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Multiple (album) artists and file naming

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  • Dat Ei
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Feb 2014
    • 1812

    Multiple (album) artists and file naming

    Hey there,

    as we all know dBpa uses "; " as delimiter for multiple tags like "artist" or "album artist" to separate multiple artists and album artists. So to my understanding it is a good practice to review your metadata and take care, that all the artists and album artists are separated by "; ", before you rip your CD.

    But I have some problems with the next steps and their configuration:

    1.) Filepath and naming in CD Ripper

    If one uses a naming like:

    [IFVALUE]album artist,[album artist],[IFCOMP]Compilations[][IF!COMP][artist][][]\[album]\[IFMULTI][disc]-[][track] [title]
    only the first album artist will find his way into the directory name, which is not very satisfying in my eyes.

    A another possibility is to use the function "[tags]<element>,delimiter[]" to embed multiples separated by a delimiter (just a single character). I.e.:

    [IFVALUE]album artist,[tags]album artist,-[],[IFCOMP]Compilations[][IF!COMP][artist][][]\[album]\[IFMULTI][disc]-[][track] [title]
    This will embed all album artists into the directory name, but:

    a) they can only be separated by a single character (not very comfortable to read, i.e. in a file explorer)
    b) you can't use a comma as delimiter

    I would prefer a directory naming like "artist1, artist2[, ...]" with albums artists seprated by a comma and a following space.

    Any tipps how I can achieve this naming convention just within CD Ripper? With just one step?

    2.) Filepath and naming in Batch converter

    The same problem like the one above occurs in the Batch converter too. Maybe there is a handy solution for 1.) but will it work for the Batch converter too? While the possibility to manage a character replacement table for the file naming exists in CD Ripper, this possibilty is missing in Batch converter. Batch converter uses its own standard replacement. So any workaround using a special character for problem 1.) which will be replaced by ", " from an users character replacement table, will not work for the Batch convert.

    Any ideas to solve that problem within Batch converter?

    I know that my problems are solvable if I use mp3tag (like garym would recommend) and accept a process with several steps. But I would like to see a short, elegant way to handle these problems within the dBpa world. Maybe an enhancement of the tags function allowing not only a single character but a string (even with commas inside) would help a lot.

    I hope my problem is not to user specific, I did not bore you with my long posting and I didn't not bother you with my poor englsih.

    Dat Ei
  • mville
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Dec 2008
    • 4023

    Re: Multiple (album) artists and file naming

    Originally posted by Dat Ei
    another possibility is to use the function "[tags]<element>,delimiter[]" to embed multiples separated by a delimiter (just a single character). I.e.:
    [IFVALUE]album artist,[tags]album artist,-[],[IFCOMP]Compilations[][IF!COMP][artist][][]\[album]\[IFMULTI][disc]-[][track] [title]
    This will embed all album artists into the directory name, but:
    a) they can only be separated by a single character (not very comfortable to read, i.e. in a file explorer)
    b) you can't use a comma as delimiter
    I would prefer a directory naming like "artist1, artist2[, ...]" with albums artists seprated by a comma and a following space.

    Any tipps how I can achieve this naming convention just within CD Ripper? With just one step?
    [tags]artist,_COMMA_ [] will give you artist1, artist2, artist3 etc.

    Originally posted by Dat Ei
    2.) Filepath and naming in Batch converter

    The same problem like the one above occurs in the Batch converter too. Maybe there is a handy solution for 1.) but will it work for the Batch converter too? While the possibility to manage a character replacement table for the file naming exists in CD Ripper, this possibilty is missing in Batch converter. Batch converter uses its own standard replacement. So any workaround using a special character for problem 1.) which will be replaced by ", " from an users character replacement table, will not work for the Batch convert.

    Any ideas to solve that problem within Batch converter?
    you can also try [tags]artist,_COMMA_ [] in Batch Converter

    ... note the space after _COMMA_

    ... for album artist to be returned, use [tags]album artist,_COMMA_ []
    Last edited by mville; May 25, 2015, 01:04 PM. Reason: added suggestion for 2.) Filepath and naming in Batch converter in original post


    • Dat Ei
      dBpoweramp Guru

      • Feb 2014
      • 1812

      Re: Multiple (album) artists and file naming

      Hey mville,

      thanks for your input. I didn't know "_COMMA_" at all and I didn't read anything about it on the help pages. I will give it a try!

      Dat Ei


      • Dat Ei
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Feb 2014
        • 1812

        Re: Multiple (album) artists and file naming

        Hey mville,

        I have to correct myself and my first response. I still have problem with the batch converter. "_COMMA_ " does not work with the batch converter.

        Dat Ei
        Last edited by Dat Ei; May 25, 2015, 02:33 PM.


        • Dat Ei
          dBpoweramp Guru

          • Feb 2014
          • 1812

          Re: Multiple (album) artists and file naming

          Hey Spoon,

          I've tried to follow mvilles tipp to use "_COMMA_ " within [tags]. But as far I can see "_COMMA_ " does not work in CD Ripper's filenaming and not in Batch converter's filenaming. In the following example I just see the name of the first album artist:

          [IFVALUE]album artist,[tags]album artist,_COMMA_ [],[IFCOMP]Various Artists[][IF!COMP][artist][][]\[album]\[IFMULTI][disc]-[][track] [title]

          while I see all album artists separated by "- " in this example:

          [IFVALUE]album artist,[tags]album artist,- [],[IFCOMP]Various Artists[][IF!COMP][artist][][]\[album]\[IFMULTI][disc]-[][track] [title]

          I've tested with V15.3.

          Dat Ei

          PS: Will we see [tags] and "_COMMA_" in "Arrange Audio" in the near future?


