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Which ID3 tag names map to which frame names?

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  • Jezz

    • Nov 2011
    • 18

    Which ID3 tag names map to which frame names?

    How do I figure out which ID3 tag "friendly" names map to which ID3 frame names, when I'm using the ID-Tag editor tool (right-click an MP3 file and select "Edit ID-Tag")?

    Here's what I mean: at I can see the list of standard ID3v2 frame names, such as TIT2 and TALB and so on. These correspond to the "friendly" field names like Title or Album etc, as displayed in the ID-Tag tab of the file's properties.

    But it's also possible for me to add additional ID3 tags by clicking the "Add" button there. When I do this, I'm presented with a drop-down list of possible field names, or alternatively I can just type in my own new field name, using any word I can imagine. Then I can enter a value for that new field over on the right-hand side of it.

    But I have no way of knowing which frame name is being used for these new fields that I add. Actually, the problem is better described the other way around. Let's say I want to add a new tag for the WOAS frame, which is described at as being for the official audio source webpage. So on the ID-Tag tab of the file's properties, I can click the "Add" button to get the new field inserted - but what "friendly" name should I type in there, in order to match this new field with the WOAS frame? I have no idea what kind of friendly-to-frame name mapping dBpoweramp does here. Make sense?

    And what happens if I enter in a friendly name which is unknown to dBpoweramp (such as "foobar") - which frame name does that get mapped to? I suppose TXXX?

  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44835

    Re: Which ID3 tag names map to which frame names?

    Yes it goes into TXXX


    • Jezz

      • Nov 2011
      • 18

      Re: Which ID3 tag names map to which frame names?

      Thanks. But my main question is this:

      Let's say (for example) that I want to add a new tag for the WOAS frame, which is described at as being for the official audio source webpage. So on the ID-Tag tab of the file's properties, I can click the "Add" button to get the new field inserted - but what "friendly" name should I type in there, in order to match this new field with the WOAS frame? I have no idea what kind of friendly-to-frame name mapping dBpoweramp does here.

      Likewise for any other tag which is not listed in the drop-down menu when I click the Add button - how do I know what name to type in, to match a particular frame?


      • dbfan
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Jan 2011
        • 937

        Re: Which ID3 tag names map to which frame names?

        To find the friendly name, edit a file with it already set, the name will be shown.


        • Jezz

          • Nov 2011
          • 18

          Re: Which ID3 tag names map to which frame names?

          Well that would be possible if I had a file with that field already there, but what if I don't?

          I think it would be really great if dBpoweramp had some setting that I could enable (or toggle on/off), to display the 4-letter frame names on the ID-tag tab, so I can enter a field based on the frame name rather than the friendly name.

          Or, at the very least, a table somewhere (eg. in the help file) which lists all of the mappings between frame name and friendly name which dBpoweramp uses. That way I would know what friendly name to type in, in order to use whatever frame name I'm wanting to use. Being able to edit/cusomise the friendly names myself would be even more awesome, as some of the friendly names are a bit on the long side, when viewed in the tooltip (eg. "User defined URL link" instead of simply "URL").


          • Jezz

            • Nov 2011
            • 18

            Re: Which ID3 tag names map to which frame names?

            BTW should I perhaps make this suggestion in the Wishlist forum? Or is it sufficient to make it here?


            • Spoon
              • Apr 2002
              • 44835

              Re: Which ID3 tag names map to which frame names?

              Wish list section is best.

