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Files that are changed with BDPowerAmp get scrambled on flash drive

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  • JohnO

    • Mar 2006
    • 5

    Files that are changed with BDPowerAmp get scrambled on flash drive

    After I number and retag mp3 files (old radio programs) I put them on a USB flash drive to play in our car but then they play back in a scrambled fashion, as if they are random. The random feature on the auto deck is switched off. This may not be DBPowerAmp's problem, but perhaps someone here has an answer, anyway.
    Thanks, John
  • garym
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Nov 2007
    • 5934

    Re: Files that are changed with BDPowerAmp get scrambled on flash drive

    maybe your car player doesn't see the track numbers correctly. Maybe it is looking for id3v1 tags which are not there and can't read id3v2 tags. And since it doesnt' see tags it uses some odd order, or ignores track * and uses file name. maybe it is playing in alphabetical order. Do your file names look like:



    experiment with writing both id3v1 and id3v2 tags to your files and see if that helps. also experiment with making sure track file names have number up front (with leading 0)


    • JohnO

      • Mar 2006
      • 5

      Re: Files that are changed with BDPowerAmp get scrambled on flash drive

      So, how do I write these tags? I must admit I am not up to speed on that.
      Thank you, John


      • JohnO

        • Mar 2006
        • 5

        Re: Files that are changed with BDPowerAmp get scrambled on flash drive

        Gary, I think you fixed it. I went to these files and made sure that mp3 was typed after each file. I uploaded 16 files to a flash drive and tried it into the indash and they were in order. (I manualy forwarded one at a time)


        • garym
          dBpoweramp Guru

          • Nov 2007
          • 5934

          Re: Files that are changed with BDPowerAmp get scrambled on flash drive

          Originally posted by JohnO
          Gary, I think you fixed it. I went to these files and made sure that mp3 was typed after each file. I uploaded 16 files to a flash drive and tried it into the indash and they were in order. (I manualy forwarded one at a time)
          great. Going forward, read up a bit on tagging, as this is actually the key to many things. One can use the "ID TAG UPDATE" with dbpa. Also, there are a couple of places in dbpa where one sets the tag info. For example, run dbpa configuration file, then go into CODECS, then ADVANCED, then scroll down and you can set what sort of tags to add to mp3 files, whether the track number is padded, etc. And when ripping discs to digital versions, you can use the "dynamic naming" function to tell it how to name your files and what directory to put them in etc. If you're starting from zero on all this, there is a ton to learn, but it is actually not that complicated, and once setup the way you want, you can forget about it....Enjoy!

