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How do I edit album tag for individual tracks before rip ?

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  • flacpac

    • Jan 2013
    • 1

    How do I edit album tag for individual tracks before rip ?

    Just starting to rip mostly classical cd collection to flac and would like to have separate albums for each work on a disk. I can only see how to edit the "Title","Artist" and "Composer" fields at track level prior to rip. How can I also edit other fields such as "Album" at this level ?
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44834

    Re: How do I edit album tag for individual tracks before rip ?

    It is not possible to do this before ripping, only post ripping.


    • gfrnd

      • Sep 2011
      • 7

      Re: How do I edit album tag for individual tracks before rip ?

      sorry for butting in but I have an approach I like for classical works. it is pretty straightforward.; btw I use mp3tag to handle the post rip tagging.
      So here goes
      create 2 new tags called Work and WorkSort
      Add them to the menu of Asset, I put it as a child of album under composer
      After ripping, I go to MP3 tag and for each disk, pull the name of the work from the title and paste that for all tracks for a given work; pad with 0 when needed for the worksort field.
      If a disk is a set, say all of Beethoven Piano sonatas, i rip them to as one disk, using tracknumber offset and then apply the works as they are.

      So once I have chosen a 'disk' (could be a single or multi disk set), I choose the work subfolder and there are works defined that each include all of the tracks for a given work.

      Think that works better than splitting disks for each work. does require a little effort during tagging but it works great.

      Looking forward to the then ASSET version as I think it will allow the splitting of libraries so pop and classical don't mingle. It works great, use it with Linn system

