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Tempo Tag?

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  • bluesbeat

    • Oct 2011
    • 6

    Tempo Tag?

    I am considering using dbpoweramp cd ripper to rip my collection. Before ripping is it possible to enter tempo info for the tracks, eg "slow/fast" etc. I can't seen to get a column to display for that tag. How can I do this.....and such that it's in a common tag that other programs can use?
    Many thanks.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44840

    Re: Tempo Tag?

    You can add any tags you wish in the meta data section (middle bottom), it is unlikely that if you add tempo 'slow' any other program would use it.


    • bluesbeat

      • Oct 2011
      • 6

      Re: Tempo Tag?

      Exactly. That is why I was asking, is there a way to map it to a set tag that is used for the same purpose by another program? I use MusicBee as my main player and it has a tempo tag facility.

      In any case , i have created a temp tag in dbpoweramp cd ripper, but I can't get it to show as a column in the ripper interface, so how can I fill a value in?


      • bluesbeat

        • Oct 2011
        • 6

        Re: Tempo Tag?

        Yes I see it now in the "middle bottom section". so does it just write to a custom tag field? Is there a set tempo tag under IDv2.3?

        I just created a tempo tag and it shows up under "BPM" in musicBee instead of tempo, which is better than nothing. If I found out which tag Musicbee is using for Tempo would it be possible to match that with a tag from dbpoweramp? I'm unsure how many custom tags are available, so maybe not possible?


        • bluesbeat

          • Oct 2011
          • 6

          Re: Tempo Tag?

          MusicBee uses TXXX/TEMPO Tag code for Tempo as it turns out, don't know if DMC can write to that? I see you have a tempo tag in the batch converter, but not in the ripper.
          Last edited by bluesbeat; October 03, 2011, 01:04 PM.


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44840

            Re: Tempo Tag?

            dBpoweramp cannot write that, as internally we map Tempo >> the correct ID3v2.3 place holder for tempo which is TBPM

            TXXX is a store for tags which have no place holders in id3v2


            • bluesbeat

              • Oct 2011
              • 6

              Re: Tempo Tag?

              I've done a test and your tempo tag in the batch music converter matches directly to musicBee's tempo tag. Is that a different one to the ripper?


              • Spoon
                • Apr 2002
                • 44840

                Re: Tempo Tag?

                No will be the same.


                • bluesbeat

                  • Oct 2011
                  • 6

                  Re: Tempo Tag?

                  Obviously I'm doing something wrong then. When I create a custom tag in the ripper and name it "Tempo" it equates to Musicbee's BPM field which is a TBPM tag. There appears to be no Tempo field already in the cd ripper, that's why i created a custom one. Is there a naming convention I should be using?. i've looked for a help file on this but there's nothing much that covers it...that i can find. Batch Music converter's Tempo matches Musicbee's tempo exactly, hence my question above. s o It looks like there's no standard tempo in the ripper like there is in Musicbee and media monkey.


                  • Spoon
                    • Apr 2002
                    • 44840

                    Re: Tempo Tag?

                    There is no standard tempo tag, it has to be created, or you could use the Options >> metadata settings to create a blank one.

