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Add Album Art

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  • Lepel

    • Aug 2013
    • 1

    Add Album Art

    Hi, I'm a new user of dbPoweramp and just started to flac my cd collection.

    And although the interface is simple enough I'm puzzled by the Album Art options.

    I want to add an additional picture with the back of the cd cover. So I use the '+' button for this to find much to my surprise that this replaces all other pictures. Without an undo option for as far as I can tell.

    Bin fiddling with this and found that 'load from file' will work as aspected and add a picture. So I now have a 'Album Art 2 of 2'. But using 'choose from internet' will give a nice selection of art. However, choosing one will make this my only picture. The other two are gone now and the numbering is back to 'Album Art 1 of 1'.

    How can I add (and not replace) artwork from the internet ?

  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44835

    Re: Add Album Art

    Artwork from the internet is normally front cover only, so it will replace all that is there.


    • BrodyBoy
      dBpoweramp Guru

      • Sep 2011
      • 779

      Re: Add Album Art

      Originally posted by Lepel
      Hi, I'm a new user of dbPoweramp and just started to flac my cd collection.

      And although the interface is simple enough I'm puzzled by the Album Art options.

      I want to add an additional picture with the back of the cd cover. So I use the '+' button for this to find much to my surprise that this replaces all other pictures. Without an undo option for as far as I can tell.

      Bin fiddling with this and found that 'load from file' will work as aspected and add a picture. So I now have a 'Album Art 2 of 2'. But using 'choose from internet' will give a nice selection of art. However, choosing one will make this my only picture. The other two are gone now and the numbering is back to 'Album Art 1 of 1'.

      How can I add (and not replace) artwork from the internet ?

      I'd suggest you just create a folder on your desktop where you collect "back cover" images for your CDs, and then use the load from file option. I doubt that you'll find back covers (online) for all your CDs, so if you really want to be comprehensive in this effort, you'll end up scanning some of them yourself. Use a single repository for both downloaded and scanned images, then you can quickly use "Load from file" to add needed back cover images as you rip.

      Tip: I've found it most efficient, when I have a pile of CDs to rip, to go grab any extra images first. Drag & drop makes it really speedy. If I'm feeling especially picky and/or ambitious, I'll batch process the image folder through Photoshop to standardize the size/resolution of the files.

