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Convert FLAC to MP3 using "Radio Compression"

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  • Tim45

    • Feb 2015
    • 1

    Convert FLAC to MP3 using "Radio Compression"

    Sorry if this has been brought up before! I did some looking before posting.

    My CD collection is currently in FLAC with ReplayGain (both track and album, using default settings). Lots of mastering variety in the CD's, of course. I'd like to encode a copy of these to MP3, but I'd like to have the files strongly digitally compressed to remove highs and lows, and set the volume equal for all tracks.

    The end goal: I'm playing these MP3's in a car stereo that won't detect ReplayGain values. So I need all the tracks encoded to basically sound like you'd expect on the radio or XM: consistent in volume, minimal differences even for low sections.

    I completely understand this will make the sound quality inferior, but it's a trade-off I'm willing to accept. I have the original FLAC's at home anyway.

    I tried converting to MP3 using Dynamic Range Compression and ReplayGain (Apply), set at defaults, but I find there is still more highs and lows than I'd expect.

    Are there any recommendations for how to pull this off? Thank you!
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44835

    Re: Convert FLAC to MP3 using "Radio Compression"

    It is best you use:

    Volume Normalize

    with the Adaptive enabled, this works best in the car.

