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Editing Meta Data

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  • porthacking

    • Apr 2010
    • 11

    Editing Meta Data

    Hi All,

    I recently finished ripping all of my CDs to flac.
    I was very careful with the meta data but there are some problems with it.

    1) How do I edit it?
    2) If I start changing things like "artist", will it automatically change all of the folders in Windows Explorer? At the moment, everything is sorted by Artist.
    3) I have high res copies of all of the album covers. How do I removed the low res versions and replacing them with the high res versions? Also, I have scans of the booklets for some of the CDs. How do I attach these? Will these be viewable in a program like JRiver?

    Thanks for any help anyone can offer!
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44834

    Re: Editing Meta Data

    1) Right click on files >> Edit ID Tags
    2) No it will not
    3) With Edit ID tags, also replace the folder.jpg file in the same folder as the album.


    • porthacking

      • Apr 2010
      • 11

      Re: Editing Meta Data

      1) Thanks
      2) So, if I missed something when I was ripping and I had the composer for instance as the artist, and I go back and change the artist to the correct artist, I'm stuck with the incorrect folder title in explorer (i.e. the composer's name is the folder name instead of the artist)?
      Do I just go back and change this manually?
      If I re-rip anything, is it best to just delete it completely first?
      3) Thanks!

      Originally posted by Spoon
      1) Right click on files >> Edit ID Tags
      2) No it will not
      3) With Edit ID tags, also replace the folder.jpg file in the same folder as the album.


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44834

        Re: Editing Meta Data

        Sometimes it is easier to delete, and re rip, or you could rename the folder.

