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Tagging issues....

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  • daleyb
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • Oct 2014
    • 235

    Tagging issues....

    Please forgive me for going off topic regarding Tagging-but maybe Iam missing Something here...

    I kinda got the impression that after a rip of an Original cd you Could go into mp3tag and change anything you felt wrong with rip-if not perfect.

    Someone on the forum says Original cds-
    "As orginal CDs have no mp3-files you can't import them to MP3Tag."

    But i thought that was the whole point of mp3tag to link tracks to it and change meta...

    2.If i put an original cd it shows no artwork-until iselect all.and it jumbles track listings, & numbers

    3. i also want to put my homemade cds in Alphabetical order-but struggling how to do this...but told:
    "As CDs don't have any alphabetical names you have to tell us what order you want to have:

    Artist, Album, tracks, titles ...".

    Confused dot com
  • garym
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Nov 2007
    • 5934

    Re: Tagging issues....

    Originally posted by daleyb
    Please forgive me for going off topic regarding Tagging-but maybe Iam missing Something here...

    I kinda got the impression that after a rip of an Original cd you Could go into mp3tag and change anything you felt wrong with rip-if not perfect.

    Someone on the forum says Original cds-
    "As orginal CDs have no mp3-files you can't import them to MP3Tag."

    But i thought that was the whole point of mp3tag to link tracks to it and change meta...

    2.If i put an original cd it shows no artwork-until iselect all.and it jumbles track listings, & numbers

    3. i also want to put my homemade cds in Alphabetical order-but struggling how to do this...but told:
    "As CDs don't have any alphabetical names you have to tell us what order you want to have:

    Artist, Album, tracks, titles ...".

    Confused dot com
    I kinda got the impression that after a rip of an Original cd you Could go into mp3tag and change anything you felt wrong with rip-if not perfect.
    this is a true statement *with regard to tags*. You can use mp3tag, dbpa ID TAG EDITOR or any number of other programs to edit/modify the tags after a rip.

    "As orginal CDs have no mp3-files you can't import them to MP3Tag."
    Of course not. Before you can open digital files in mp3tag (or any tag editor) one needs to RIP the digital files from the Physical CD and turn them into digital files on your Hard Drive (and these digital files can be mp3, FLAC, ALAC, AAC or any of various format digital files).

    3. I have no clue what you mean by *3 and alphabetical order. Do you mean that within an "Album" you want the tracks to be in alphabetical order and then provide track number from 1 to N so that the track numbering matches the order? If so, just open the files in mp3tag. on the "title" column, click the column heading and it will sort the items alphabetically (if backwards, just click again). Then once they are in alphabetical order, simply select all the files and use the "auto file numbering" function to number them from 1 to N. Now you're done and the individual songs on your "homemade" album are track ordered in alphabetical order.


    • mville
      dBpoweramp Guru

      • Dec 2008
      • 4023

      Re: Tagging issues....

      Originally posted by daleyb
      Please forgive me for going off topic regarding Tagging-but maybe Iam missing Something here...

      I kinda got the impression that after a rip of an Original cd you Could go into mp3tag and change anything you felt wrong with rip-if not perfect.

      Someone on the forum says Original cds-
      "As orginal CDs have no mp3-files you can't import them to MP3Tag."

      But i thought that was the whole point of mp3tag to link tracks to it and change meta...

      2.If i put an original cd it shows no artwork-until iselect all.and it jumbles track listings, & numbers

      3. i also want to put my homemade cds in Alphabetical order-but struggling how to do this...but told:
      "As CDs don't have any alphabetical names you have to tell us what order you want to have:

      Artist, Album, tracks, titles ...".

      Confused dot com
      There seems to be some basic concepts regarding CDs, CD ripping, digital audio files, tagging of digital audio files, audio libraries/collections etc., that you need to read up on, before attempting to build your audio library and use the recommended tools available.

      I suggest you search the internet regarding the basics of cd ripping, read the dBpoweramp help files and Spoon's Audio Guide, rather than making assumptions about the technologies involved here, that can be pretty complicated.

      These forums may be more useful to you, once you get a better understanding of what is going on.


      • garym
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Nov 2007
        • 5934

        Re: Tagging issues....

        Originally posted by mville
        There seems to be some basic concepts regarding CDs, CD ripping, digital audio files, tagging of digital audio files, audio libraries/collections etc., that you need to read up on, before attempting to build your audio library and use the recommended tools available.

        I suggest you search the internet regarding the basics of cd ripping, read the dBpoweramp help files and Spoon's Audio Guide, rather than making assumptions about the technologies involved here, that can be pretty complicated.

        These forums may be more useful to you, once you get a better understanding of what is going on.
        I couldn't agree more. Here's some other places to look (useful even if you're not using the hardware discussed at some of the locations)

        read all of the documents here:

        In mp3tag, click on the help button on the top menu (at the right) and it will take you to lots of detail

        The problem is that we're explaining to you how to operate an automobile and we think we're making (slow) progress. Then you show up and ask a question equivalent to "explain to me again the difference between an engine and a tire" and "how come when I hit the brake pedal the car stops...I thought that would make the car go in reverse.

        And respectfully (because we really are trying to help), you simply must learn how to craft better questions. A good question will (briefly) include the basic question and also (1) what you are trying to achieve, including clarifying examples and (2) what you are doing, EXACTLY, step by step, and (3) what result you are getting and why it is not what you want (and this may include posting screen shots of what you are seeing). Many of your posts here and at the mp3tag forum are more like dumping the trash can contents into the middle of the kitchen floor and pointing out that dinner is not going well....please help. Again, we want to help, but you must do some "learning" before you wear us out and we simply no longer have the energy to help. I'm not saying all this stuff is easy or obvious, but there is a learning curve and we're saying that you seem to be stuck in the first part of that curve. You might need a computer savvy friend to assist you and also help you interpret our posts. It wouldn't hurt.


        • daleyb
          dBpoweramp Enthusiast

          • Oct 2014
          • 235

          Re: Tagging issues....

          I agree 100 %. Will do Some reading from above.Sorted Tagging now- MP3TAG-A Great programme for me, doing loads of Homemades. Dont think- I will need everything on that site-Got tracks in Artists name A-Z. numbers PERFECT TOO...

          Will try to craft better questions too.And now ive got me cropper capture sorted (thanks to you gary)So no excuse for a screen shot!

          your also right when you Say Could do with a computer savvy mate to help. In an Ideal world i would.In a perfect world I would have you and spoon right here next to me.Unfortunately its not an ideal or perfect world.....;-((


          • garym
            dBpoweramp Guru

            • Nov 2007
            • 5934

            Re: Tagging issues....

            Good to hear. Yes, mp3tag can do all sorts of very fancy things, 99% of I don't use either. And it sounds like you've been able to do you renumbering, etc. so that's good. Yes, screen shots are good (a picture is worth a thousand words). And learning the basics will make your life easier, and then there's always forums to drill down into confusing things. I was more computer savvy than you seem to be when I started down the digital music path, but was clueless about all the aspects of digital music. I didn't understand codecs, lossy vs lossless, tags, streaming files, etc. All I knew is that I put a CD into the computer and it created some mp3 files that magically had artist and title info. And then I could play those files on my ipod. I've learned a lot since then, mostly from reading things on the web, reading the forums, and first and foremost, EXPERIMENTING. That is, when I try to figure out what something does or doesn't do, I just try it. No error I can make will cause anyone to die, ruin my life, or cause my hair to fall out. Trying out commands, options, etc. is the best learning tool. Good luck. You'll get there eventually!