          • mville
            dBpoweramp Guru

            • Dec 2008
            • 4023

            Re: Multiple (album) artists and file naming

            Originally posted by Dat Ei
            I've tried to follow mvilles tipp to use "_COMMA_ " within [tags]. But as far I can see "_COMMA_ " does not work in CD Ripper's filenaming and not in Batch converter's filenaming.
            [tags]album artist,_COMMA_ [] works for me in CDRipper (dBpoweramp R15.3)


            • Dat Ei
              dBpoweramp Guru

              • Feb 2014
              • 1812

              Re: Multiple (album) artists and file naming

              Originally posted by mville
              [tags]album artist,_COMMA_ [] works for me in CDRipper (dBpoweramp R15.3)
              I'm still using the 32bit version. What about you?

              Dat Ei


              • mville
                dBpoweramp Guru

                • Dec 2008
                • 4023

                Re: Multiple (album) artists and file naming

                Originally posted by Dat Ei
                I'm still using the 32bit version. What about you?
                dBpoweramp R15.3 64-bit


                • Dat Ei
                  dBpoweramp Guru

                  • Feb 2014
                  • 1812

                  Re: Multiple (album) artists and file naming

                  Hey mville,

                  thanks for your input.

                  Originally posted by mville
                  dBpoweramp R15.3 64-bit
                  That is the difference, as I'm using R15.3 32bit. And maybe that is the reason, why it works for you, but not for me. I will test it tonight.

                  @Spoon: Do you know about any problems with "_COMMA_ " in R15.3 32bit?

                  Dat Ei


                  • Dat Ei
                    dBpoweramp Guru

                    • Feb 2014
                    • 1812

                    Re: Multiple (album) artists and file naming

                    Hey mville, hey Spoon,

                    now I've tested "_COMMA_ " with dBpa R15.3 64bit without success.

                    Here are two screenshot of the filenaming in CD Ripper (same CD, two album artists separated by "; "):

                    Click image for larger version

Name:	album_artist_with_minus.png
Views:	1
Size:	48.6 KB
ID:	292922

                    Click image for larger version

Name:	album_artist_with_comma.png
Views:	1
Size:	48.4 KB
ID:	292921

                    Dat Ei


                    • mville
                      dBpoweramp Guru

                      • Dec 2008
                      • 4023

                      Re: Multiple (album) artists and file naming

                      Originally posted by Dat Ei
                      Hey mville, hey Spoon,

                      now I've tested "_COMMA_ " with dBpa R15.3 64bit without success.
                      I would need to see the full naming string and see exactly what album artist is populated with.

                      ... further testing shows that you cannot use the [tags]<element>,delimiter[] function within the [IFVALUE]tag,strifvalue,strnovalue[] function
                      Last edited by mville; May 27, 2015, 12:09 AM.


                      • Dat Ei
                        dBpoweramp Guru

                        • Feb 2014
                        • 1812

                        Re: Multiple (album) artists and file naming

                        Hey mville,

                        Originally posted by mville
                        I would need to see the full naming string and see exactly what album artist is populated with.
                        the full naming strings can be seen in my first posting.

                        Originally posted by mville
                        ... further testing shows that you cannot use the [tags]<element>,delimiter[] function within the [IFVALUE]tag,strifvalue,strnovalue[] function
                        thanks for your effort, but I have to disagree. It is not the [tags]<element>,delimiter[] that does not work, it is the parser itself or the keyword "_COMMA_ " that does not work. See the following example, which is the same as yesterday but with a longer explanation and coming straight to the point:

                        For the example I've chosen the CD "The Chopin Project" of the artists Ólafur Arnalds and Alice Sara Ott. The album artist entry in the metadata is "Ólafur Arnalds; Alice Sara Ott" (without the quotation marks).

                        The next screenshot shows the file naming dialog of CD Ripper for that CD. For convenience I just refer to the album artist in that example, without bulding up a full name string containing information about the song titel itself. In the first example I use "- " (minus) as delimiter for the [tags] function. As you can see, both artist appear delimited by "- " in the resulting naming - just as expected.

                        Click image for larger version

Name:	album_artist_with_minus-2.png
Views:	1
Size:	55.6 KB
ID:	292924

                        Next I just changed the delimiter from "- " to "_COMMA_ ". But now the result shows only the first of the two album artists.

                        Click image for larger version

Name:	album_artist_with_comma-2.png
Views:	1
Size:	55.3 KB
ID:	292923

                        So from my point of view it is not the use of [tags] function within the [IFVALUE] function - that is ok, except one uses the "_COMMA_" function as a delimiter.

                        Dat Ei


                        • Spoon
                          • Apr 2002
                          • 44842

                          Re: Multiple (album) artists and file naming

                          if you put as:

                          [tags]album artist,_COMMA_ []

                          it works, but in:

                          [IFVALUE]album artist,[tags]album artist,_COMMA_[],NO ALBUM ARTIST[]

                          Will mark as a future bug.


                          • Dat Ei
                            dBpoweramp Guru

                            • Feb 2014
                            • 1812

                            Re: Multiple (album) artists and file naming

                            Originally posted by Spoon
                            Will mark as a future bug.
                            Thanks for the information.

                            Will we have [tags] and "_COMMA_" in Arrage Audio in the near future? Or shall I write this in the wishlist?

                            Dat Ei


                            • mville
                              dBpoweramp Guru

                              • Dec 2008
                              • 4023

                              Re: Multiple (album) artists and file naming

                              Originally posted by Dat Ei
                              thanks for your effort, but I have to disagree. It is not the [tags]<element>,delimiter[] that does not work, it is the parser itself or the keyword "_COMMA_ " that does not work.
                              I think we are in agreement, i.e. there IS a bug

