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Old Problem Resurfaced

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  • Gav

    • May 2013
    • 6

    Old Problem Resurfaced

    Hi all. I use a Denon streamer fed by a Western Digital My Book Live NAS Drive and everything was great until I bought a new PC. I posted and received an answer regarding adding the track number to the track name so that my streamer plays the tracks in the correct order. I have been using this code IF pretendtag= SET Title=[track] [title] and this has worked a treat, however after getting my new pc this doesn't seem to do anything anymore. Any ideas? I can't think of anything else that is different.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44835

    Re: Old Problem Resurfaced

    IF Track=[anyvalue]
    SET Title=[Track]. [Title]


    • Gav

      • May 2013
      • 6

      Re: Old Problem Resurfaced

      Hi Spoon, thanks for your response.The code you gave me was the code you advised me to use in my original post:

      Use the DSP effect ID Tag processing:

      Manipulation >> Rule Based Manipulation >> Set

      add the following:

      IF Title=[anyvalue]
      SET Title=[track] [title]
      You then gave me the code that I have been using ever since:

      Re: Rip With Track Number As Part Of Title

      Spoon thank you very much for your super fast response. I tried what you suggested but it doesn't make any difference. The track number has to actually become a part of the track name. I can rip as Band/Album/Track Number and Title and It looks ok in windows but if you open it in Foobar the track name is still just that and my network player plays in alphabetical order. I don't know if this is physically possible because of the different values involved but it's better to ask an expert before I spend hours ripping and manually changing every track

      I have tested this and it works:

      IF pretendtag=
      SET Title=[track] [title

      Like I said I seem to be back to square one and I don't understand why.

      The new stuff that I'm converting is throwing up errors on my streamer, saying list empty etc. It uses twonky, I'm wondering if it is a server error as I have had no problems up to now.
      Last edited by Gav; March 07, 2014, 04:52 PM.


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44835

        Re: Old Problem Resurfaced

        For a ripped track if you right click >> Edit ID Tags, the track number is not part of the title? Make sure you have Release 10 of the DSP effects.


        • Gav

          • May 2013
          • 6

          Re: Old Problem Resurfaced

          Hi Spoon. I don't know what the issue was but the IF Title=[anyvalue] SET Title=[track] [title] line seems to be working.Thanks for your help.

