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Another right click problem

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  • hollyh

    • Feb 2015
    • 12

    Another right click problem


    I have just purchased the reference dBpoweramp family software package and I am working my way through the user guide while reading various threads on the forum and I seem to have a problem that has cropped up before relating to the Window Explorer Integration. Even though I have selected various option on the dBpoweramp conf app, none seem to work. Additionally, the uninstall control panel isn't showing any of the dBpoweramp applications so I can not delete and reinstall the application via this mechanism - although using a link on a previous thread I have used an app to remove the software and reinstalled it (but with no effect - windows integration still doesn't work). This might be a reflection that Windows 7, the operating system running on my pc, might not be seeing the dBpoweramp app correctly. The previous threads relating to this problem don't seem to identify a solution that works for me.

    On a slightly different issue, I was wondering whether it is possible to edit the genre selections to add additional genres for future use - it seems possible to type in a specific genre for a specific cd but this doesn't seem to be stored for future use.
  • dbfan
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Jan 2011
    • 937

    Re: Another right click problem

    It is very likely you have security software, which is stopping the installer from adding the uninstall entry, it is also stopping the explorer integration.

    What security software do you have?


    • hollyh

      • Feb 2015
      • 12

      Re: Another right click problem

      I'm using Norton Internet Security - will I need to remove and reinstall dBpoweramp while Norton is disabled to figure out if this the actual cause of the problem?

      Any comments regarding my question relating to genre would also be much appreciated.
      Many thanks


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44836

        Re: Another right click problem

        The genre does save, if you type a new value and close CD Ripper it is saved for next time and added to the list, again the security software might be stopping this...


        • hollyh

          • Feb 2015
          • 12

          Re: Another right click problem

          I have removed dBpoweramp with the reset program and de-activated Norton Internet Security and reinstalled dBpoweramp with Norton Internet Security deactivated, but nothing has changed. Right click still isn't working and I still don't have the option to remove the program from the uninstall control panel.

          Please let me know what else can be done to address this problem.


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44836

            Re: Another right click problem

            The installer we use, it is 15 years old, it has never not put the uninstall entries in to control panel, there is something blocking it, and dBpoweramp. I do not know what it is, do you have any sandbox type program? any anti malware? anti phishing?


            • garym
              dBpoweramp Guru

              • Nov 2007
              • 5934

              Re: Another right click problem

              Not sure about Norton, but I know that some antivirus programs, perhaps even Norton, don't actually fully deactivate even when you choose that setting. I've seen cases in the past where the AV program had to be temporarily UNINSTALLED to truly turn it off.


              • hollyh

                • Feb 2015
                • 12

                Re: Another right click problem

                To my knowledge, the only security features I have on my computer are Norton Internet Security and those offered by Windows 7, which is the operating system I am using.

                If the installer has never not put the uninstall entries in to the control panel then it would seem that Norton is unlikely to be the problem, as it is unlikely that I would be the only person with dBpoweramp and Norton Internet Security. I have iTunes and Roxio loaded on my pc, two other programs that can perform ripping, and operate as they should. However they don't seem to have the same level of integration with Windows that dBpoweramp appears to have. Similarly I have loaded a couple of other programs on to my PC since loading dBpoweramp with no installation problems having occurred.

                Any suggestions as to how to try identify the problem would be appreciated - as a temporary work around is there any other way I can modify metadata for ripped CD's.


                • Dat Ei
                  dBpoweramp Guru

                  • Feb 2014
                  • 1810

                  Re: Another right click problem

                  Hey hollyh,

                  did you try the latest version 15.2 of dBpa, which has been released yesterday?

                  Dat Ei


                  • hollyh

                    • Feb 2015
                    • 12

                    Re: Another right click problem

                    Hi Dat Ei

                    I haven't yet updated to 15.2. I am away this weekend so I'll give it a go as soon as I can next week and see if that cures the problem.


                    • Dat Ei
                      dBpoweramp Guru

                      • Feb 2014
                      • 1810

                      Re: Another right click problem

                      Hey there,

                      now I've tried it on my own machine cause I have the problems too. Like in V15.1 the right click integration of "Edit ID-Tag" does not work in V15.2. The menu entry is in the context menu, but the dialog does not appear when I click on the menu item.

                      Windows 7 Professional (german)
                      Avira Anti-Virus (no difference if it is active or not)
                      Windows Firewall (default settings)

                      I've uninstalled V15, cleaned up with the dbpa clean tool and rebooted before installing V15.2.

                      In contrast to "Edit ID-Tag" the menu entry "Convert To" works as expected - no probelms. My work around is to click on the menu entry "properties" and then to switch to the "ID-Tag"-tab.

                      As I've understand you, Spoon, this should have been already fixed. Any other suggestions?

                      Dat Ei


                      • Dat Ei
                        dBpoweramp Guru

                        • Feb 2014
                        • 1810

                        Re: Another right click problem

                        Forget to mention: I use the 32bit version of dBpa.

                        In the meanwhile I've tested the 64bit version, and for this version the "Edit ID-Tag" integration into the windows file explorer works! It is still the 32bit version that does not.

                        Dat Ei


                        • hollyh

                          • Feb 2015
                          • 12

                          Re: Another right click problem

                          Thank you for the suggestion Dat Ei, I will try and give it a go.

                          Just as an update - with regard to v15.2, following your suggestion I have installed v15.2 but the problem still exists. However, on installing the software (with Norton disabled) a program compatibility message came up stating that Windows detected that this program did not run correctly. One can't help feel that this might be the root cause of the problem.


                          • Spoon
                            • Apr 2002
                            • 44836

                            Re: Another right click problem

                            I would uninstall Norton, and any other security software as part of your trouble shooting into this issue. Note you cannot have 2 anti virus programs installed at the same time, they cannot work like that.

