll take a double CD from The Clash - Story of the Clash, Vol. 1

      - D:\Music\Clash, The\1988 Story of the Clash, Vol. 1\Disc 1\1 The Magnificent Seven 4:29 Pop/Rock
      - D:\Music\Clash, The\1988 Story of the Clash, Vol. 1\Disc 1\2 Rock the Casbah 3:42 Pop/Rock
      - D:\Music\Clash, The\1988 Story of the Clash, Vol. 1\Disc 2\1 (White Man) In Hammersmith Palais 4:01 Pop/Rock
      - D:\Music\Clash, The\1988 Story of the Clash, Vol. 1\Disc 2\2 London's Burning 2:11 Pop/Rock

      I'm not sure if that's possible to achieve with dBpoweramp and neither do I know how to do this. Again I'm sorry I'm not so good with computers. Any help is more than welcome.


      • Dat Ei
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Feb 2014
        • 1810

        Re: Metatag - Track Configuration

        Hey Lancia200,

        Originally posted by Lancia200
        - D:\Music\Lloyd Cole\1984 Rattlesnakes\1 Perfect Skin 3:16 Pop/Rock
        - D:\Music\Lloyd Cole\1984 Rattlesnakes\2 Speedboat 4:37 Pop/Rock
        this is not possible, because "/" is not allowed in a windows file or directory name. I wouldn't recommend to split multi disc albums into a directory per disc, but to integrate the disc number into the file naming. This way every player is able to play the entire album. Beside that I don't see the point, why you would like to integrate the length of the music file into the naming. What are your reasons?

        Dat Ei


        • Lancia200

          • Nov 2015
          • 17

          Re: Metatag - Track Configuration

          Hi there Dat Ei,

          Thanks for you reply and for giving me a different perspective on how I could organize my collection. You are completely right regarding the the length of the music file. There is no specific reason or need for. Even the genre and / or style of music isn't really necessary. In the majority of cases when I see the artist I know what genre and style of music it is.

          Regarding the multiple disc issue I assume you want to point out that the files in the folder would than be :

          1 1, 1.1, 1_1 or something in that way? (being disc 1 track 1 - etc
          2 1, 2.1, 2_1 or something in that way? (being disc 2 track 1 - etc

          The release year before the album name is important for me to keep the CD's categorized based on the release year rather then categorize them based just on the title of the album in an alphabetical way. I'll hope this is possible?

          I can life with your solution for the multiple discs having each disc of the album in one folder rather than to have a folder per disc.

          Still, and I'll hope you don't mind my ignorance, how can I configure the naming in dBpoweramp than to look the way I want to display my CD's please for single disc albums as well as for multiple disc albums...?

          Thanks in advance for your help.


          • Dat Ei
            dBpoweramp Guru

            • Feb 2014
            • 1810

            Re: Metatag - Track Configuration

            I'll be back later. Just on my way home from office..

            Dat Ei


            • mville
              dBpoweramp Guru

              • Dec 2008
              • 4023

              Re: Metatag - Track Configuration

              Do you pad track numbers with a leading zero so they appear as 01, 02, 03 thru to 09, 10, 12, 13, 14 etc.?

              If not, I suggest you do. If you are ripping in CDRipper look at:
              CDRipper >> Options >> Meta Data >> Meta Data & ID Tag >> Pad track number to 2 digits

              then, you can use [disc].[track] [artist] - [title] in your naming string for the filename (based on your example, artist is optional of course), giving you something like this:

              Last edited by mville; November 25, 2015, 06:10 PM.


              • Dat Ei
                dBpoweramp Guru

                • Feb 2014
                • 1810

                Re: Metatag - Track Configuration

                Hey Lancia200,

                my naming is:

                [IFVALUE]album artist,[tags]album artist, - [],[IFCOMP]Compilations[][IF!COMP][artist][][]\[album]\[IFMULTI][disc]-[][track] [title]

                resulting in names like:

                Queen\A Day At The Races\01 Tie Your Mother Down.flac (for single artist, single disc albums)
                Queen\Live Killers\2-01 Don't Stop Me Now.flac (for single artist, two disc albums)
                Fred Astaire - Ginger Rogers\Together\2-01 I'll Be Hard To Handle.flac (for two artists, two disc albums)
                Compilations\Verve & Blue Note Today 2015\01 Black And Gold.flac (for compilations, single disc albums)

                So if you like to see the year in front of the artist, you can add the year to the naming string like this:

                [IF!COMP][year] [][IFVALUE][year] album artist,[tags]album artist, - [],[IFCOMP]Compilations[][IF!COMP][artist][][]\[album]\[IFMULTI][disc]-[][track] [title]

                resulting in:

                1976 Queen\A Day At The Races\01 Tie Your Mother Down.flac (for single artist, single disc albums)
                1979 Queen\Live Killers\2-01 Don't Stop Me Now.flac (for single artist, two disc albums)
                1938 Fred Astaire - Ginger Rogers\Together\2-01 I'll Be Hard To Handle.flac (for two artists, two disc albums)
                Compilations\Verve & Blue Note Today 2015\01 Black And Gold.flac (for compilations, single disc albums)

                But be aware, that the year can be a problem, if the recordings have been produced in different years.

                Dat Ei


                • Lancia200

                  • Nov 2015
                  • 17

                  Re: Metatag - Track Configuration

                  Originally posted by mville
                  Do you pad track numbers with a leading zero so they appear as 01, 02, 03 thru to 09, 10, 12, 13, 14 etc.?

                  If not, I suggest you do. If you are ripping in CDRipper look at:
                  CDRipper >> Options >> Meta Data >> Meta Data & ID Tag >> Pad track number to 2 digits
                  Hi mville,

                  Thanks for your reply. I checked this and indeed this option was not ticket / activated. I did so.

                  Hi Dat Ei,

                  I deleted my naming and copied your naming, pasting it into the required field.

                  I tried two CD's : R.E.M. The Best of (a single CD album) and China Crisis Collection (a 2CD).

                  This is what happened after ripping them :

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	test naming.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	51.6 KB
ID:	293040

                  The double cd failed probably because like you mentioned the two discs have a different date. I actually only want one folder per artist and only provide the release year to the albums. Do you have any idea what I need to change than?

                  Thanks in advance.


                  • Dat Ei
                    dBpoweramp Guru

                    • Feb 2014
                    • 1810

                    Re: Metatag - Track Configuration

                    Originally posted by Lancia200
                    This is what happened after ripping them :


                    The double cd failed probably because like you mentioned the two discs have a different date. I actually only want one folder per artist and only provide the release year to the albums. Do you have any idea what I need to change than?
                    That looks to me like you have different years for those discs. Disc 1 looks from "1997 " (year followed by a space character), while disc 2 from "1997". Could you please check this.

                    Dat Ei


                    • Lancia200

                      • Nov 2015
                      • 17

                      Re: Metatag - Track Configuration

                      Originally posted by Dat Ei
                      That looks to me like you have different years for those discs. Disc 1 looks from "1997 " (year followed by a space character), while disc 2 from "1997". Could you please check this.

                      Dat Ei

                      Hi Dat Ei,

                      Later on today I will try to rip a multiple CD from which I'm sure they have the same release year. I'll keep you up to date.


