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Best Way To Copy

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  • lyric
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • Nov 2010
    • 77

    Best Way To Copy

    Forgive me if this is a basic question, however I am only learning the basics:smile2:
    I want to copy some of my flac files on my server, running asset premium latest release on to a portable usb pen. I also have dbpoweramp batch converter if that is any help.
    I have another property with a Linn digital streamer and I do it this way to put new music on the server at the other property. At the minute I use a program called terracopy to do this, but I want to be sure that I am getting the best quality I can on the usb .
    Is there a function on batch converter that can perform this task?


  • garym
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Nov 2007
    • 5934

    Re: Best Way To Copy

    Originally posted by lyric
    Forgive me if this is a basic question, however I am only learning the basics:smile2:
    I want to copy some of my flac files on my server, running asset premium latest release on to a portable usb pen. I also have dbpoweramp batch converter if that is any help.
    I have another property with a Linn digital streamer and I do it this way to put new music on the server at the other property. At the minute I use a program called terracopy to do this, but I want to be sure that I am getting the best quality I can on the usb .
    Is there a function on batch converter that can perform this task?


    any competent file copy program, including built in windows file copy will work. Terracopy is fine. And if you are paranoid about the copying messing up any files, one can always run dbpa's TEST CONVERSION on the copied FLAC files and the self-checking feature of FLAC files will let you know that the new FLAC copies are OK.


    • lyric
      dBpoweramp Enthusiast

      • Nov 2010
      • 77

      Re: Best Way To Copy

      Ah, thank you very much for your reply. I am satisfied now, especially as more and more of my music is 24bit.
      I'm not familiar with "Test Conversion" , does it come with Batch Converter? A lot of Hi Fi people are paranoid with the noughts and ones, as if they are assuming a new life as they travel the ether....:smile2:

      Thanks again

      Lyric .


      • garym
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Nov 2007
        • 5934

        Re: Best Way To Copy

        Originally posted by lyric
        Ah, thank you very much for your reply. I am satisfied now, especially as more and more of my music is 24bit.
        I'm not familiar with "Test Conversion" , does it come with Batch Converter? A lot of Hi Fi people are paranoid with the noughts and ones, as if they are assuming a new life as they travel the ether....:smile2:

        Thanks again

        Lyric .
        TEST CONVERSION is a DSP. I believe it is automatically installed. Open batch converter, select files, then when you get to the convert to popup, use dropdown menu to select TEST CONVERSION. This doesn't actually convert anything, but as it is called, "tests" to make sure file is OK and can be decoded, and in the case of FLAC, it compares the CRC to the saved CRC within the file to confirm that there is no corruption. Very useful (and one of the benefits of using FLAC that some folks forget about).

        Yes, some audiophools have a lot of difficulty with digital, trying to apply "analog" concepts to digital. And the unfortunate thing is that many that have the LEAST understanding are the ones that author articles in the mainstream audio press. Some truly wacko stuff gets passed off as fact in some of these publications. A series of articles in The Absolute Sound are famous for the idiocy of the contents.


        • lyric
          dBpoweramp Enthusiast

          • Nov 2010
          • 77

          Re: Best Way To Copy

          Thanks for the advice. I always buy my Hi Fi with my analogue ears, brain and heart.:smile2: even though it can be expensive at times...




          • Porcus
            dBpoweramp Guru

            • Feb 2007
            • 792

            Re: Best Way To Copy

            Just copying? Windows drag+drop or whatever. FLAC has a checksum, you can verify file integrity afterwards.

            For bigger jobs, cloning entire directories, I use XXCOPY. A command-line freeware utility that supports various degrees of verification (checksumming, or if you like, bit by bit verification -- I use the /BACKUP/CDU switch all the time). It fragments files though, and if that is an issue I first run a drag+drop copy and only afterwards a XXCOPY with /BACKUP/CDU, which should then merely bit-verify. (It does not always work that way, as Windows file systems sometimes yield a bit inconsistent timestamps -- then I use a /FF1000 switch to relax the timestamp diffcheck.)

            When it comes to buying hi-fi with your analogue ears ... be sure to blind test, otherwise you would be likely to buy with your eyes. The omnipresent placebo effect.


            • lyric
              dBpoweramp Enthusiast

              • Nov 2010
              • 77

              Re: Best Way To Copy

              Thanks, I found windows very very slow at copying using drag and drop, that's why I use terracopy. It's so much faster. I was really making sure that this speed doesn't compromise file quality.
              You lost me with the second paragraph, although it does all sound very good:smile2: I have Linn Klimax components and they do look fantastic, but it is the sound that truly astounds... Blind listening is very sound advice, so is a home demo.



