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Album Artwork

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  • KBCowboy

    • Oct 2012
    • 3

    Album Artwork

    I'm setting up my software to rip about 3000 CDs to .flac files to use on a McIntosh stereo system at our new home. I purchased J Rivers Media Center and dbpoweramp. It setting up DBPA, I've run into a serious (for me) problem. I save all my album files to one directory. Each track is saved with the <artist> <album> <track>. I used this process when I ripped all my CDs to MP3 files using a program called Easy CD-DA Extractor and the J. Rivers software finds them and reads them well, and shows the artwork appropriately.

    Last night I set up a new, test folder, and started using DBPA to rip a couple of test CDs and get all my settings set up. The first CD went quite well (love how fast DBPA finds album art). When I went to add a second album, I discovered the album artwork for the first album disappeared. After some investigation, I determined that when DBPA rips an album, it saves the album art to a file called folder.jpg. When more than one album is put in the same folder, it overwrites whatever "folder" file exists with a new file of the same name. Consequently, there is only one album cover, and it's always the last one ripped to the folder!?!?

    How can I work around this? Why doesn't the program name the album cover file using the same convention as the album tracks.....or at least using the album name? Inquiring minds want to know <G>

    Second related question -- if I saved all the files into multitiered folders like the default settings, will the J. Rivers software see all the albums the same way it sees them if they are all in one top level folder? I used the single level system as previously, I often used a file manager program to select music and just double clicked on whatever I wanted to listen to - then it would open the media player on my computer.

    Thanks for your help.


    Last edited by KBCowboy; October 22, 2012, 08:38 PM.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44835

    Re: Album Artwork

    Each album should be in its own folder, every music player can work with this.

    However if you want all your music collection in just one folder, you can either disable folder.jpg writing.

    No media player would be able to detect the .jpg even if you named it [album].jpg or [artist][album].jpg because your track files are not called this.


    • KBCowboy

      • Oct 2012
      • 3

      Re: Album Artwork

      Thanks Spoon.

      I just discovered how to rename the file (Options - Meta Sata -- Meta Data & ID Tag -- Album Art -- Write to [output folder] -- select [filename].jpg

      That sort of worked, but it saved a .jpeg file for each track. Next I selected [none]. That worked just fine (then I got your email and got the same input!! <G>). I combined that with changing the file location so that all the ripped files go in one folder.

      Now my question is, how does the cover art get saved if it isn't in the "folder.jpeg" file? Does the "folder.jpeg" file have any value? Am I going to regret it if I don't save it? Please remember I'm about to rip 2-3 thousand CDs, I don't want to make a mistake I regret forever <G>

      Another question.........I want the greatest fidelity files to play on a high end system -- is Flac the way to go? I am not worried about the size of the files. I want them to be the highest quality with the least amount of errors. The files will be played on a computer using either Media Center, Helium Media Manager, Sonata, Media Monkey, or Winamp I haven't made my final selection yet though the front runner right now is Media Center, followed by Helium.

      At some point, when the database is complete, I will also convert these files to either MP3 or Wav to play on my portable equipment, iPod, etc.

      Thanks again for your help.




      • dbfan
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Jan 2011
        • 937

        Re: Album Artwork

        The art is written inside the audio tracks, for maximum compatibility have both folder.jpg and embedded.

