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Cover How DbPoweramp manage them?

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  • TemppesT

    • Apr 2014
    • 6

    Cover How DbPoweramp manage them?

    First of all:
    All my music files are stored in a slave hard drive (D: - internal) and I need to format my master hard drive (C. I've added covers to all files using dBpoweramp to rip and to set the covers (manualy)
    The questions are:
    1) Will the covers remain as they are or I'll have to set them all again?
    2) Is there a file I must save to put it back after formatting my C: drive to assure I'll have the right covers back?
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44835

    Re: Cover How DbPoweramp manage them?

    1) How are the covers stored? embedded into the ID Tags, or stored as folder.jpg?
    2) Covers should go with the files.


    • TemppesT

      • Apr 2014
      • 6

      Re: Cover How DbPoweramp manage them?

      I "guess" they are embedded into ID tags, at least that's what I've tried to do when I set them up.
      According to your answer, I'll copy some of them into a flash drive and try in another PC, so I'll get sure about it, I'll feedback the results.
      Thanks for your attention.


      • TemppesT

        • Apr 2014
        • 6

        Re: Cover How DbPoweramp manage them?

        Dear Spoon,
        I did the test I said i would on my last post, I copied one of my ".wav" files into a flash drive and tried it out on another PC wich has dBpoweramp installed too and there were no cover, just that Windows generic ".wav icon". The covers were set to the files using the "Id-Tag" right clicking the ".wav file" and choosing "[Add Album Art]". When doing it, I must point to the right cover, stored in another folder as a ".jpg file". Am I doing something wrong?
        I'm using a registered 14.4 dBoweramp version.
        Thank you, once more.


        • Spoon
          • Apr 2002
          • 44835

          Re: Cover How DbPoweramp manage them?

          The easiest way is to add a folder.jpg to the same folder.

          It is dBpoweramp which adds the ability to Windows to read the album art from an embedded ID Tag.


          • TemppesT

            • Apr 2014
            • 6

            Re: Cover How DbPoweramp manage them?

            Well, I think I'm doomed. I have about 700 ".wav" files in a "selection folder", with a lot of different albums and artists well filtered and normalized, so it's gonna be impossible to place all those covers as "folder.jpg". It seems álbum arts are not embedded into ID Tgas and it seems there is no way to do it unless i rip all them again. That's frustrating, I've thought I had got this problem solve when i purchased dBpoweramp.
            Thanks for your time, anyway.

