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convert old mp3pro files into something useful?

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  • jeffo

    • Apr 2012
    • 2

    convert old mp3pro files into something useful?


    Back in the bad old days when disk space was $$$ and CPUs were slow, I ripped my entire collection to the highest format of mp3pro to get the best bang for my buck.

    At that time I could play back using that software (later bought and killed by Yahoo) or Winamp. And on an iPod I'd get the lesser quality of the 'base' mp3. Something I could live with.

    Ok, years later the standard appears dead, disk space is cheap and most of the AV gear in my house (or car) can play my collection - all at the lesser quality (or failing completely).

    So what's the best/easiest way to get these 10000's of mp3pro files into at least a equal/better(readable) quality of mp3? It looks like this might have been supported in earlier releases, but no longer?

    It would appear that this product would have the batch processing to take care of the task, but I haven't found an mp3pro codec to decode the old files, and have read that mp3pro encoding is no longer supported (probably a good thing!)

    Any help or direction would be great!

    Thanks in advance -Jeff
  • dbfan
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Jan 2011
    • 937

    Re: convert old mp3pro files into something useful?

    You would be best to bite the bullet and rerip to lossless, do it only once correctly.


    • jeffo

      • Apr 2012
      • 2

      Re: convert old mp3pro files into something useful?

      Yes, I've considered that... however, some of those CDs are tucked away in storage here and there and not easy to re-rip.

      So in the mean time, if I could get them at least up to a semi-decent mp3 format that would play on my newer equipement, then that would be a great start.

      Any ideas?


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44834

        Re: convert old mp3pro files into something useful?

        I do not know of any software which can do this.


        • Porcus
          dBpoweramp Guru

          • Feb 2007
          • 792

          Re: convert old mp3pro files into something useful?

          People have tried to get access to the mp3pro developer kit for playback on foobar2000, and given it up: . (The list over what esoteric formats kode54 has actually managed to support, should give you an indication on how obsolete mp3pro is.) But you could try for Winamp and see if you get anything sensible out of it.


          • Kimberlyz

            • May 2012
            • 1

            Re: convert old mp3pro files into something useful?

            Also I record music in Wav format and am unable now to convert.

