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Adding artwork to mp3's

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  • Getoboy1

    • Feb 2014
    • 8

    Adding artwork to mp3's

    When I try to add artwork to my existing mp3's, it won't work.

    If I re-rip the CD, then it works fine, so I am obviously doing something right.

    I don't really want to re-rip my full CD collection, which is around 500 CD's.

    Does anyone have any idea's as to why it doesn't work with existing mp3's please?

    I'm running Windows 7.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44836

    Re: Adding artwork to mp3's

    It is likely your mp3 files have an id3v1 tag, rather than id3v2. R15 will automatically upgrade the tag when adding art, but if you have R14 convert the mp3 file to the ID Tag update utility codec then try to add art.


    • Getoboy1

      • Feb 2014
      • 8

      Re: Adding artwork to mp3's

      My tags are id3v2.3 and id3v1.1

      Can I have what to do next in layman's terms please?


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44836

        Re: Adding artwork to mp3's

        Try this...right click on one mp3 file >> edit id tags

        add the art. Then Ok, next right click on the same mp3 file >> edit id tags

        the art is not shown by dbpoweramp?


        • Getoboy1

          • Feb 2014
          • 8

          Re: Adding artwork to mp3's

          The mp3's are in a folder called My Music, on my Hard Drive.

          If I open an album folder to view or play the mp3's, it let's me add the art with DP Poweramp until I press ok, just before it actually adds it to the mp3, I then get an error message that says Unable to write ID Tags for: G:\7th Deadly Sin\01 - Intro - Ice-T -7th Deadly Sin.mp3 on either a single track, or it lists all mp3's if I do a full album in one go.

          As I said, it works for a newly ripped CD.

          Thanks for trying to help so far, I'm determined to get to the bottom of this!
          Last edited by Getoboy1; March 01, 2014, 10:51 AM.


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44836

            Re: Adding artwork to mp3's

            This is a permissions problem, the location where the files are do not allow the files to be updated, this could be:

            the files are set as read only
            the files are on a network share with read only rights
            the files have permissions set to deny your windows user account from writing


            • Getoboy1

              • Feb 2014
              • 8

              Re: Adding artwork to mp3's

              Aah right. I've recently had my PC updated with new hardware and software.

              I'll speak with the lad that did it for me, and let you know the outcome!


              • Getoboy1

                • Feb 2014
                • 8

                Re: Adding artwork to mp3's

                Apparently I have to change my User Account Settings in Control Panel to never notify when making changes to my computer.

                I believe this may cause problems though with online security?

                Is there another way around my problem?


                • Spoon
                  • Apr 2002
                  • 44836

                  Re: Adding artwork to mp3's

                  I do not think this would be it.

                  The prompt to elevate is there for security, but the system would never ask to elevate dBpoweramp tag editor, because audio tracks should never require administrator access rights.

                  What is drive G:? a network drive, a usb drive or a drive internal to the system.


                  • Getoboy1

                    • Feb 2014
                    • 8

                    Re: Adding artwork to mp3's

                    Originally posted by Spoon
                    I do not think this would be it.

                    The prompt to elevate is there for security, but the system would never ask to elevate dBpoweramp tag editor, because audio tracks should never require administrator access rights.

                    What is drive G:? a network drive, a usb drive or a drive internal to the system.
                    My G Drive is my 1TB internal Hard Drive.

                    I lowered the permissions as my mate said to do, and I can now add artwork to ALL mp3's, not only fresh rips.

                    I'd rather work out a way to do it without lowering them though.


                    • Getoboy1

                      • Feb 2014
                      • 8

                      Re: Adding artwork to mp3's

                      If I move the slider back up to where it was and try to delete a music folder from My Music, it says I need permission to delete it.

                      I then click delete and they are deleted.

                      I have just put the slider back up, and now cannot add artwork again.

                      It has to be that doesn't it?


                      • Spoon
                        • Apr 2002
                        • 44836

                        Re: Adding artwork to mp3's

                        Yes, it is a security issue for the operating system and that drive / folders. If you search google for

                        windows file security permissions

                        you might find a tutorial for setting correctly in your instance.


                        • Getoboy1

                          • Feb 2014
                          • 8

                          Re: Adding artwork to mp3's

                          Many thanks for all of your help Spoon. I did what you said and it worked.

                          One other thing though. Why is it that some folders have one large picture, and others have two? Also, sometimes if you have the mp3's with artwork, the picture shows on the front of the folder automatically, and other times you have to manually put the artwork in the folder?


                          • dbfan
                            dBpoweramp Guru

                            • Jan 2011
                            • 937

                            Re: Adding artwork to mp3's

                            Make sure there is a single jpg in the folder called folder.jpg

