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New user with ~1500 CDs - any "Best Practices" or Tutorials?

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  • Legolad

    • Feb 2014
    • 6

    New user with ~1500 CDs - any "Best Practices" or Tutorials?

    Hey guys,

    I've purchased a Nimbie USB (NB11) and DBPA Reference. I'm about to sit down and set it up to rip over 1500 CDs I've collected over the last 25 years.
    I ripped a lot of these CDs in the past, but I wasn't consistent in my tagging or settings so I'm starting from scratch.

    After reading lots of posts here (thanks Spoon and others!), I have a pretty good idea of how I think it should be done (see my outline below).
    I've also read the CD Ripper Setup Guide
    I plan to rip everything into a lossless archive (most likely FLAC). Then I plan on converting that to MP3 for use in my car and other places.

    If you have any additional tips, resources, tutorials, or guides that you think I might find useful, please reply here.

    Here are some of the things I'm wondering about:
    1. Can DBPA handle all the steps of ripping, tagging, encoding, converting and organizing on its own?
    2. Do I need to use external programs such as EAC to get the best results?
    3. Do I need to set up some sort of automation/macro software to handle the DBPA/Nimbie interactions?

    Thanks to Spoon, I'm starting with this as my overall approach:

    I have a dedicated Windows 7 PC with an empty 2 TB SATA 3 drive on a swappable external USB 3.0 enclosure.
    I have the Nimbie connected directly to a USB 3.0 port.
    For portable audio, I use a Sansa Clip with 32GB removable card (plays FLAC).
    For home playback I use my PC (FLAC), OUYA (FLAC), PS3 (MP3), or Yamaha receiver (MP3) depending on where I am.

    I have dBpoweramp Reference for ripping, converting, tagging, etc.
    I have MediaMonkey Gold for listening and I use it for most of my tagging needs.
    I also have File Renamer Basic for more advanced/complex tagging (
    I use XBMC on my OUYA.
    I use the PS3's music player.

    I want to start with FLAC, then convert to MP3.

    1. Each morning, set up 50 discs in the Nimbie.
    2. RIP the batch of 50 to FLAC in a RIP directory (while I'm at work)
    3. Grab free metadata during rip.
    4. When I get home from work, move the rips into my preferred folder structure.
    5. Clean up FLAC tags of each batch while I watch some TV.
    6. Set PC to convert newly organized/tagged FLAC files to MP3.
    7. If more discs need ripping, GOTO STEP 1.
    8. Once all ripping and converting is complete, load the FLAC and MP3 libraries into MediaMonkey.
    9, Update all the MP3 discs in my car.
    10. Load up a bunch of FLAC onto 32GB cards for my portable MP3 player.

    Thanks for reading all this. Sorry it's so long. Any advice or pointers you have would be greatly appreciated.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44840

    Re: New user with ~1500 CDs - any "Best Practices" or Tutorials?

    >1. Can DBPA handle all the steps of ripping, tagging, encoding, converting and organizing on its own?


    >2. Do I need to use external programs such as EAC to get the best results?

    No, both have AccurateRip, if a CD is verified with AccurateRip it is 100% accurate,

    >3. Do I need to set up some sort of automation/macro software to handle the DBPA/Nimbie interactions?

    If you install Batch Ripper, it will control the Nimbie


    • Legolad

      • Feb 2014
      • 6

      Re: New user with ~1500 CDs - any "Best Practices" or Tutorials?

      Thanks for the quick reply, Spoon! helpful as always. :-)


      • GQ72

        • Jun 2018
        • 11

        Re: New user with ~1500 CDs - any "Best Practices" or Tutorials?

        just curious as to how long it took to do this project?


        • Dat Ei
          dBpoweramp Guru

          • Feb 2014
          • 1812

          Re: New user with ~1500 CDs - any "Best Practices" or Tutorials?

          I've ripped about 2.700 CDs in about 3 month.

          Dat Ei

