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Add more art than just front cover to file

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  • Dadaalice

    • Jul 2011
    • 1

    Add more art than just front cover to file

    When I rip a CD the artwork says 1 of 1 and I see that I can choose a current art description. So, how can I add say back cover art or liner note photos? When I choose add album art it just overwrites the art that was already there.
    Thank you.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44840

    Re: Add more art than just front cover to file

    As long as you do not click 'Choose Art', instead the + Load from File you can add multiple arts.


    • pianomartin

      • Aug 2011
      • 1

      Re: Add more art than just front cover to file

      Hi Spoon.

      I have the same problem adding multiple arts:
      If I choose "+" then load (from file) there is no problem and I can add as many as I like (I don't know if there is an upper limit but I have not reached it yet!)

      But If I choose "+" then "choose from internet", it simply overwrite all arts that have been added already. Is there a way to work around this?

      One other question: What player (soft or hard) would support multiple arts and be able to show them. Sonos, Winamp, Win7 mediaplayer and Nero player all seem to be able to show only the front cover (or which ever one is chosen as art *blooper* 1). So I haven't really found any player that will show the multiple arts!


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44840

        Re: Add more art than just front cover to file

        >But If I choose "+" then "choose from internet", it simply overwrite all arts that have been added already. Is there a way to work around this?

        No it is how it is designed as most people will choose from the internet to replace the front cover, so there is only 1 art.

        I think Foobar 2000 can disaply multiple arts (you might need a specific plugin to do so).


        • yinyang69

          • Oct 2011
          • 1

          Re: Add more art than just front cover to file

          Hi! not sure if I post at the good place (first time I post in a forum) but I still have difficulties to add back cover and leaflet jpg to my files and in my directory folder

          when I try to add illustrations in dbpoweramp cd ripper from my scanner or load my scanned pictures I see all them in the illustration section loaded 3 of 3 with the good description (front, back, leaflet) but after the ripping when I go to see in the new flac directory I only have the front.jpg art (folder) no back or leaflet and when I open those flac files in mediamonkey I only have the front too (1 of 1 illustration)....any suggestion??? thank you


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44840

            Re: Add more art than just front cover to file

            Multiple cover art would only be embedded, right click on the file >> edit id tag

            it should show them in the tag editor.

